10 best preparations for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins
In the spring, the body especially needs to be “cleansed” from toxins accumulated over the winter. A tired look, pale dull skin, problems with sleep and nerves – all these are symptoms of “slagging”. Special preparations-sorbents will help to remove harmful substances from the body.

When it comes to cleansing the body, detox immediately comes to mind – that is, getting rid of accumulated toxins, toxins and allergens. Note that toxins are exogenous (that is, they come from the external environment with food, water and air) and endogenous (which are formed as a result of metabolic processes within the body).

With the help of special preparations for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, you can significantly reduce the load on the excretory system of the body, help the “filter” organs – the liver and intestines. Enterosorbents contribute most safely and effectively to the removal of harmful substances. These drugs bind and remove toxins and pathogens from the gastrointestinal tract, while maintaining beneficial intestinal microflora and do not cause stool disorders.1.

With the help of enterosorbents, you can:

  1. get rid of toxic and toxic substances, heavy metals and salts;
  2. remove allergens.

Rating of the top 10 effective and inexpensive drugs for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins according to the KP

For our rating, we have selected the 10 most effective and safe preparations for cleansing the body of harmful substances.

1. Polysorb

Polysorb consists of silicon dioxide, which is widely known for its sorption properties. This means that even a small amount of the drug is enough to bind and remove toxins, poisons, alcohol and drug residues from the human body.

The drug is not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted unchanged. The doctor may prescribe Polysorb both for acute poisoning and for prophylactic purposes. It is also effective in the period of seasonal allergies, as it cleanses the body of allergens.

Polysorb has practically no contraindications, except for the acute phase of peptic ulcer and gastric bleeding. During pregnancy, the drug does not affect the fetus, but it helps to cope with toxicosis. Polysorb is approved for use in both children and women during lactation.

The dosage is calculated individually depending on the weight of the patient. While taking the enterosorbent, it is recommended to increase the amount of water you drink per day.

contains no preservatives; helps to cleanse the skin from rashes; allowed from infancy.
if the dosage is not observed, it can provoke constipation.
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2. Entegnin

This sorbent of plant origin contains lignin, a product of wood processing. The drug helps to bind and quickly remove toxins, allergens from the body, quickly stop diarrhea and even lower blood cholesterol levels. Entegnin also has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, as it is a source of dietary fiber.  

Among the contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, as well as constipation and intolerance to the components.

natural composition; quickly removes toxins and stops diarrhea.
you need to drink several tablets at one time.
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3. Enterosgel

The active substance of Enterosgel is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, which is a “sponge” with a silicon porous structure. The principle of action of the sorbent is to bind toxins, bacteria, allergens and remove them from the body. The drug does not affect the beneficial intestinal microflora, does not affect vitamins, beneficial micro- and macroelements1. Doctors recommend using Enterosgel in case of various intestinal infections, poisoning and other intoxications.2.

You can not use Enterosgel with intestinal atony and at the same time with other drugs, because the sorbent reduces their absorption. The drug is suitable for children from birth, subject to the dosage and drinking regimen.

effective for poisoning and various infections.
affects the absorption of drugs taken at the same time.
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Good to know
Boost your health with detox
How to choose a safe detox program
Fatigue, poor sleep, and a depressed mood can be symptoms of intoxication, and various detox methods come to the rescue.
3 detox programs10 ways to remove toxins

4. White coal

Another drug based on amorphous silicon dioxide, which helps to eliminate toxins and allergens from the body. The drug is allowed from the age of 14, but is not recommended during pregnancy. White coal is used for detoxification in case of poisoning, intestinal infections, as well as functional insufficiency of the liver and kidneys.

It is recommended to refrain from taking white coal for people with peptic ulcer, gastric erosions, bleeding and intestinal obstruction. Please note that an individual reaction to the drug is possible. Tablets should be taken one hour before meals.

tablets are easy to swallow, unlike sorbents in the form of a solution with sediment.
 can not be used for many problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
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5. Polyphepan

The drug contains hydrolytic lignin (wood processing product), which, in addition to toxins and harmful compounds, helps to remove harmful cholesterol and urea from the body. Polypefan can be used as a first aid for food or alcohol poisoning, as well as for the prevention of seasonal allergic reactions. With course treatment, lasting less than 20 days, the drug does not affect the absorption of vitamins and useful elements.

Polyphepan is contraindicated in exacerbations of ulcers, intestinal atony and anacid gastritis. The tool can be used even for infants, but with strict adherence to the dosage. The powder must be mixed with water and drunk well in advance of meals.

removes not only toxins, but also cholesterol and urea.
powder is difficult to give to children because of the black color and water-insoluble sediment.
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6. Extrasorb

Extrasorb is an activated carbon in the form of gelatin capsules and is used for detoxification cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug acts on poisons, toxins, toxins before they begin to be absorbed. At the same time, it does not damage the gastric mucosa, does not remove useful elements. Extrasorb is effective in food, seasonal and medicinal allergic reactions. It can be used to prevent chronic intoxication in hazardous production.

