*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
Everyone knows what diarrhea is. But when it occurs suddenly, it is sometimes quite difficult to understand its cause. Of course, if a person cautiously ate some suspicious salad the day before, and waits, “no matter what happens,” then the reason is understandable. But if diarrhea appeared in the midst of full health, then it is always suspicious. Recall that in a healthy adult, the frequency of stools is very variable: from three times a day to three times a week. Therefore, officially, the term “diarrhea” means the number of bowel movements more than 3 times a day, with the presence of liquid feces, and the bowel movement itself is necessarily preceded by emergency urges.
About the causes of diarrhea
When can diarrhea occur? For example, in violation of the movement of intestinal contents, with motor diarrhea with a change in intestinal motility. In this case, we are not talking about infection. Therefore, there will be no high temperature, no signs of intoxication, no nausea and vomiting, no dry mouth. All these symptoms are characteristic of infectious diseases, and in the case of motor diarrhea there will be a special, cramping pain in the abdomen, which resembles intestinal colic. There will be discomfort and rumbling, and a significant improvement in the condition after the act of defecation. This is a hyperkinetic variant of motor diarrhea.
In chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, absorption pathology and intestinal digestion disorders, substances with osmotic activity can accumulate in the intestine. Then there is a state of so-called polyfaeces, when there is an unusually large amount of feces, since food is digested extremely poorly, and they are undigested residues. This type of diarrhea is called osmotic diarrhea and is also referred to as non-infectious diarrhea. The cause may be obstructive jaundice, celiac disease, condition after intestinal surgery, pancreatic cancer.
It can be the cause of diarrhea and a violation of the intestinal mucosa, when hydrostatic pressure in the lymphatic vessels increases, for example, in erosive and ulcerative processes. Diarrhea occurs in ulcerative colitis, in Crohn’s disease, in malignant tumors – carcinomas and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas of the intestine.
Most acute intestinal infections, such as dysentery or salmonellosis, food intoxication and toxic infections, staphylococcal intestinal infection, coli infection cause secretory diarrhea, when water and electrolytes are absorbed back into the intestinal lumen under the influence of bacterial toxins and antigens. Perhaps the most aggressive, and the ability to cause severe diarrhea with a fatal outcome, can be considered the causative agent of cholera.
There are other varieties of diarrhea, which we will not dwell on in detail. This drug review is for the management of acute diarrhea that should not exceed 2 weeks. But in practice, they begin to treat diarrhea on the first, maximum – the second day, since this condition, unlike cough and joint pain, not only worsens the quality of life, but rivets the patient to the toilet, and completely disrupts the whole habitual course of life.
Acute diarrhea is most often infectious. In the event that there is a plentiful, watery, liquid stool, then we are talking about enteritis syndrome. If the discharge becomes scarce, mucous, with streaks of blood, there are false urges to defecate, cramping, spastic pains in the lower abdomen appear, then the enteritis syndrome has changed to colitis. The infectious process has moved from the small intestine to the large intestine. Such dynamics is extremely typical for bacillary dysentery. In the event that diarrhea lasts more than 2-3 weeks, then most often it is non-infectious. Determining its cause can be quite difficult, because the list of diseases is extremely extensive: from the presence of parasites, thyrotoxicosis, and to neurogenic diarrhea and HIV infection.
In the event that diarrhea is plentiful, and a person loses a lot of water, then oral rehydration mixtures should be used. Specially produced Regidron, Citroglucosolan. But if it is impossible to purchase a balanced mixture, then you can prepare it yourself: one tablespoon of baking soda, one tablespoon of table salt, and four tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of water. After each bowel movement, it is necessary to consume at least 500 ml of this solution for an adult. Additionally, you need to drink 1,5 liters per normal daily requirement.
Sorbents are used to stop acute diarrhea that has arisen for various reasons. In case of suspected infection, antimicrobials and intestinal antiseptics, as well as eubiotics, are used to compete with pathogens. Eubiotics are also shown after the elimination of the latter from the intestines as a means of eliminating the consequences of dysbacteriosis. Consider modern drugs for the treatment of acute diarrhea syndrome.
Pharmacotherapy of diarrheal syndrome
This drug review will list the 10 most popular drugs for the relief of acute diarrhea, both infectious and non-infectious genesis. Preparations from the group of eubiotics, intestinal antiseptics and antimicrobial agents, as well as enterosorbents will be presented. First, the international non-proprietary name (INN) for each drug will be given, and then the name of the original drug that was first brought to the market.
