10 best places to propose marriage

Every woman expects a marriage proposal from her beloved man. Most of them do not care where and in what circumstances it will happen, as long as it happens as soon as possible. Yes, many men are not particularly inventive and romantic, but still there are those among them who are ready to give their beloved a fairy tale.

Undoubtedly, a restaurant, a ring in a glass is a win-win option, but if a man has the opportunity to propose in a paradise or the most romantic city in the world, why not? We present to your attention the top 10 best places to propose a hand and heart. This rating is based on the results of a sociological survey conducted among men. Book tickets, buy the most beautiful ring and go to the fairy tale! Be sure that after such a romantic proposal, your beloved will not be able to refuse you.

10 On Santorini

10 best places to propose marriage

It is an island of volcanic origin in Greece. It is called the most romantic of all the islands, the pearl of tourism in Greece. It is very beautiful here: wild landscapes, archaeological sites, the sea and the beach. Surprisingly, the sand here is black. The beauty of the island is unusual, the constant feeling of danger adds adrenaline, the island went under water several times. Yet tourists are not afraid to visit Santorini, this is the most popular destination for honeymoon trips. There are a lot of tourists on the island. One of the most famous sights of the island is the staircase in the city of Fira. On it you can climb into the city from the old port. On a moonlit night, it is especially good here: the lanterns that illuminate it resemble a river, and the views from above are striking in their beauty. A great place to propose a hand and heart.

9. In the park of love

10 best places to propose marriage

Love Park is located on Jeju Island in Korea. If you or your fiancée are puritanical, choose a different place for the marriage proposal. The fact is that the park has a lot of sculptures on sexual themes: naked men and women have sex. Tourists who know nothing about the park and visit it for the first time are usually shocked. Locals believe that walks in the park help the newlyweds relax, tune in to sex, and learn the mysteries of love. If your girlfriend loves sex, then she will definitely like it here. From here you will not leave empty-handed, there are shops in the park that sell various sex toys, as well as a sex museum. The island has a warm climate, a romantic atmosphere.

8. In New York’s Central Park

10 best places to propose marriage

If your morals do not allow you to visit the love park, you can go to America. Central Park in New York is an amazing place. There is very beautiful nature, a fountain, monuments. Those who do not like to engage in contemplation and a relaxing holiday will also find entertainment to their liking: a zoo, street theater, museums, castles. This park is visited not only by tourists, local residents take every opportunity to relax here. You will definitely want to come back here again, and, most likely, not together. New York City’s Central Park has a lot of activities for kids.

7. Underwater on the Great Barrier Reef

10 best places to propose marriage

If the beautiful nature does not inspire you, you want something more original and memorable, go to Australia. There is a huge system of coral reefs, scientists call it an ecosystem, most of it is hidden under water. A favorite place for divers all over the world, they come here from all over the world. They are attracted by amazing biological diversity. Think how happy your girlfriend will be if you propose to her in such an unusual setting. Just do not give the ring immediately, let her enjoy the beauty of the underwater world. The nearby islands have everything for a comfortable stay, the infrastructure is developed here. Diving is not the only entertainment, you will definitely not be bored.

6. On a gondola in Venice

10 best places to propose marriage

Venice, this word alone already sets you up for romance. The city of lovers is visited by many tourists. They are attracted by an interesting history, ancient architectural monuments: palaces, museums, bridges. Everyone who comes to Venice considers it their duty to ride a gondola. This is the symbol of Venice. The gondola ride is very romantic. No wonder they say that one gondolier witnessed hundreds of marriage proposals. And the Italians say that in such an environment, girls never refuse their men. A gondola ride will be the highlight of your trip: beautiful scenery, romance, excitement.

5. On the red beach in Panjin

10 best places to propose marriage

Red Beach is located in the northeast of China, in the Liaoning province. Nearby is the city of Panjin, where you can stay. There is no sand on this beach, sveda grass grows here. Usually its color is green, but in autumn the grass changes it, it becomes red. An amazing sight, if you want to enjoy it, plan a trip for the autumn months. The beach is divided into two zones. A visit to each of them is paid separately, and the distance between the zones is quite large, it is unrealistic to get there on foot. If you want to visit the red beach and surprise your beloved woman, it is better to hire a taxi. Taxi drivers know best where the most amazing places are located. Amazing nature, clean sea air, sunset, what could be more romantic?

4. On top of troll tongue

10 best places to propose marriage

This attraction in the mountains of Norway attracts the attention of thrill-seekers. An exciting hiking trip that lasts several days. The whole day will have to be spent on the ascent. If your girlfriend does not like such entertainment, choose something else. But the adventurer, lover of travel and vivid impressions will be delighted. Mountain biking is considered the most extreme way of climbing. The walk will cause stormy emotions and adrenaline rush even among seasoned travelers. Still, do not try to get there on your own, use the services of a guide. When you finally get to the goal, make the heart of your beloved beat even stronger, offer her a hand and a heart.

3. In Zermatt

10 best places to propose marriage

You have already understood that romance is not only the sea and the beach. If you prefer winter sports, love skiing and dream of steep slopes, Zermatt is the right place for you. This is the best resort in Norway, there is absolutely everything here. Excellent holiday in winter and summer: the opportunity to ski at any time of the year, rock climbing, cable car, gastronomic journey. And, of course, beautiful views, clean air. By the way, there are not much less tourists in summer than in winter. There is enough entertainment here, so you can come up with many ideas on how to make a beautiful marriage proposal.

2. On Mahe

10 best places to propose marriage

Another island that is simply adored by tourists from all over the world. Its location is the Indian Ocean, it belongs to the Seychelles archipelago. Elite resort hotels, the beauty of wild beaches, rainforests, architectural sights. Everyone will find here what he likes. Someone prefers a beach holiday, someone excursions, someone is crazy about nightlife. Very beautiful nature, like from a holiday postcard. A Russian person, accustomed to constant cold, will feel like on a paradise island. This place is perfect for a marriage proposal.

1. On the island of Bora Bora

10 best places to propose marriage

Another paradise in the Pacific Ocean. It is called the most beautiful and romantic island. Newlyweds often come to Bora Bora to spend an unforgettable honeymoon here. Its unique difference from other islands is that its lagoon does not change its color even in cloudy weather. She is always light emerald. There are many palm trees, outlandish flowers, the island seems bright and fragrant from this. It is impossible to convey in words the atmosphere that reigns on the island. On Bora Bora you can enjoy not only nature, but also excellent living conditions. The infrastructure here is well developed. Your girlfriend will be happy, these moments you will remember for the rest of your life.

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