The dosage should be agreed with the doctor, because it depends on the disease itself, its course and the age of the patient. You can start taking as early as three years of age. Contraindications include lesions of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage (ulcers, bleeding, erosion, etc.).

can be taken by children over 3 years old; convenient capsule form.
gelatin capsules are not suitable for vegans.
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7. Pepidol

The pectin-containing sorbent Pepidol effectively manifests itself in intestinal infections and intoxications. Pepidol, like other sorbents, binds toxins in the intestines and removes them, preserving the positive microflora and useful elements as much as possible.

Pepidol has practically no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. Due to the completely herbal composition, it can be used even in infants, including diarrhea3. The drug is presented as a solution for oral administration.

time-tested efficiency.
short shelf life after opening the vial.
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8. Filtrum-Stee

Another natural enterosorbent, which contains lignin, a wood processing product. The drug helps to remove salts of heavy metals, poisons, allergens and other compounds toxic to the body. It can be used for food poisoning, for example, for the treatment of salmonellosis, together with other drugs.

With prolonged use, the drug begins to affect the absorption of calcium, so it is better to cleanse the body in small courses with additional intake of calcium in between.

children allowed; effective for vomiting.
unpleasant taste; can cause constipation.
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9. Alesorb

Alesobra contains a combination of silicon dioxide and succinic acid, which remove toxins, antigens and other toxic compounds from the body. For ease of use, several forms are available, including a sweetened spread in a tube in strawberry, orange or caramel flavors.

Alesorb is approved for use by persons over 14 years of age who do not suffer from peptic ulcer and intestinal atony. Course treatment usually lasts up to 10 days, however, the doctor adjusts the treatment regimen depending on the patient’s age and concomitant diseases.

flavored pasta is easier and more pleasant to take; convenient packing;
not suitable for small children.
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10. Liquid coal

Our rating of the best drugs for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins is completed by a sorbent with apple pectin, inulin, taurine and succinic acid in the composition. When liquid coal is dissolved in water, a gel is obtained that gently envelops the walls of the stomach. This drug is used to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, while not damaging the intestinal microflora.

Liquid coal is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The duration of the detoxification course is determined by the doctor.

does not disrupt the digestive tract; due to taurine in the composition increases the level of energy; reduces dehydration.
For a course treatment, several packages are required. Pretty high price.
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How to choose drugs to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins

In order to choose an effective drug to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, you should be examined by a gastroenterologist. First of all, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which enterosorbents are used with great care or not used at all. These include:

  1. peptic ulcer;
  2. bleeding and erosion;
  3. atony and dysfunction.

If there are no contraindications from the stomach and intestines, then, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can start taking enterosorbents for prophylactic or therapeutic purposes. In the first case, the course will be small – from 5 to 14 days, with a break of at least a month, after which the course can be repeated.

If the patient already has a malfunction of the excretory system, problems with the filtering function of the liver and other abnormalities, the treatment regimen using sorbents is determined by the doctor.

Reviews of doctors about preparations for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins

Many doctors speak positively about enterosorbents, considering them effective remedies for poisoning and other types of intoxication. According to some dermatologists, drugs to cleanse the body of toxins can be used in the treatment of dermatitis and urticaria.

Popular questions and answers

How to understand that the body needs to be cleansed of toxins and toxins, and answers other popular questions endocrinologist, nutritionist Maria Kodyakova.

How to understand that the body is slagged?

There is an expression that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. And doctors have a similar expression about the skin. The bottom line is that the condition of the intestines can be determined by the condition of the skin. It is not only about skin rashes, but also about complexion and swelling. So, one of the signs that the body needs help with detoxification is poor skin condition. Frequent constipation can also indicate the slagging of the body.

What products can be used to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins?

“First of all, it’s water. The body cannot cope with the elimination of toxins and poisons without the proper amount of fluid. Among the products it is necessary to note the detoxifying abilities of greens (spinach, parsley), apples, flax seeds and cruciferous (broccoli, cauliflower). A balanced diet, in principle, is the basis of a healthy body, because when eating healthy food, the body does not accumulate harmful compounds from incoming foods.

Is it possible to use folk remedies to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins?

– Detox is best done under the supervision of a specialist using proven means, so as not to harm the vulnerable intestinal microflora and the delicate gastric mucosa. Folk remedies, although they have long been known, can affect the body too aggressively. For example, herbal teas promote the movement of gallstones. And this is fraught with complications, up to surgery.


  1. Detoxification properties and clinical efficacy of enterosorbent Enterosgel in the complex treatment of various diseases in children, Nagornaya N.V., Dubovaya A.V., Health of the Child, 2010. No. 3. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/detoksikatsionnye-svoystva-i-klinicheskaya-effektivnost-enterosorbenta-enterosgel-v-kompleksnom-lechenii-razlichnyh-zabolevaniy-u
  2. Enterosorption in the practice of an infectious disease specialist, Zakharenko S.M., Chief Physician of the South of Russia. 2011. No. 2 (25). https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/enterosorbtsiya-v-praktike-infektsionista-1
  3. Comparative effectiveness of enterosorbents in diarrhea in children, Shcherbakov P.L., Petukhov V.A., Issues of modern pediatrics, volume 4, no.4, 2005, pp. 86-90. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sravnitelnaya-effektivnost-enterosorbentov-pri-diaree-u-detey

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