The original drug has the greatest evidence base for effectiveness and safety, but it always costs more than its commercial copies, or generics. In this review, prices for original drugs will be given, as well as for some generics, which will be listed further after the original drug. Also, the review will give the price that is relevant for pharmacies of all forms of ownership in the Russian Federation for the spring of 2020. The remedies included in this review are dictated by national and international guidelines for the management of diarrheal syndrome. The review did not aim to make advertising for any manufacturer or drug included in the list, as well as anti-advertising for drugs that were not included in this list. The group of enterosorbents opens the list of popular drugs.
10 best remedies for diarrhea (diarrhea)
Nomination | Place | Name | Price |
Enterosorbents | 1 | Povidone (Enterodes) | 143 ₽ |
2 | Polymethylsiloxane hydrate (Enterosgel) | 419 ₽ | |
3 | Lactulose+lignin hydrolysis (Lactofiltrum) | 306 ₽ | |
Eubiotics | 1 | Enterol | 321 ₽ |
2 | PROBIFOR (bifidobacteria bifidum) | 627 ₽ | |
3 | SPOROBACTERIN (bacillus subtilis) | 349 ₽ | |
Separate funds | 1 | Imodium | 203 |
2 | Racecadotril (Hydrasek) | 453 ₽ | |
Antimicrobials and intestinal antiseptics | 1 | Rifaximin (ALPHA NORMIX) | 1 389 ₽ |
2 | Nifuroxazide (Ersefuril, Adisord, Stopdiar, Nifural, Elufor) | 453 ₽ |
Enterosorbents do not kill microorganisms, they are not able to reduce the secretion of fluid and electrolytes into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, they do not change intestinal motility. Sorbents do not enter into any chemical reactions in the intestinal lumen. So what are they doing? They, with the help of physical laws, are able to absorb toxins, since they have a special sorption capacity, which depends on the effective area of the sorbent.
All enterosorbents are substances that have a very large suction surface per unit volume or mass, and are capable of absorbing various molecules that are small in size and have a mass characteristic of toxins and antigens. The most famous of the sorbents is activated carbon. But for a long time he lost the palm to modern enterosorbents with the largest possible surface. That is why activated carbon has already lost its therapeutic value, since it has insufficient sorption capacity, and is already a weak substance.
It is impossible not to mention some negative factors, which are mainly found during prolonged use of sorbents. They can also absorb useful particles: these are mineral salts and vitamins, the absorption of certain enzymes. Therefore, with a large number of enterosorbents used, the patient may develop a relative enzymatic deficiency, and this will require appropriate correction.
Povidone (Enterodes)
Rating: 4.9
This is a Russian medicine, and povidone is known to many under the name povidone-iodine, as a local drug for lubricating the oral cavity for sore throats and inflammatory processes in the pharynx. In this case, pure povidone, in powders weighing 50 g (10 doses), is taken orally for acute bacterial diarrhea. These powders are produced by the domestic company CJSC Vifitech, and the antidiarrheal effect is associated with the sorption of endogenous toxins and toxins that are exogenous in nature and enter the body along with microbes. The effect occurs 30 minutes after administration, and in uncomplicated cases, the drug can stop diarrhea alone. It should be clarified that, like all sorbents, it cannot destroy microbes. Therefore, if there is a temperature that is associated with the production of microbial antigens, then this drug will not affect the temperature. It will bind microbial toxins, and will be effective only in those infectious processes when microbes produce toxins, that is, toxic substances. These are dysentery, salmonellosis, food poisoning.
It is necessary to consume inside the powder of 5 g (1 teaspoon), dissolving in half a glass of boiled water. It is not forbidden to add clear clarified fruit juice to improve the taste. Half a glass should be taken 3 times a day, from 2 days to a week, until the signs of intoxication disappear. It is worth packing powders no more than 160 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage is its inertness, so the tool has a fairly good tolerance. True, in some cases there may be nausea and vomiting, but they soon pass, and are not grounds for discontinuing the drug. In the event that diarrhea does not go away within three days, the condition worsens, signs of intoxication and dehydration occur, it is urgent to stop treatment and consult a doctor.
