10 best suppositories for vaginal dryness during menopause
Dryness in the vagina is a frequent companion of menopause. During this period, many women complain not only of dryness, but also of itching, burning, pain during intimate contact and physical exertion. Together with experts, we figure out which vaginal suppositories will help with this condition.

The main cause of dryness in the vagina during menopause is the lack of female sex hormones estrogen. Because of this, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, less hydrated and too sensitive. Vaginal suppositories help reduce discomfort. They are of two types – hormonal and non-hormonal. The former contain synthetic analogues of estrogen, and the latter contain plant extracts, hyaluronic acid and other components with moisturizing, healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective suppositories for vaginal dryness during menopause according to KP

Our TOP-10 contains effective suppositories for vaginal dryness during menopause. The rating includes medicines with hormonal and non-hormonal components. In preparing the TOP-10, we relied on the opinion of experts, but at the same time we remind you that a doctor should prescribe suppositories for vaginal dryness during menopause. Self-treatment, especially with the help of prescription hormonal drugs, can seriously harm your health.

1. Oatmeal

The active substance of the drug is estriol, an analogue of the female sex hormone1. Estriol helps to restore the normal state of the epithelium and the physiological pH level, increases the resistance of the genitourinary organs to infections1. Thanks to Ovestin, it is possible to completely eliminate or significantly reduce dryness, itching and burning in the vagina.1.

Contraindications: history of breast cancer, at the stage of diagnosis and therapy, estrogen-dependent tumors, endometrial hyperplasia, thrombosis.

a wide range of contraindications.
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2. Estroka

Contains the synthetic hormone estriol, which activates the synthesis of vaginal epithelial cells and the formation of a natural lubricant – cervical mucus2. In addition, estriol normalizes the acid-base balance of the vaginal environment, improves the formation of beneficial microflora, increases the resistance of the mucosa to infections and inflammatory processes.2.

Contraindications: estrogen-dependent malignant tumors of the uterus and mammary glands or suspicion of these diseases, venous thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis, acute liver disease, pregnancy, lactation.

effectively help with dryness, burning, urinary incontinence, inflammatory processes.
There are a number of contraindications and side effects.

3. Ovipol-Clio

Estriol suppositories help compensate for estrogen deficiency and reduce the negative manifestations of menopause: dryness, itching and burning in the vagina, pain during intercourse, urinary incontinence3. Estriol maintains a normal pH level in the vagina and stimulates the reproduction of beneficial microflora3. This reduces the risk of developing vaginal infections and infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract.3.

Contraindications: diagnosed or suspected estrogen-dependent tumors, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, a tendency to venous thrombosis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, porphyria, pregnancy, lactation.

effective in estrogen deficiency.
not suitable for all women.
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4. Vitaprinol

A drug with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating effect. The suppositories contain several components: extract and resin of Siberian fir, castor oil and cocoa butter. The extract and resin of Siberian fir contain phytosterols – plant analogues of steroid hormones. They normalize the condition of the vaginal mucosa, eliminate dryness, reduce inflammation, and help heal microdamages.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.

natural composition without dyes, preservatives, flavors, have a complex effect: softening, anti-inflammatory, wound healing.
may cause an allergic reaction.
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5. Cicatridin

Non-hormonal vaginal suppositories with anti-inflammatory and moisturizing action4. Contains hyaluronic acid, mucopolysaccharides, tea tree essential oil, oil extracts of calendula, centella asiatica and aloe vera4. Hyaluronic acid and mucopolysaccharides nourish and make the vaginal mucosa more elastic, while oil components help relieve irritation and itching.4.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.

are dispensed without a prescription, contain predominantly natural ingredients, help not only with dryness, but also with inflammatory processes, during the recovery period after childbirth, surgical interventions on the genitourinary organs.
contains parabens.

6. Revitax

Suppositories with hyaluronic acid and extracts of medicinal plants: calendula, centella asiatica, aloe and tea tree. The action of the active components is aimed at restoring the vaginal mucosa, reducing dryness, burning and itching. Hyaluronic acid makes the walls of the vagina more elastic and creates a protective barrier on them, which helps to heal quickly. Calendula and tea tree extracts have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and moisturizing effects.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components.

contain hyaluronic acid – a natural component of our cells and tissues, capable of retaining moisture and restoring the elasticity of the skin and mucous membranes.
contains parabens.

7. Vaginorm-S

Vaginal tablets with ascorbic acid are designed to restore the normal microflora and pH of the vagina. Vitamin C inhibits the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and normalizes the acid-base balance. This improves the condition of the mucosa, reduces itching, dryness and burning.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, vulvovaginal candidiasis.

helps to normalize the microflora, reduce the risk of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
there are a number of side effects.

