10 best programs for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins at home
Our body is able to effectively remove toxins and toxins with the help of filter organs – the liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs and skin. But often the load on them becomes too high, and then the body needs help. We tell you how to get rid of toxins and toxins at home

Together with our experts, we have selected the top 10 cleansing programs that you can use at home.

However, our rating cannot replace the advice of a doctor. Therefore, before choosing any method, you need to consult a specialist, and if necessary, undergo a medical examination.

Rating of the top 10 programs for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins according to the KP

Cleansing the body of toxins and toxins (or detox) should be complex, so using only one program will not work.

It is best to combine several methods: diet, herbal preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes, physical activity, water procedures.

1. Plants for cleansing the body

Phytotherapy is one of the most ancient, but no less effective ways of detox. To cleanse the body, plants are needed that improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestines, stimulate the formation and excretion of bile. These plants include:

  • Milk thistle. This natural hepatoprotector contains silymarin, a complex of flavonoids and flavonolignans. Silymarin restores the structure of liver cells, enhances the production of bile and protects the liver from the effects of free radicals.
  • Dandelion. Dandelion root contains useful bitterness that activates the formation and separation of bile, improves water-salt metabolism and accelerates the excretion of toxic substances in the urine.
  • Artichoke. It contains inulin and cynarin – substances with choleretic and antioxidant effects. In addition, they lower blood cholesterol levels and stimulate the synthesis of beneficial intestinal microflora.

There are other plants that can improve the detoxification functions of the body. These are turmeric, yarrow, rosemary, gentian, peppermint, nettle. For detox, combinations of several plants are usually used in the form of biologically active food supplements.

2. Green detox

Green detox is a nutrition system in which the menu is dominated by green vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, celery, kiwi, avocado. Fruits and vegetables can be eaten raw, made into salads, juices and smoothies. The diet can also include fermented milk products without additives, lean meat and fish, cereals and cereals in small quantities.

3. Night fasting

Some nutritionists and nutritionists believe that the interval between evening and morning meals should be at least 12 hours. In this case, the process of autophagy will start in the body – the processing and disposal of damaged cells, toxins and toxins.

4. Preparations for cleansing the body

During detox, you need to take drugs that “bind” and remove toxic substances from the body, improve metabolism, and support the functions of filter organs. Very useful dietary supplements based on pectin and fiber1. These substances help the intestines work, accelerate the excretion of salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.1. In addition, the body requires B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, copper, ascorbic acid, iron, selenium, choline and glutathione.

5. Physical activity

Physical exercise strengthens the immune system, activates metabolism, normalizes blood circulation and lymph flow, which means it helps the body naturally cleanse itself of toxins and toxins.2. It has been proven that with the help of reasonable physical activity, it is possible to normalize the condition of the intestines – one of the most important filter organs.2. Physical activity should be chosen according to well-being. It can be yoga, swimming, cycling, cardio or strength training.

6. Wraps

Wraps help “open” pores, improve perspiration and eliminate toxins. The procedure is best done after a bath, sauna or bath, when the skin is damp and warm. Before wrapping, the keratinized layer of the skin is removed with scrubs and peels. After that, the composition for wrapping is applied to the body, “wrapped” in cling film or cloth, and after 30 minutes the mixture is washed off under the shower. For detox, seaweed-based formulations are best suited.

7. Baths and saunas

A visit to the bath and sauna is a good way to detoxify, because together with sweat our body gets rid of salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances. And according to some reports, warming the body improves the detoxification function of the liver and kidneys and helps to eliminate toxins even faster.

8. Turpentine baths

Baths based on turpentine containing pine essential oil help to stimulate blood circulation and metabolism, suppress inflammation, increase the body’s resistance to infections, and improve the excretory functions of the skin.3. “White” and “yellow” bath emulsions are sold in pharmacies.

9. Lymphatic drainage massage

The lymphatic system is an extensive network of blood vessels that permeates the entire body and performs an important function: it collects toxins and waste products from cells, neutralizes them in the lymph nodes and transports them to the liver and kidneys for further disposal.4. A special massage that can be done at home will help improve the condition of the lymphatic system.

10. Relaxation

Carried away by the physical cleansing of the body, many forget about the emotional state, but in vain. Simple techniques help to relax, restore strength and get a charge of vivacity. Meditation, deep breathing and muscle relaxation can be used for this purpose.

How to choose a program for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins

For a competent selection of the program, it is necessary to pass tests, including those for toxic microelements. You also need to clarify how the body’s natural cleansing systems work (for example, the liver and kidneys), whether there are chronic diseases. Only after that determine the amount of measures for detoxification. Doctors, nutritionists, nutritionists, nutrition experts can choose a program for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

Reviews of doctors about programs for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins

Doctors do not recommend practicing fasting and mono-diets. Such extreme measures can contribute to the accumulation of harmful metabolic products in the body. And also experts do not advise relying on miraculous drugs with instant action.

Purification of toxins and toxins will be effective if you eat right, do not ignore physical activity, give up bad habits, take dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes to maintain the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and intestines.

Popular questions and answers

Programs for cleansing the body are of great interest all year round, but especially in the spring, when you want to get out of hibernation as soon as possible and get ready for the summer. The most popular questions about detox are answered by our experts – Candidate of Medical Sciences, allergist-immunologist of the highest category, hematologist Ksenia Bocharova и healthy lifestyle expert Alena Bogatyreva.

How to determine the slagging of the body?

There are no specific symptoms for this condition. Here are a few signs that may indicate chronic intoxication:

• premature skin aging;

• minor impact injuries;

• bloating, constipation and diarrhea;

• brittle and dry nails;

• hair loss;

• acne and rashes in adulthood;

• constant feeling of tiredness;

• cough and runny nose of unknown origin;

• meteorological dependence – deterioration of health when the weather changes.

If a medical examination did not reveal any serious chronic diseases, then most likely the reason is intoxication.

What is the best way to remove toxins from the body?

– It is difficult to single out one remedy or direction, since the cleansing of the body must be complex. A healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, alcohol, rational nutrition and sports is already a huge detox tool! Free and effective! And if you add prebiotics, herbal preparations and a sufficient amount of pure water to this, you can stop the development of many diseases or prevent their occurrence.

When is the best time to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins?

– Purification can be carried out at any time, anywhere, with any set of procedures. However, we are now increasingly turning to Orthodox traditions, trying to observe some canons. So, now is Lent – the perfect time for a detox. Right now it is useful to start bringing your thoughts, feelings, body systems in order, in harmony with yourself and nature.

For residents of central Russia, a great time for cleansing is summer, when climatic conditions, seasonal fruits and vegetables help in healing the body.

Sources of:

  1. Biologically active substances. Article. Bitueva E. B. Biltrikova T. V. Journal “Basic Research” No. 9 for 2014. https://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=34875
  2. Physical exercise: a new approach to microbiome correction. Journal “Attending Doctor” dated 26.07.2020/2036/15437614. https://www.lvrach.ru/XNUMX/partners/XNUMX
  3. Dr. A. S. Zalmanov and his turpentine baths. A. P. Dovganyuk. Lectures 2012. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/doktor-as-zalmanov-i-ego-skipidarnye-vanny/viewer
  4. V. N. Fokin. Full course of massage. Tutorial. https://disk.yandex.ru/i/hS1wYV996NSIWw

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