Polymethylsiloxane hydrate (Enterosgel)
Rating: 4.8
The legendary domestic drug, which is made on the basis of an organosilicon matrix. For a large tube of pasta weighing 225 g, you will have to pay from 350 to 420 rubles. It perfectly absorbs medium-sized toxic molecules, envelops, reduces the symptoms of acute and chronic intoxication. Moreover, toxic substances include not only microbial toxins. These are viruses, various allergens, ionizing radionuclides. Therefore, it is used not only for acute or chronic diarrheal syndrome, but also for intoxication in various diseases, for example, in chronic and acute viral hepatitis. Therefore, the list of indications includes all possible intoxications, including industrial, acute poisoning, including drugs, ethyl alcohol and salts of heavy metals. In some cases, Enterosgel helps with high nitrogen in the blood plasma.
It is very important to know that Enterosgel, like all other sorbents, must be taken strictly separately from other medicines and food, and the difference should be 2, and preferably 3 hours. Reception for adults – one and a half tablespoons of paste, dissolved in a glass of water, three times a day. For children there is a special sweet paste with flavor. For the treatment of acute diarrhea syndrome, it is quite enough to take Enterosgel for 3-5 days.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of Enterosgel, and at the same time the disadvantage is that it is a colorless, tasteless and odorless paste. That is why when swallowed, many have a gag reflex. Therefore, it is advisable to first take a deep breath, and then drink the whole glass in one gulp. Also, the drug has contraindications. It can not be used with low intestinal tone, and with individual intolerance. It can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, and from the side effects, the aversion to the drug already described above is noted, but it is typical for deep stages of renal failure. An overdose of Enterosgel is not possible. And the only harm it can cause is a decrease in the effect of other medicines if taken by mistake together with Enterosgel.
Lactulose+lignin hydrolysis (Lactofiltrum)
Rating: 4.7
Laktofiltrum is a modern combined sorbent, it contains lactulose polysaccharide and hydrolytic lignin. Lactulose is an excellent osmotic laxative when taken by itself in large quantities. But in small doses, in which it is contained in Laktofiltrum, its effect is to affect the microflora. Lactic acid bacteria that are in the large intestine can absorb lactulose, and as a result of their vital activity, they secrete products into the intestine that acidify the intestinal environment. This leads to the fact that putrefactive and pathogenic microorganisms that could cause an infection fall into unfavorable conditions, since they need alkalization. Therefore, lactulose can be considered a means of “chemical warfare” with pathogenic microbes, and at the same time food for “own microbes”, which maintains normal intestinal microflora. A very important effect of lactulose is to reduce the level of ammonia in the intestines and prevent its absorption into the blood.
The second component of Lactofiltrum is hydrolytic lignin, which is similar in structure to cellulose, but it is numerous condensed aromatic polymers. Lignin is not only used as a sorbent, but is even used as a boiler fuel and raw material for porous bricks and polyurethane foam. However, its working area is extremely large, and when taken orally, it can work as a natural dietary fiber, or fiber. It has a positive effect on the normal intestinal microflora, binds and removes microbial toxins, heavy metal salts, allergens and isotopes, ammonia and other substances from the body. It is necessary to apply Laktofiltrum one hour before meals and other medicines, drinking a small amount of liquid, 3 tablets 3 times a day, the minimum course of treatment is 2 weeks. Lactofiltrum is produced by the domestic company AVBA RUS, and 30 tablets, designed for three days of administration, will cost from 220 to 300 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
A big plus of this drug will be the ability to use it with an excess of nitrogen, for example, in chronic liver failure, severe forms of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. It is also used for irritable bowel syndrome, and various types of diarrhea. However, it should not be prescribed in case of suspected intestinal obstruction, gastric or intestinal bleeding, with intestinal atony. Overdose symptoms are also possible, for example, flatulence, or vice versa, diarrhea stimulation. It is associated with irritation of the intestine by lignin fibers, which, as we remember, can exhibit the properties of ordinary fiber, accelerating the motility of the colon. But in general, it is a good drug that can be used in all forms of diarrhea, as an initial remedy.
Eubiotics, or bacterial remedies that compensate for the lack of normal intestinal microflora, are means of pathogenetic control of infectious diarrhea. Normal micro-organisms, which are killed by the aggression of intestinal pathogens, need help, and this help comes in the form of a large number of new living microbes. They force pathogenic microorganisms to fight for territory, for food resources, weaken and exhaust the enemy.
