10 best okroshka recipes


We could not decide which okroshka is tastier: on kvass or on kefir, so we immediately chose 10 recipes for this dish. Among them there are not only classic dressing options, but also okroshka with ayran, mineral water and even chicken broth

Okroshka is a traditional dish of and Ukrainian cuisine that appeared more than a thousand years ago. The name is derived from the verb “crush” – finely cut. In the menu of s, this cold soup is fixed as a traditional summer first course. The 10 best recipes for okroshka according to Healthy Food Near Me are in our selection.

1. Okroshka with kvass sausage

Refreshing okroshka on kvass is an excellent salvation on a hot day. The preparation of the dish will take a minimum of time and it will turn out tasty, light and satisfying.


Potatoes4 – 5 pcs.
Egg5 piece.
Radish8 – 10 pcs.
Fresh cucumber2 – 3 pcs.
Boiled sausage300 g
Dill100 g
Green onion200 g
Saltto taste
Sour cream or mayonnaiseto taste
Kvassto taste


Step 1. Boil the ingredients

Hard boil eggs, place in cold water and cool. Boil potatoes until tender and set aside.

Step 2: Cut Ingredients

Finely chop the green onion, send to a deep container. Add 1 – 2 pinches of salt and grind so that the onion releases juice and becomes more fragrant. Potatoes, eggs, sausage and cucumbers cut into small cubes and add to the bowl with onions. Chop dill and send to a container.

Step 3. Mix all the ingredients

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Place in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes to chill the mixture.

Step 4. Fill the mixture with kvass

Pour a portion of the sausage-vegetable mixture into a plate. Add sour cream or mayonnaise to taste. Pour chilled kvass into a bowl. If necessary, add salt and mustard for spice.

2. Okroshka with smoked chicken on mineral water

Okroshka with a pleasant smoked aftertaste, rich aroma of fresh herbs and cucumber


Potatoes5 piece.
Egg6 piece.
Fresh cucumber4 piece.
Smoked chicken legs2 piece.
Radish10 piece.
Green onions3 piece.
Dillhalf a bundle
Parsleyhalf a bundle
Saltto taste
Creamto taste
Carbonated mineral waterto taste
Lemon acid1 pinch


Step 1. Boil the ingredients

Boil potatoes and eggs until tender and set aside.

Step 2: Cut Ingredients

Dice potatoes, eggs, radishes and cucumbers. Remove the skin from the hams and cut into small pieces. Chop greens.

Step 3. Combine the ingredients

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl.

Step 4. Fill the mixture

Add citric acid, salt and sour cream to the mixture. Pour in mineral water and mix well.

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3. Okroshka with apple on kefir

An unusual variant of a vegetarian okroshka. To give the dish a light fruity sourness, we recommend using green apples.


Fresh cucumber3 piece.
Apple1 – 2 pcs.
Radish10 piece.
Green onion3 – 4 pcs.
Dill3 – 4 branches
Mustard0,5 tsp
Cream1 Art. a spoon
Kefir1,5 l
Saltto taste
ground pepperto taste


Step 1. Cut the ingredients.

Peel the apple from the core and cut into strips. Cucumbers and radishes are also cut into strips. Finely chop the onion. Chop dill.

Step 2: Mix Ingredients

Thoroughly mix all the components of the future okroshka. Add mustard, salt and pepper. Mix.

Step 3. Add kefir

Put the mixture in a bowl. Pour the dish with chilled kefir. To make the okroshka colder, you can add ice cubes.

4. Mushroom okroshka on kvass

Mushroom okroshka will give you benefits, rich aroma and taste


Salted mushrooms500 g
Potatoes250 g
Carrots1 piece.
Fresh cucumber200 g
Green onion100 g
Egg2 piece.
Mustard2 Art. spoons
Kvass1 l
Saltto taste
ground pepperto taste
Creamto taste


Step 1. Prepare mushrooms

Rinse salted mushrooms under running water. Drain in a colander and wait for excess liquid to drain.

Step 2. Boil the ingredients

Hard boil eggs, place in cold water and cool. Boil potatoes and carrots until tender and set aside.

Step 3: Cut Ingredients

Potatoes, carrots, cucumbers and mushrooms cut into cubes. Chop green onions. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Squirrels cut into cubes. Mash the yolks and mix with mustard until smooth.

