10 Best Pregnancy Tests in 2022
If earlier a woman could find out about her pregnancy already at a rather late date, now the answer to an exciting question can be obtained within a few days after the delay. Pharmacies in 2022 offer a variety of early pregnancy tests – find out which of them are the most accurate

The first pregnancy tests appeared in 1960, but their accuracy left much to be desired (1). Now, with the development of medicine, modern tests are able to determine pregnancy with an accuracy of 99 percent – and even before the delay of menstruation. 

– In the middle of the last century, the hope of pregnancy was worth one ruble. This is how much women dreaming of motherhood paid for a frog that helped doctors determine pregnancy, says gynecologist, senior medical consultant at Teledoctor 24 Maria Menshikova. – And then they came up with tests, which made life easier for both doctors and women. The essence of the early pregnancy test is to determine the concentration of the hormone hCG in the urine of a woman. In a non-pregnant woman, the hormone level is 5 mIU / ml. During pregnancy, this figure begins to rise rapidly. Modern tests determine the increased concentration of the hormone and give an answer to the main question – is there a pregnancy or not.

What are pregnancy tests

All pregnancy tests can be divided into 3 types: 

  • test strips, 
  • jet tests,
  • tablet tests (1). 

Let’s take a closer look at each of these options.

1. Test strips

This is the most popular and inexpensive pregnancy test option. In fact, it is a plastic or paper strip that is impregnated with a special reagent. It needs to be dipped into a container with urine and wait a few minutes, after which the result will appear – one or two strips. 

The sensitivity of the test strips is about 20-25 mIU/ml, however, some tests can determine the level of hCG (a protein with hormonal activity, indicating the development of the embryo) at 12-15 mIU/ml.

2. Tablet tests

Such tests look quite solid, and the reagent strip itself is securely protected by a plastic case, which significantly increases the accuracy of the result. Tablet tests are more sensitive than test strips and can detect hCG in urine as early as more than 10 mIU/mL. 

The principle of operation of such tests is different from test strips: urine with a special pipette must be applied to a special window with a reagent, after which the result will appear in another window. Tablet tests are rarely used due to certain inconveniences in use, while they are inexpensive and show an accurate result.

3. Inkjet tests

This group of tests got its name because of the way it is used. The test must be placed under the stream of urine, not lowered into a container, so it can be used anywhere. In addition, it is inkjet tests that are considered the most accurate among other pharmacy tests for determining pregnancy at home, their sensitivity reaches 10 mIU / ml.

In addition, there are digital tests that not only determine the presence of pregnancy, but also the period from the moment of conception in weeks, but so far only one manufacturer has produced it.

Ranking of the top 10 best and most accurate pregnancy tests according to KP

Our selection presents 10 accurate pregnancy tests in 2022 that can determine an interesting position in the early stages. We will tell you how to use them correctly, and what to look for when buying a test.

1. Clearblue

This is the first digital inkjet test that will not only show whether you are pregnant or not, but also determine the period in weeks. At the same time, if the test shows the presence of pregnancy with an accuracy of over 99%, then the accuracy of determining the period in weeks will be 92%. The manufacturer specifies: the sensitivity of the test is so high that it can be used as early as 5 days before the expected menstruation. 

The test is inkjet, which means that it must be placed under a stream of urine, after which the result “Pregnant” or “Not pregnant” will appear in the window within 3 minutes. If there is a pregnancy, then the result in weeks will also appear in a separate window: 1-2, 2-3, 3+ weeks.

Main characteristics

Type of testInkjet, digital
AccuracyOver xnumx%
From what day can I use5 days before expected period
Sensitivity25 mME/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

Shows time in weeks; high accuracy; can be used 5 days before the start of menstruation.
Does not show the number of weeks over 3; high price in the segment.
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2. Mama Test

This is a classic sample of test strips, its sensitivity is 20 mIU / ml. The test can be used from the first day of the delay, while its accuracy is more than 99%.