In the event that a person’s diarrhea was caused not by an infection, but by some other condition, for example, thyrotoxicosis, neurogenic diarrhea, or intestinal hypermotility, then eubiotics will not help to cope with the causes of diarrhea, since it will be reflex or endocrine in nature. But, however, there will be no harm from them, and replenishment of the normal microflora with new, healthy representatives will always be useful. That is why all eubiotics have practically no contraindications and side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance. Recall that they begin to give Bifidumbacterin to babies already in the hospital. What modern eubiotics help with various types of infectious diarrhea?
Rating: 4.9
Yeast, or rather Saccharomyces boulardii, act as a savior of the intestines. This is a eubiotic from the category of monocomponent, that is, containing living microorganisms of a single species. Yeast contribute to the fixation of the stool, show hostility, or, as they say, antagonism to pathogenic, and even conditionally pathogenic microbes. While they don’t kill them, the yeast does stop them from growing. The culture of Saccharomycetes increases the ability of the tissue to immune defense by increasing the production of class A immunoglobulins, that is, secretory antibodies.
Enterol is indicated for use in any form of diarrhea, in the case of dysbacteriosis that has developed after taking antibiotics for a variety of reasons, in the case of irritable bowel, as well as in recurrent pseudomembranous colitis, which are a serious disease and are caused by pathogenic clostridia. Produced by Enterol by Sanofi, or Biocodex, this is a French drug. It costs a lot. One package of 30 capsules of 250 mg will cost from 450 to 650 rubles. It is necessary to apply Enterol after meals, two capsules, once or twice a day. Thus, the maximum daily dose of 4 capsules is enough for a weekly course of treatment, and still remains for one dose on the 8th day. The only condition is not to mix Enterol with hot drinks and alcohol. Do not forget, you must be on a diet: intestinal table number 4. Alcohol is strictly contraindicated, contrary to the popular advice “vodka with pepper – for colds, and with salt – for diarrhea.” When consuming these living protectors, they do not need to be boiled or poisoned.
Advantages and disadvantages
All eubiotics are well tolerated: only people with hypersensitivity are contraindicated, but an allergy can be to anything. There are cases when an allergy arose even to water. However, there is still a very rare contraindication. This is a condition when a patient has a central venous catheter in a hospital setting. But this contraindication does not apply to our topic on the sudden onset of diarrhea syndrome. Enterol can be used during pregnancy and in a nursing mother, but it is still desirable to prevent the appearance of diarrhea syndrome in these cases. There are practically no side effects of Enterol, as well as an overdose. Of the interactions – you can not use it together with antifungal drugs. After all, yeast is unicellular fungi, and if a patient who is being treated for a fungal infection decides to take Enterol, then all Saccharomycetes will simply be destroyed by antifungal agents, and he will waste his money.
PROBIFOR (bifidobacteria bifidum)
Rating: 4.8
If you look at pharmacy prices, you may notice that both Probifor and Bifidumbacterin Forte contain bifidobacteria. However, the price of these drugs is very different. If you buy Bifidumbacterin Forte, then 30 packs of 5 doses will cost no more than 520 rubles. But 18 capsules of Probifor will cost you, on average, 1250 rubles. How can this happen? After all, they have the same manufacturer, domestic, CJSC Partner. The active microorganisms are the same, but the price is different. How can this be explained?
This is due to the fact that the drug Probifor is not simple bifidobacteria, as in Bifidumbacterin. They are precipitated, or sorbed, on activated carbon, and in one capsule there are at least 500 million colony-forming units, that is, future colonies of bifidobacteria. The fact that beneficial microorganisms are safely hidden in activated carbon protects them on the one hand, and on the other hand, allows activated carbon to act as a sorbent. Thus, it is a combination drug. It is indicated for dysentery and rotavirus enteritis, salmonellosis and diarrhea, the consequences of coli infection. It is used for viral hepatitis and sepsis, for immunodeficiency and influenza, for ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Even functional diarrhea and dysbacteriosis are also successfully treated with Probifor, as well as intestinal malabsorption, chronic pancreatitis.
Probifor is taken as a capsule or as a powder. In acute intestinal infections, adults need 2-3 capsules 2 times a day, the course of treatment is up to 5 days. If you need to quickly deal with diarrhea, then the dosage can be increased to 6 capsules, or packets, once a day. Each package is equal to each capsule, since one and the other package contains the same amount of bifidobacteria. In the case of irritable bowel syndrome of non-infectious pathology, 3 capsules are needed once, or 2 capsules 2 times a day. In case of dysbacteriosis, adults should take 2 capsules 2 times a day for a week.