8. Vagikal

The main component of candles is an extract of calendula officinalis. It has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, accelerates tissue healing, and improves local immunity. Carotenoids and other active substances in the composition of calendula stimulate the blood supply to the vaginal mucosa, reduce irritation and itching. And vegetable polysaccharides and mucus help get rid of dryness.

Contraindications: allergic reaction to components.

has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, moisturizing effect, it does not contain dyes and flavors.
can provoke an allergy.

9. Climactol-Antican

Homeopathic suppositories based on natural ingredients: oils of sea buckthorn, valerian, lemon balm and hops in combination with extracts of mistletoe and yaborandi. Hop oil contains a phytohormone similar to estrogen, which has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels, increases the elasticity of the vaginal mucosa and stimulates the formation of cervical mucus. Sea buckthorn oil reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing of damaged tissues.

Contraindications: allergic reaction to components.

contains sea buckthorn oil, which has a pronounced wound healing effect.
may cause allergies.

10. Feminella

The composition contains sodium hyaluronate, vitamin E, tea tree oil, extracts of mallow and chamomile. Sodium hyaluronate and vitamin E help to moisturize the vaginal mucosa and relieve discomfort from irritation of the intimate area. Plant extracts accelerate tissue healing and have a bactericidal effect. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

complex action due to a balanced composition.
allergic reactions are possible.

How to choose candles from dryness in the vagina during menopause

Dryness, burning and itching in the vagina – symptoms of atrophic (age-related or menopausal) vaginitis or vulvovaginal atrophy (VA)5. For the treatment of VA at the initial stage, non-hormonal vaginal suppositories with a moisturizing effect are used.5. They are also used if a woman is contraindicated in estrogen therapy.5. Good hydration is provided by products with hyaluronic acid5. Vitamins A and E are also considered effective components.

Hormonal suppositories for vaginal dryness during menopause are second-line drugs. Observations have shown that the use of hormonal suppositories reduces the symptoms of VA in 80–90% of cases.5. However, these drugs have a number of contraindications, so they are prescribed to women only after a comprehensive examination.

Reviews of doctors about suppositories from dryness in the vagina during menopause

Many gynecologists and gynecologists-endocrinologists consider vaginal suppositories to be an effective remedy for dryness during menopause. Doctors also note that estrogen-containing suppositories have far fewer side effects than hormone replacement pills.6. At the same time, experts are categorically against self-treatment and advise women to consult a doctor at the first sign of atrophic vaginitis.

Popular questions and answers

Our experts answer popular questions: PhD, obstetrician-gynecologist Angelina Malsagova and gynecologist, surgeon Dmitry Burdin.

Why does vaginal dryness appear during menopause?

Dryness of the vaginal mucosa develops due to a deficiency of estrogens – female sex hormones. They regulate the production of natural lubrication, so when they are lacking, the mucosa becomes less hydrated and more sensitive to external influences. In addition, during menopause, the number of beneficial lactobacilli decreases in the vagina and opportunistic microflora grows, which can cause inflammation. Another reason for dryness is a decrease in the level of hyaluronic acid, which is natural for adulthood, which retains water in cells and tissues.

What to wash with dryness in the vagina?

After urination, plain water is sufficient. And while bathing, it is recommended to use intimate hygiene products with a neutral pH level and lactic acid. It is better to give up soap and other aggressive products that increase vaginal dryness.

What folk remedies help with dryness in the vagina?

To reduce dryness and irritation, you can use decoctions and baths with medicinal plants, oil-based applications.

The use of herbal decoctions inside is aimed at increasing the level of estrogen and strengthening the protective functions of the body. For this, preparations are prepared, including nettle, chamomile, fireweed, calendula, oregano.

Five-minute baths with decoctions of celandine and motherwort help to improve overall well-being, reduce symptoms of irritation.

To urgently provide vaginal hydration, oil-based applications are used. The therapeutic effect is achieved by wetting the material in one of the following compositions: a mixture of vitamin E oil solution and boiled vegetable oil, calendula ointment or oil, coconut oil and sea buckthorn.

Sources of:

  1. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Ovestin candles. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/ovestin__10007
  2. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Estrocad candles. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/estrokad__12543
  3. Register of medicines of Russia. Ovipol-Klio. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_50687.htm
  4. Instructions for the preparation “Cicatridine suppositories”. file:///C:/Users/sstar/Downloads/cikatridina-svechi%20(1).pdf
  5. Diagnosis and modern methods of treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women. Journal “Attending Doctor” dated December 17.12.2021, 2021 K. R. Bakhtiyarov, R. A. Chilova, Sh. Sh. Sardarova https://www.lvrach.ru/12/15438164/XNUMX
  6. Vaginal atrophy: etiological aspects and modern approaches to therapy. Journal “Attending Doctor” dated 03.05.2013/2014/03 A. V. Glazunova, S. V. Yureneva. https://www.lvrach.ru/15435919/XNUMX/XNUMX

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