The test is easy to use: you need to carefully remove it from the package and immerse it for 3 seconds in a container with urine up to the arrow mark. After 3 minutes, the result will be ready: 1 strip – you are not pregnant, two strips – there is a pregnancy.

Main characteristics

Type of testtest strip
AccuracyOver xnumx%
From what day can I useFrom the 1st day of delayed menstruation
Sensitivity20 mMe/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

High accuracy; can be used from 1 day of delay; low price in the segment.
Requires a container for urine; if used incorrectly, it may give a false result.
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3. Yu-test

Another example of classic options is the Yu-test pregnancy test. Its sensitivity is 25 mIU / ml, so it will show the presence or absence of pregnancy from the first day of missed menstruation or even 1-2 days before it starts, and the reliability of the test will be 99,9%. 

Using it is simple: you need to lower the tip marked with arrows for 15 seconds into a container with urine, and within 3-5 minutes evaluate the result – 1 or 2 strips.

Main characteristics

Type of testtest strip
AccuracyOver xnumx%
From which day to useFrom 1 day of delay (or 1-2 before the start of the cycle)
Sensitivity25 mME/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

Can show pregnancy 1-2 days before the expected delay; low price in the segment.
Not very convenient to use, like other test strips; sometimes does not show the control strip.
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4. The I-Sure test

The I-Sure test is a highly accurate early pregnancy test strip. Its sensitivity is 25 mIU/ml and its accuracy is over 99%. 

It is packaged in a box with a recognizable minimalistic design and is available in 1 and 2 packs. 

Using the test is as simple as using other test strips: carefully remove the item from the package, dip it in a container with urine for 10 seconds to the indicated mark, put it on a clean, dry surface and wait for the result for 5 minutes. 

The manufacturer advises using the test during the morning trip to the toilet, since it is at this time that the concentration of hCG in the urine is maximum.

Main characteristics

Type of testtest strip
AccuracyOver xnumx%
From which day to useFrom the 1st day of delayed menstruation
Sensitivity25 mMe/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

High accuracy; low price in the segment; There is an option with two tests in the package.
Sometimes there are defective options, as noted in the reviews, which do not show the control strip.
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5. Test Femitest Ultra Expert

Femitest Ultra Expert is a representative of inkjet tests in our rating. Its sensitivity is only 10 mIU / ml, so the test can show the presence of pregnancy even 4 days before the onset of the expected period – with an accuracy of over 99,9%. The manufacturer claims that the accuracy of the test is comparable to laboratory diagnostics, so the error in the results is excluded.

It is easy to use the device: you need to pull it out of the protective packaging, remove the protective cap and place it for 10 seconds. After that, the result will appear on the test handle in the window – “+” or “-”. 

Main characteristics

Type of testJet
From which day to use4 days before cycle start
Sensitivity10 mMe/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

Can show pregnancy 4 days before the delay; convenient use.
Sometimes (especially in the early stages) it can show a false negative result.
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6. Milatest Comfort

Another option for highly sensitive inkjet tests to determine early pregnancy. The test is a cassette with a cap, its sensitivity is 12,5 mIU/ml. Due to this high sensitivity, the device can be used 2-3 days before the expected delay, while the accuracy of the result will be over 99%. 

The test is convenient and easy to use, like all other inkjet options. It can be taken on a trip, to work or on a visit, since a container is not required to collect urine. 

Main characteristics

Type of testJet
AccuracyOver xnumx%
From which day to use3-4 days before the expected delay
Sensitivity12,5 mMe/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

Shows the result 2-3 days before the expected delay; convenient to use anywhere.
Sometimes it can show a false positive result; high price in the segment.
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7. Тест Premium Diagnostics First Sign

The Premium Diagnostics First sign test is a highly sensitive test. Its sensitivity is 10 mIU / ml, therefore, according to the manufacturer, the test can show pregnancy as early as 7 days after conception. In this case, the accuracy of the result will also be over 99%. 

The test is inkjet, you need to use it in the same way as other options from this series: place it in a container with urine for 10-15 seconds and wait for the result – one or two strips.