Advantages and disadvantages
Probifor is a modern, reliable and powerful adsorbent-associated probiotic. This allows bifidobacteria to reach the intestines almost without loss, and begin to multiply intensively, being protected by the sorption properties of activated carbon. Of the contraindications, of course, individual intolerance, and the drug has practically no side effects. Only with an overdose, due to the large amount of activated charcoal, the complete opposite of the diarrhea syndrome can occur after a few days, that is, constipation occurs. But this is easy to avoid if you take the drug according to the instructions.
SPOROBACTERIN (bacillus subtilis)
Rating: 4.7
Sporobacterin is also a monocomponent antidiarrheal biological drug. It is sold in the form of a suspension, which only has a yellowish color, a salty taste and a rather specific smell. These are live hay sticks that secrete various antibacterial substances and successfully fight pathogenic microorganisms. Hay stick does not inhibit the normal intestinal microflora, but it gives a lot of good and necessary enzymes. These are proteolytic enzymes, lipases, lysozyme, and others, all of which are found in liquid culture. When taken orally, the drug has an immunostimulatory effect, and if applied topically, it cleans wounds from necrotic tissues and reduces inflammation.
It is also indicated for acute diarrhea, including various acute intestinal infections, dysentery, salmonellosis and others. It can be prescribed to children older than 6 months. Adults with acute diarrhea should take 20 drops twice a day for a week. Sporobacterin is produced by Bakeren LLC. A 10 ml suspension bottle can be purchased at prices ranging from 280 to 530 rubles. Given that you need 2 ml daily, this bottle will last for 5 days, and for a weekly course you need to buy another bottle. So it turns out that the course will be ten days, but this is also possible.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of this drug is that it is a purely live culture, not built into capsules, and not dried, not turned into powder. It is in the liquid phase, and this is what allows you to have active enzymes, and produces a pronounced immunostimulating effect. On the one hand, it would seem that liquid culture is archaic, and the century before last, and on the other hand, it is precisely it that allows you to act most gently, although, of course, it is vulnerable. For example, if you drank a glass of hot sweet tea the day before to replenish fluids, then the hay bacillus culture can be largely inactivated under the influence of hot temperature. There are practically no side effects, the effect of an overdose too. The only thing that you may not really like is a specific aftertaste, but then it will be possible to rinse your mouth with water after taking it.
Separate funds
The group of individual drugs includes representatives that regulate intestinal motility, but are neither sorbents nor eubiotics, and do not have any antibacterial component. This is a completely different group of drugs that binds to opioid and serotonin receptors. As a result, the tone of smooth muscles decreases, and diarrhea is eliminated, but not infectious, but diarrhea of a functional origin. If a person has an infection and diarrhea, then it is necessary to expel harmful substances and waste products of pathogenic bacteria from the body as soon as possible. If, at the same time, the functional activity of the intestinal muscles is reduced, then this will only cause a deterioration in the condition and an increase in intoxication. If you “lock diarrhea inside”, then harmful substances will accumulate in the intestines, and they will have no way out. Therefore, it is advisable to use these drugs only if there is endocrine diarrhea associated with thyrotoxicosis, neurogenic diarrhea, or diarrhea associated with intestinal hypermotility.
Rating: 4.9
One of the popular drugs for the treatment of non-infectious diarrhea is loperamide, or Imodium, which is available in capsules and absorbable tablets. Everything that was said in the preface to this group, fully applies to Imodium. It binds opiate receptors, reduces the release of acetylcholine, and increases the duration of the passage of the food bolus through the intestines. The key point that prohibits the use of Imodium in infectious diarrhea is the increase in the tone of the anal sphincter, that is, it really locks the diarrhea inside. You can use this remedy for emotional, radiation, medicinal or allergic diarrhea. The first dose of the drug is 4 mg immediately, and then 2 mg after each act of defecation with diarrhea. However, the maximum daily dose for adults should not exceed 16 mg. Loperamide hydrochloride is produced in capsules and lozenges of 2 mg, and in one package there are 10 tablets. The drug is produced by the Belgian company Janssen Cilag, and the package costs 240 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
Imodium is contraindicated in bloating, acute dysentery, intestinal obstruction, ulcerative lesions of the intestine, pseudomembranous colitis, and in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, it can be prescribed, but with great care. The most common side effects are abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and dry mouth. It should not be used in children under 4 years of age. But in the event that we are talking about non-infectious diarrhea, then it can and should be used.