Step 4. Mix the ingredients

Mix all ingredients, add mustard dressing, salt and pepper.

Step 5. Fill the mixture with kvass

Pour the vegetable mixture with cold kvass, mix and let it brew for 10 minutes. Pour into bowls and serve with sour cream.

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5. Meat okroshka according to an old recipe

In the old days there were no sausages, so only natural meat was used. Game, boiled, dried and even fried meat were put in okroshka – the main thing was that it was low-fat. As a result, okroshka turned out to be meaty and satisfying.


Meat pulp of several types300 g
Salted and cured meatby 100 g
Egg6 piece.
Fresh cucumber4 piece.
Kvass2 l
Sour cream 15%200 g
Mustard1 hours. Spoon
Dill1 beam
Parsley1 beam
Green onion3 piece.
Saltto taste
ground pepperto taste


Step 1. Boil the eggs

Hard boil eggs, place in cold water and cool.

Step 2. Cook the meat

It is recommended to use three types of lean meat – pork, beef, chicken or turkey. Rinse the meat, blot with a napkin and fry in a pan, grill or oven until tender, then cool.

Step 3. Prepare kvass

According to an old secret, you need to pour kvass into a jug or a large cup so that fermentation is weakened and there is no foam.

Step 4: Cut Ingredients

Cut five eggs into cubes, at the sixth, separate the protein from the yolk and cut only the protein. Set aside the yolk. Cut cucumbers, fried, salted and dried meat into cubes. Chop onion, parsley, dill.

Step 5. Prepare the Sauce

Combine egg yolk with mustard, grind to get a homogeneous mass. Add sour cream, mix to make a thick homogeneous sauce. Pour in kvass and mix thoroughly. Put the dressing in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes.

Step 6. Mix the ingredients

Mix all the chopped ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste, refrigerate for 60 minutes.

Step 7. Fill the mixture with kvass

Pour a portion of the mixture onto a plate. Pour chilled dressing of mustard, egg yolk, sour cream and kvass into a plate.

6. Okroshka with kvass beef

Another version of the old recipe for meat okroshka, only with less meat, but no less rich taste.


Beef400 g
Egg yolk (boiled)4 piece.
Fresh cucumbers2 – 3 pcs.
Potatoes3 – 4 pcs.
Radish4 – 5 pcs.
Mustard3 Art. spoons
Green onion1 beam
Dill1 beam
Saltto taste
Creamto taste
Kvassto taste


Step 1. Prepare the ingredients

Boil beef, potatoes and eggs until tender, then cool everything.

Step 2: Cut Ingredients

Beef, potatoes, cucumbers, radishes cut into small cubes. Chop dill and onion.

Step 3. Prepare the dressing

Separate the protein from the yolk. Remove protein. Mash the yolk with a fork, combine with mustard and mix until smooth.

Step 4. Combine the ingredients

Mix all ingredients in a large bowl, add mustard dressing, salt.

Step 5. Fill the mixture with kvass

Add sour cream to the mixture and pour okroshka with kvass. Let it brew in the refrigerator for 60 minutes, then serve.

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7. Okroshka with squid on kvass

An unusual variant of okroshka for those who love seafood


squid carcass2 piece.
Radish5 piece.
Egg3 piece.
Fresh cucumber2 piece.
Cream2 Art. spoons
Mustard1 hours. Spoon
Horseradish1 hours. Spoon
Dill1 beam
Green onion3 – 4 pcs.
Kvass1 l
Saltto taste
ground pepperto taste


Step 1. Boil the ingredients

Rinse squid carcasses, clean from films and chords, boil until tender, cool. Boil the eggs until tender and set aside.

Step 2: Cut Ingredients

Cut squids, cucumbers, radishes into strips. Peel the eggs and set aside one yolk. Protein and the rest of the eggs cut into strips. Grind dill and green onions, salt and mash so that the greens give juice and become softer and more fragrant.

Step 3: Mix Ingredients

Combine all chopped ingredients, salt, if required, mix. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

Step 4. Prepare the Sauce

Combine the boiled yolk with sour cream, mustard and horseradish, mix. Then beat the sauce with a fork until creamy and refrigerate.

