10 Best Teething Gels

The process of the appearance of the first teeth is a very painful process. Every mom (and dad) wants to help the baby in this difficult moment. A couple of decades ago, the most effective way to get rid of pain was cold (a piece of gauze or frozen vegetables). Now there is a huge number of drugs: analgesics, teething gels, drops, special teethers. Painkillers should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and should not be abused. Gels cause much less harm, as they are applied topically. And many of them can be used several times a day.

A wide variety of medicines can confuse inexperienced parents. Of course, if possible, it is better to consult a pediatrician. If this is not possible, you can choose the drug yourself. For those who have not yet found a suitable remedy, the rating of the best teething gels will help.

10 Pansoral

10 Best Teething Gels

Children’s vegetable gel, it is produced by the French company Pierre Fabre. The tool can be used without fear, it is carefully tested. The quality is confirmed by European certificates.

Only in the gel natural ingredients: extracts of marshmallow root, saffron flower and chamomile. Him can be used from 3 months, and this is a big plus, because most of these products are intended for older people, and in some children, teeth begin to cut very early.

The gel can be used not only to alleviate the condition during teething, but also as an anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent.

minimum price (15 ml) – 350 rubles.

9. Dentol Baby

10 Best Teething Gels

The French remedy will help with severe pain. A real lifesaver for parents, the effect occurs within 60 seconds. It will help with toothache and stomatitis. And not only for children, but also for adults. The duration of the gel exposure is 20 minutes. This time is usually enough for the gums to calm down and the pain to subside.

The active ingredient is benzocaine. It should be used with caution, as allergic reactions are possible. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, you can apply the gel no more than 4 times a day.

«Dentol Baby» Approved for use by children older than 4 months. The only downside is high price (10 g of funds costs about 1,5 thousand rubles).

8. Kamistad Baby

10 Best Teething Gels

German tool. It has a calming effect, heals irritated mucous membranes, copes well with inflammation. All this thanks to the extract of medicinal chamomile flowers. Pain reliever – laureth 9, which is used instead of the usual anesthetics (ledocaine and benzocaine). That is why the tool can be used from birth, although there are discrepancies in the instructions. Contraindications include children under 3 months of age. Therefore, before use, it is better to consult a doctor.

The kids love the gel. – the taste is pleasant, sweet, even cloying.

The permissible number of applications per day is 3 times. Price – from 315 rubles for 10 g.

7. Holisal

10 Best Teething Gels

Dental gel made in Poland suitable for the whole family. Stomatitis, periodontitis, candidiasis, damage to the mucosa when wearing dentures, minor surgical interventions … We are interested in the gel solely as a means to relieve pain during teething. It copes with this task perfectly, there is one “but” – it is contraindicated for children under 1 year old. But it is very strong, the effect occurs 2-3 minutes after use, and lasts up to 8 hours. Upon reaching the age of severe pain, replace the usual remedy “Peace be upon you”, and you can forget about whims and sleepless nights.

The drug can be used no more than 3 times a day. Price – from 400 rubles for 15 g.

6. Dentinox

10 Best Teething Gels

Plant-based gel made in Germany, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The active ingredients are lidocaine and chamomile infusion. They are completely safe, but the use of the gel is prohibited for children under 4 months of age.

The tool is recommended not only to relieve pain during teething, but also to stimulate this process. By the way, the drug can help not only babies, but also children who are replacing milk teeth with permanent ones (if discomfort occurs).

«Dentinox» has a long-term effect of action – from 4 to 8 hours. It is very economical, even with frequent use. Price – from 320 rubles for 10 g.

5. Calgel

10 Best Teething Gels

One of the most popular products is made in Poland. As part of lidocaine and cetylpyridinium chloride, they do an excellent job with pain, as well as relieve swelling and protect the mucous membrane from bacteria.

Means intended for children over 3 months old. The gel can be applied 6 times a day, the effect is short (up to 20 minutes), but usually this time is enough for the pain to subside.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of reviews about this drug, but not all of them are positive. Not all dentists recommend itbut do not forget that each case is individual.

Cost per tool (10g) – from 350 rubles.

4. Lident baby

10 Best Teething Gels

Domestic dental gel. Appeared on the market relatively recently (3 years ago), but already became perhaps the most popular in Russia. Its composition is identical to Kalgel: lidocaine, cetylpyridinium chloride, chamomile extract. The drug is allowed to use from 3 months. The recommended daily number of applications is no more than 6 times.

Perhaps the reason for the great popularityLident baby‘ became its value. You can buy a gel (10 g) for 180 rubles, and it is no less effective than the previous ones.

3. Baby Doctor

10 Best Teething Gels

This gel is produced in Israel, it does not contain lidocaine and benzocaine, the composition is natural (chamomile, calendula, echinacea, plantain, marshmallow root). It has a mild anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. The pain recedes immediately after application, and the effect lasts for several hours.

You can apply the gel to children who have reached 3 months of age. The only downside is the price, it can hardly be called budget. 10 grams of funds costs 500 rubles.

2. Dentinal

10 Best Teething Gels

Italian gel with a safe composition. He does not contain analgesics, parabens, sugar. The active ingredients are only natural ingredients. Chamomile extract, bosswellia, aloe vera juice. The gel relieves pain, has an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. Reduces sensitivity by forming a protective film on the gums. Helps instantly, it is allowed to apply up to 5 times a day. This tool is one of the most effective, on the network you can find a large number of positive reviews about it.

Of course, it’s not cheap. average price – 700 rubles for 20 ml of gel.

1. Babyderm Teething

10 Best Teething Gels

Gel made in Greece. It copes with its task perfectly – it relieves pain during teething, and also does not have a negative effect on the body, thanks to a carefully selected composition. Here you will not find any ice cream, alcohol or parabens. The manufacturer has something to be proud of – it is rich herbal composition: licorice, sage, myrrh, arnica.

Suitable for children from 3 months. Price – from 650 rubles, a big plus is that the tube contains 30 ml of the product, which is three times more than other similar gels.

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