Racecadotril (Hydrasek)
Rating: 4.8
Few people have heard of this drug, but it is an antidiarrheal agent, also for functional diarrhea. The active substance is a prodrug, and its active metabolite is thiophane, which inhibits enkephalinase. The mechanism of action of this drug is the protection of enkephalin peptides from the action of the enkephalinase enzyme, and they have an antisecretory effect. As a result, it is extended. As a result, the hypersecretion of water into the intestinal lumen, electrolytes decreases, and therefore it has a very rapid antidiarrheal effect, and bloating does not occur, and the time of passage of the food bolus through the intestine does not change.
Hydrasec is indicated as a treatment for symptomatic acute diarrhea and should be taken before meals. The first capsule – at any time, at any time of the day, and then – one capsule 3 times a day on an empty stomach. The course of treatment continues until the stool normalizes, but not more than 7 days. The French company Sofartex produces Hydrasec, and a package of 10 capsules of 100 mg, designed for 3 days of admission, will cost from 300 to 600 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantage of Hydrosec is a very rapid antidiarrheal effect, and the disadvantage is the inability to use it alone in acute infectious diarrhea. It also has contraindications: it is pregnancy, lactation and the age of up to 18 years. There may also be side effects such as skin rash, angioedema, and headache. With regard to overdose, a few cases are known, but no side effects have been noted. In the event that the patient has pus, blood and high temperature in the stool, then the use of this drug alone is contraindicated. It can only be used in complex therapy together with antibiotics or intestinal antiseptics.
Antimicrobials and intestinal antiseptics
Why are intestinal antiseptics and antibacterial agents placed at the very last section of the list? The answer is probably clear to everyone. If sorbents bring any harm from their abuse, then it will be incomparable with the harm of antibacterial drugs and antiseptics taken in vain. Yes, sorbents can indeed absorb pancreatic and stomach enzymes, and lead to some of the symptoms of enzyme deficiency. Eubiotics are generally devoid of any significant side effects, except for individual intolerance.
But as for antibacterial drugs, it is advisable to use them last. After all, if you make a mistake, and diarrhea will have a non-infectious cause, then the result of uncontrolled use of antimicrobial agents will be intestinal dysbacteriosis, the death of normal microflora, a deficiency of vitamins synthesized by them, the appearance of symptoms of intestinal dyspepsia, such as bloating and rumbling in the stomach. Uncontrolled self-administration of intestinal antiseptics, and, moreover, antibiotics, may, on the contrary, lead to prolonged functional diarrhea.
When should you take antimicrobials? If and only if you are sure that you have symptoms of an intestinal infection. How are they different from other types of diarrhea? Firstly, these are signs of intoxication: weakness, lethargy, weakness. The temperature may rise, although quite often it rises for a short period, or does not rise at all. Sometimes the onset of acute intestinal infections is characterized by chills.
The staging is also characteristic. If you have taken a large amount of microbial toxins with food or water, then most likely there will be symptoms of gastroenteritis, that is, nausea, then vomiting, then abdominal discomfort and loose copious stools. And if it comes to the symptoms of colitis, then the stool will become scanty and slimy. This is how bacterial dysentery proceeds. But individual elements from this harmonious picture may fall out, but still, you will feel that you are ill, and ill suddenly, in the midst of full health. You will be disturbed not only by diarrhea, but also by a feeling of thirst, dry mouth, and a general deterioration in well-being.
If, however, you can add to this an exact indication of a dubious dish, raw water, poorly washed greens or fruits that you could taste, then it is in this case that the use of intestinal antiseptics and antimicrobial agents will be justified. And, moreover, it is with them that treatment should begin. In this review, we will not talk about “old remedies” such as Sulgin and Enteroseptol, because science does not stand still. What modern drugs are on our list? Here they are.