Main characteristics

Type of testtest strip
AccuracyOver xnumx%
From which day to use7 days after the intended conception
Sensitivity10 mME/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

Shows pregnancy already on the 7th day after conception; high accuracy.
Not very convenient to use like other test strips; quite high price in the segment.
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8. FRAUTEST double control

The early pregnancy test from the German brand FRAUTEST belongs to the classic test strips. Its sensitivity is 15 mIU/mL and its accuracy is over 99%. Moreover, you can use the test already 2 days before the expected delay. 

The package contains 2 test strips to be sure of the result. Use the test in the same way as other test strips. After 3-5 minutes, the result will appear – 1 or 2 strips.

Main characteristics

Type of testtest strip
AccuracyOver xnumx%
From which day to use2 before the expected delay
Sensitivity15 mME/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

2 tests per pack; high accuracy; can be used 2 days before the expected delay in menstruation.
Inconvenient to use (requires a container to collect urine); not always found in pharmacies.
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9. Test Be sure “ImmunoChrom-hCG-Express for pregnancy”

The rapid early pregnancy test has a sensitivity of 25 mIU / ml, so it can be used already on the first day of missed menstruation, but the accuracy of the results is from 95 to 99% (depending on the gestational age and the level of hCG in the blood, respectively) . 

The package contains 3 test strips, while the cost of the tests is lower than that of many analogues with 1 or 2 strips in the set. Some reviews note that the reliability of the test result depends on the gestational age, therefore, on the first day of the delay, it may show a false negative or, conversely, a false positive result.

Main characteristics

Type of testtest strip
Accuracy95 to 99 percent
From which day to useFrom 1 day delay
Sensitivity25 mME/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

3 tests per pack; low price in the segment.
In the early stages, it can show a false positive or false negative result.
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10. EVITEST More

Another popular test for quickly and accurately determining pregnancy in the early stages from the manufacturer EVITEST. The package contains 2 classic test strips for double confidence in the result. The sensitivity of the test is 20 mIU / ml, so it can be used already from 1 day of missed menstruation (or 10 days after the onset of ovulation), and its accuracy is more than 99%. At the same time, you only need to wait for the result for 1 minute, and not 3-5, as with other similar tests. 

Main characteristics

Type of testtest strip
AccuracyOver xnumx%
From which day to useOn the 1st day of delay or on the 10th day of ovulation
Sensitivity20 mME/ml

Advantages and disadvantages

High accuracy; 2 tests per pack; fast result (in a minute).
A second test is recommended only 48 hours after the first.
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How to choose a pregnancy test

To get the most accurate result, when choosing a test, pay attention to its sensitivity:

  • with a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU / ml, the test will be able to determine pregnancy on the first day of the delay,
  • with a sensitivity of 10-15 mIU / ml – 2-4 days before the expected onset of menstruation (2). 

Which option to choose: test strip or inkjet? The main difference is in the method of use: the inkjet test is much easier to use, as there is no need to look for a clean container to collect urine.

Be sure to check the integrity of the packaging and the expiration date of the product, as an expired test will show a false result.

How to use a pregnancy test

To get a reliable result, you must strictly follow the instructions on the package. 

1. It is better to use the test during the morning toilet, or at least in the morning, since it is at this time that the level of hCG in the urine is maximum (3). 

2. On the day of the test, it is advisable not to drink a lot of liquid so as not to dilute hCG in the urine, and also not to urinate before the test for at least 4 hours.

3. Before using the test, carefully read the instructions and follow them step by step.

  • The test strip must be carefully removed from the package, placed in a clean container with pre-collected urine up to the mark indicated by the arrows, for 15-20 seconds, then put it on a dry, clean surface and within 3-5 (but not more than 10 minutes) evaluate the result. Even if the second strip appears weak and barely noticeable, this is interpreted as a positive result. If not a single strip appears at all, this means that the test is expired or defective, you need to buy a new one and repeat the procedure.
  • Inkjet tests should be placed under the stream of urine for 10 seconds, after which the result should be evaluated within 3-5 minutes. 