Step 5. Fill the mixture with kvass

Divide the mixture into bowls. Pour kvass, stir and only then add a spoonful of sauce and mix again.

8. Okroshka with salmon and ayran

The variant of fish okroshka is not only not inferior in taste to the classic okroshka with sausage, but also gives the dish new shades


Salmon300 g
Potatoes4 – 5 pcs.
Egg3 piece.
Fresh cucumber3 piece.
Ayran1 l
Green onion3 – 4 pcs.
Dill1 beam
Saltto taste
ground pepperto taste
Creamto taste
Icea few cubes


Step 1. Prepare the ingredients

Boil potatoes, eggs, salmon until tender. Cool down.

Step 2: Cut Ingredients

Fish, potatoes, eggs, cucumbers cut into cubes. Chop greens.

Step 3: Mix Ingredients

Mix all ingredients and put into bowls.

Step 4. Add Airan

Fill the mixture with ayran. Add salt, pepper. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 60 minutes. Garnish with sour cream before serving. You can add ice cubes if you like.

9. Beet okroshka on kefir

The dish turns out to be rich and thick, and the sweetness of beets and the sourness of kefir create a unique combination.


Cucumber2 piece.
Kefir fat1 l
Beetroot1 piece.
Potatoes1 piece.
Egg4 piece.
Boiled sausage200 g
Dill1 beam
Green onion3 piece.
Cold boiled water300 – 500 ml
Cream40 g
Saltto taste


Step 1. Boil the ingredients

Boil eggs, potatoes, beets until tender and cool.

Step 2. Grind the ingredients

Chop the dill and green onions, add salt to them, grind with a spoon so that the greens release the juice. Grate the beets on a coarse grater. Eggs, potatoes and sausage cut into small cubes. Mix all ingredients.

Step 3. Fill the mixture

Pour the sausage-vegetable mixture with kefir, mix. Dilute okroshka with chilled boiled water. Bring to the desired consistency.

Step 4. Serve

Arrange okroshka on plates, decorate with sour cream and dill.

10. Okroshka with chicken broth

An interesting combination of chicken broth, kefir and sour cream will give okroshka an unusual creamy taste and make the dish more satisfying.


Chicken bouillon500 ml
Kefir 1%1 l
Potatoes3 piece.
Egg4 piece.
Chicken fillet1 piece.
Doctor sausage200 g
Fresh cucumber3 piece.
Cream1,5 Art. spoons
Mustard1 Art. a spoon
Horseradishto taste
Lemon juiceto taste
Green onionsto taste
Parsleyto taste


Step 1. Prepare the ingredients

Boil chicken fillet, potatoes and eggs until tender. Cool the broth, chicken and vegetables.

Step 2: Cut Ingredients

Cut chicken fillet, sausage, potatoes, eggs and cucumber into small cubes. Chop greens.

Step 3. Connect the components

Mix crushed ingredients.

Step 4. Fill the mixture

Pour okroshka with kefir and broth. Season with mustard, horseradish, sour cream, lemon juice, add salt. Serve chilled.

Popular questions and answers

Sergey Sakov, brand chef of the Smokkin network in Belarus:

What is useful okroshka?

Okroshka mainly consists of vegetables, which confirms its beneficial properties, since fresh vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins and fiber. The egg, which is part of the dish, contains B vitamins and choline, which are necessary for the nervous system. And if you add meat or chicken to okroshka instead of sausage, then you can supplement the diet with proteins, which is also good for the body.

How often can you eat okroshka?

If there are no allergic reactions to certain foods, then a healthy person can eat okroshka every day. With exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers and pancreatitis, it is better to refrain from eating the dish. Outside the period of exacerbation, okroshka can be consumed 2-3 times a week. But it should be non-acidic, and with a small amount of radish, which is recommended to be excluded from the diet for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What is the best way to fill okroshka?

Okroshka is usually based on kvass or kefir. Kefir helps the body to better absorb the incoming food, contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body, and also contains a large amount of calcium, which, of course, has a beneficial effect on the condition of nails, teeth and skin. Kvass normalizes the bacterial flora of the intestines, quenches thirst well, while saturating the body with moisture, which is so in demand in the hot summer period. However, do not forget that kvass and kefir can adversely affect the digestion of people with gastrointestinal diseases.

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