Rifaximin (ALPHA NORMIX)
Rating: 4.9
This is a modern broad-spectrum intestinal antibiotic, which is produced by the Italian company Alfa Wasserman, the antibiotic rifaximin. For 12 tablets of 200 mg, you will pay from 550 to 770 rubles, but the drug is worth it. This is a derivative of rifamycin, and the antibiotic affects the synthesis of hereditary material in bacteria. It is not a bacteriostatic, but a bactericidal antibiotic. The spectrum of its activity is quite wide. These are not only gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, not only aerobes, but also anaerobic microbes, which usually require separate types of drugs, such as metronidazole. Among its potential victims are the causative agents of salmonellosis and dysentery, pathogenic E. coli, Proteus, Yersinia, the causative agent of pseudotuberculosis, Helicobacter pylori. Streptococci, staphylococci, clostridia and other microorganisms die.
It is an intestinal antibiotic, because it is in the intestinal lumen that the highest concentrations of the substance occur, which are many times higher than the minimum lethal dose for the above microbes. It is used for various infections of the gastrointestinal tract, for acute microbial diarrhea, and for the so-called traveler’s diarrhea. Other indications include symptomatic diverticulosis and chronic colitis. In the practice of proctologist surgeons, the remedy is indicated for prophylaxis, before interventions on the colon and rectum, which indicates its high efficiency. The drug should be prescribed orally, and for the treatment of diarrhea, both adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet every six hours, but not longer than 3 days. In any case, a second course of treatment, if required, should be carried out no earlier than a month later.
Advantages and disadvantages
This medicine is strictly contraindicated if the patient has bloody stools and fever, if there are symptoms of intestinal obstruction, multiple ulcerative lesions of the intestine, or hypersensitivity to rifamycin. Also, it should not be given to children under 12 years of age. It is advisable not to prescribe it to pregnant and lactating women. Also, the drug has numerous side effects. Of these, dizziness and headache, bloating, discomfort, and in some cases there may be a feverish reaction often occur. Other side effects occur less frequently than in 1% of cases. An overdose of this drug is hardly possible: in experiments on volunteers, even extremely high doses did not lead to an increase in side effects. This tool is modern, it acts not only on gram-positive, but also on gram-negative microbes, and also on anaerobic flora, which is very convenient. A relative disadvantage can be considered its reception after 6 hours, which limits the time of night sleep.
Nifuroxazide (Ersefuril, Adisord, Stopdiar, Nifural, Elufor)
Rating: 4.8
The distant ancestor of this drug are the pure nitrofuran compounds. They gradually evolved, and nifuroxazide is much more active than the ancient furazolidone, furacillin or furagin. It destroys the membranes of microbes, is highly active against Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae and Staphylococcus aureus, which are most common in food poisoning. Ercefuril is shown in the event that there is acute diarrhea, and the fact of poisoning, but the general condition does not suffer to a large extent, and there are no particularly pronounced signs of intoxication and fever.
Such an interesting limitation of indications for use is dictated by the desire of manufacturers to protect themselves from excessive prescription of it in the form of self-treatment when hospitalization is needed. Anyone who can read “between the lines” will read: “buy and treat for all types of bacterial diarrhea, but if you do not go to the infectious diseases hospital, if you have a high fever, poor condition, intoxication, and you stay at home and you will get worse – then our drug is not to blame. And you can understand the manufacturers. Even if nifuroxazide does its job, then a severe patient may experience dehydration, severe intoxication with a drop in blood pressure, and this should already be treated in a hospital.
The medicine is prescribed for adults in the same way as in the previous case: 1 capsule of 200 mg 4 times a day with an interval of 6 hours. If after three days the situation has not improved, then you need to see a doctor. It is not advisable to take the drug for longer than 5 days. Ercefuril is of high European quality, as it is produced by one of the flagships of the French pharmaceutical industry – Sanofi. And one package of 14 capsules, designed for three days with a little, will cost from 350 to 730 rubles.
Advantages and disadvantages
It is important that it has almost no effect on the normal intestinal microflora, and this is a significant plus. If a person has acute bacterial diarrhea, then nifuroxazide itself, without the participation of eubiotics, is able to delicately restore intestinal eubiosis. But, like any drug that is able to deal with some living beings, that is, exclusively pathogenic microorganisms, it can also have side effects and contraindications for other living beings. But, fortunately, they are few. These are hypersensitivity to nifuroxazide, pregnancy, age up to 3 years, intolerance to fructose and sucrose, since they are part of the tablets. Side effects include rare allergic reactions such as skin rashes and hives. This drug is also modern, and can be considered a lifesaver for acute bacterial diarrhea.
Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.