10 best period pain pills
For many girls and women, pain during menstruation becomes a real test. Well, how can you work, study and just enjoy life if your stomach is cramping? In such cases, painkillers are indispensable

In medicine, painful periods are called dysmenorrhea.1. It is of two types:

  1. primary, when menstruation was always painful. The reason is the increased formation of prostaglandins, which cause strong contractions, vasospasm and impaired blood supply in the uterus2;
  2. secondary, when all was well and suddenly menstruation became painful. Could it be caused by endometriosis?3, uterine fibroids and other female ailments.

List of top 10 inexpensive and effective pain pills for menstruation according to KP

Analgesics and antispasmodics come to the rescue with painful periods. Here is a rating of the top 10 best painkillers for menstruation and dwell on each of the drugs.

1. Baralgin M

Our rating opens with the popular drug Baralgin M, which has analgesic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. It perfectly relieves pain and spasms, but you should not take it for a long time without consulting a doctor.

Like all drugs, the drug has contraindications. For example, it should not be used with hypersensitivity to components, hematopoietic disorders, breastfeeding4.

helps with chronic and acute pain, fever; low price.
May cause side effects including skin reactions, nausea, vomiting.

2. No-shpa

No-shpa will quickly help with severe pain and cramps during menstruation. The main active ingredient is drotaverine hydrochloride.5, which reduces the muscle tone of the pelvic organs and relieves pain.

No-shpa has a number of contraindications: severe liver, kidney and heart failure, children under 6 years of age and during breastfeeding, individual intolerance to the components of the drug. With caution, the drug should be taken during pregnancy and high blood pressure. If dizziness occurs after taking the drug, it is better not to drive.

fast and effective action, easy-to-take tablet shape and size
many note the bitter taste.
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3. Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Tablets have not only analgesic, but also anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.6. Ibuprofen is most often prescribed to reduce fever, as well as eliminate pain – menstrual, dental, muscle and joint.

Among the contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, renal and hepatic insufficiency, breastfeeding.

helps with pain and fever, inexpensive price.
Judging by the reviews, the effect lasts no more than 4-5 hours.
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4. Diclofenac retard

This drug, like the previous one, belongs to NSAIDs and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and moderate antipyretic effect. The mechanism of action is similar to that of Ibuprofen. Diclofenac retard is also prescribed for various types of pain, temperature, and fever.

The drug has a prolonged action, so it is enough to take 1 tablet per day. It is recommended to start treatment with a minimum dose.

Contraindications: some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, coronary heart disease, heart failure.

quickly helps with different types of pain, inexpensive price.
long-term use can have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Nimesulide

This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug has several actions at once: anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic. Nimesulide is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, acts quickly and is excreted in the urine. It is recommended to use the drug for acute pain of a different nature – in the back and joints, during menstruation, as well as with toothache.  

Contraindications: gastric ulcer, heart disease, kidney failure, gastrointestinal bleeding and a tendency to them.

quickly relieves pain, spasm and inflammation, is effective for various pains.
may cause drowsiness, short duration of action compared to other drugs.

6. Meloxicam

This non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug is recommended for use to relieve pain in arthritis, osteoarthritis, primary dysmenorrhea (when menstruation has always been painful). It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Contraindications: an ulcer in the acute stage, breastfeeding, renal, cardiac and hepatic insufficiency, inflammatory bowel disease.

quickly relieves pain, long duration of action.
side effects – can adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.

7. Indomethacin

This drug is not available in the form of tablets, but candles. Indomethacin suppositories help with severe pain during menstruation, if other painkillers have not given much effect. According to some reviews, candles begin to act after 5-7 minutes. The drug has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, however, it can sometimes cause side reactions – dizziness and nausea.

Contraindications: stomach ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, bleeding disorders, lactation. Caution should be used for polyps, rhinitis, asthma7.

fast action time, affordable price.
often causes side effects.

8. Drotaverin

One of the most affordable and well-known remedies for painful periods is the myotropic antispasmodic Drotaverine. In fact, this is a cheaper analogue of No-shpa. The drug also relieves the tone of the smooth muscles of the internal organs, reduces their motor activity, dilates the blood vessels, due to which the pain dulls. Another plus of Drotaverin is that the drug does not affect the autonomic nervous system.8.