When to do a test

“Most home pregnancy tests advise women to wait: after 2-3 days of delay or about 15-16 days after ovulation,” expert Maria Menshikova notes. “But if the cycle is unstable, the ideal time for the test is determined differently. For example, if menstruation occurs at intervals of less than 21 days or more than 35 days, and also if their periods vary from month to month, the cycles are considered irregular. In these cases, a pregnancy test should be done 36 days after the last menstrual period or 4 weeks after the last unprotected sex.

In general, even the most accurate tests give an error in the results and may be wrong, so it is impossible to speak with absolute certainty about the presence or absence of pregnancy after the procedure. It is better to consult a gynecologist for an appointment and take a blood test for hCG – this result will be the most accurate.

Reviews of doctors about pregnancy tests

Manufacturers of home pregnancy tests claim they are 97 to 99% accurate when used correctly. One hundred percent accuracy cannot be, given the possible incorrect storage of the test (for example, non-compliance with the temperature regime) or violation of the expiration date, the most advanced, but still imperfect technology, says gynecologist Maria Menshikova. The choice, as always, is up to the consumer. We look at the price, the sensitivity of the test, and last but not least, the method of application. An important indicator in this matter is sensitivity. You can determine it by the box with the test: the smaller the number indicated on the package, the more sensitive the test. For example, a test with a sensitivity of 20 mIU/L (international units per liter) detects pregnancy earlier than a test with a sensitivity of only 50 mIU/L. The cost of a pregnancy test can also be a sign of its sensitivity: more expensive ones tend to detect pregnancy earlier. Digital tests are the most popular: they are easy to use and you don’t have to puzzle over what color the second strip is.

– Clearblue test – interesting design, good pricing, you can buy at any pharmacy. The FRAUTEST double control test is convenient to use, small package size. You can buy it at any pharmacy or supermarket. EVITEST Plus is a very worthy option among cheap tests. High quality, compact Head of the Expert Center for Women’s Health, obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, hemostasiologist Maria Selikhova.

Popular questions and answers

Frequent questions about the use of pregnancy tests are answered by the head of the women’s health expert center, obstetrician-gynecologist, gynecologist-endocrinologist, hemostasiologist Maria Selikhova.

When can I do a pregnancy test?

A urine pregnancy test can be done from the first day of delay and rely on its result. If the cycle is irregular, but the woman knows approximately when she ovulated, then two weeks after it, a test can be done.

Can a pregnancy test be wrong?

A false negative test result can be only in one case: if it is carried out earlier than two weeks after ovulation. During this period, the level of hCG metabolites in the urine is still very low.

Do tests show an ectopic pregnancy?

In general, the test shows the fact of pregnancy, but its type – uterine or ectopic – can only be recognized by ultrasound and the dynamics of the increase in hCG in the blood.

What to do if the second strip is weakly translucent?

If the test does not have a clear positive result – the second strip is weakly translucent, then we recommend taking a blood test for hCG, or repeat a urine pregnancy test in two days.

Are there tests that determine pregnancy before a delay?

You can determine the onset of pregnancy before the delay using a blood test for hCG, but not earlier than seven days after ovulation. A urine test can only show a positive result with a high level of hCG, which is rare for a short term.
  1. The history of pregnancy tests and modern methods for determining short-term pregnancy. Terebneva L.A. Journal “Gynecology”, 2015. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/istoriya-testov-na-beremennost-i-sovremennye-sposoby-opredeleniya-beremennosti-malogo-sroka
  2. Gradient lateral flow immunoassay for human chorionic gonadotropin. K.V. Serebrennikova, Zh.V. Samsonova, A.P. Osipov. Journal “Bulletin of Moscow University. Series 2. Chemistry”, 2018. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/gradientnyy-lateralnyy-protochnyy-immunoanaliz-horionicheskogo-gonadotropina-cheloveka
  3. Pregnancy under control: modern methods for determining ovulation. Korotkikh I.N., Kryshtopina O.S. Journal “Gynecology”, 2015. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/beremennost-pod-kontrolem-sovremennye-metody-opredeleniya-ovulyatsii

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