Contraindications: cardiogenic shock, arterial hypotension, severe hepatic and renal insufficiency.

affordable analogue of No-shpy.
may cause dizziness, short duration of action.
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9. Paracetamol

Paracetamol can be used as an alternative to antispasmodics and anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs for painful menstruation. Although the drug does not fight pain as effectively as other drugs from this rating do9, Paracetamol can be used if other means for one reason or another are not suitable. For example, gynecologists may recommend it to nursing mothers. Paracetamol helps not only with dysmenorrhea, but also with headache and toothache of moderate intensity.

Contraindications: renal and hepatic insufficiency.

minimum contraindications and side effects, affordable price.
will not help with severe pain.
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10. Spasmalgon

Spasmalgon is a combined pain reliever that contains an analgesic and an antispasmodic. The drug relieves pain, relaxes the smooth muscles of the internal organs and thereby relieves spasms. Spasmalgon also helps reduce inflammation and lower body temperature. The drug is recommended to be taken in the treatment of mild and moderate pain syndrome.10.

Contraindications: glaucoma, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, angina pectoris, heart failure, breastfeeding.

relieves pain and spasms, long duration of action.
not suitable for severe pain.
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How to choose painkillers for menstruation

– First of all, with painful periods, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. These include ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac, meloxicam, indomethacin. This group of drugs acts specifically on the cause of pain – increased production of prostaglandins. Important! Taking medications should be started 24-48 hours before menstruation and continued 1-3 days during menstruation, advises obstetrician-gynecologist Kristina Meshkova.

Antispasmodics and analgesics with an antispasmodic effect (Baralgin, Spazmalgon, No-shpa) also help very well. Any drugs should be taken with caution, as they have certain side effects. It is best to consult your doctor before taking medication, especially if you plan to take the drug on a regular basis.

If you experience or change the nature and strength of pain during menstruation, you should seek medical help. After all, suddenly appearing pain during menstruation can be a symptom of serious diseases.

Popular questions and answers

What causes pain during menstruation, is it possible to relieve pain without medication and when you need to see a doctor, will tell obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Kollerova.

Why is there pain during menstruation?

– Pain during menstruation occurs due to the exfoliation of the functional layer of the endometrium – the mucous membrane inside the uterus. The cervix opens, and this causes pain. Severe pain during menstruation can occur due to inflammatory diseases of the ovaries and appendages, endometriosis of the uterine body.

When to see a doctor for period pain?

– It is urgent to consult a doctor if the pain is of high intensity and is not relieved by antispasmodics. In this case, it is worth undergoing an examination, because severe pain can be caused by a disease of the body of the uterus and ovaries.

How can you relieve pain during menstruation without medication?

– Severe pain during menstruation can not be removed without medication. Mild pain can be relieved with light exercise. For example, with the help of yoga. It will help improve blood circulation, accelerate the evacuation of the torn endometrial layer and relieve spasm. Also, a light massage of the lower back will not be superfluous – it will relax the muscles and ease the pain. The position of the embryo will also help, it has an antispasmodic effect.


  1. Dysmenorrhea. How to improve the quality of life? Olina A.A., Meteleva T.A. breast cancer. Mother and Child, 2021. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/dismenoreya-kak-uluchshit-kachestvo-zhizni
  2. Primary dysmenorrhea: strategy and tactics of treatment. Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Borovkova E.I., Zalesskaya S.A. Gynecology, 2018. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/pervichnaya-dismenoreya-strategiya-i-taktika-lecheniya
  3. Endometriosis. Devyatova E.A., Tsaturova K.A., Esmurzieva Z.I., Vartanyan E.V. Obstetrics and Gynecology: News. Opinions. Education, 2015. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/endometrioz
  4. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Baralgin M. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/baralgin_m__40350
  5. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. No-shpa. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/no-spa__591
  6. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Ibuprofen https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/ibuprofen__3090
  7. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Indomethacin https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/indomethacin__6980
  8. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Drotaverine https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/drotaverine__12607
  9. Paracetamol / MedlinePlus https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002123.htm
  10. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Spasmalgon https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/spasmalgon__44504

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