10 best ointments from jams in the corners of the lips
Cracks in the corners of the mouth are not only unaesthetic, but also bring a lot of inconvenience – they hurt, interfere with smiling and talking. In the common people they are called “zaeds”. What causes them and how to get rid of them – we will tell you more in our article.

Seizures are lesions of the mucosa in the area of ​​​​the corners of the lips, leading to the appearance of edema, inflammation and cracks.1. This term is used only in everyday life, the medical name of the disease is angular (angular) cheilitis1.

Most often, the disease occurs when the corners of the lips are constantly moistened for various reasons, local immune defenses also decrease and an infection joins.

Factors contributing to the appearance of jam in the corners of the mouth2:

  • lack of B vitamins, zinc, iron in the body;
  • dermatitis and allergic diseases;
  • salivation;
  • malocclusion or missing teeth,
  • the presence of braces or poorly selected prostheses;
  • smoking;
  • constant exposure to the sun;
  • diabetes;
  • weak immune system.

Depending on these factors, doctors distinguish several types of cheilitis.2:

  • eczematous cheilitis (consequences of eczema, asthma, allergies);
  • angular cheilitis (more often associated with increased salivation);
  • actinic cheilitis (occurs due to prolonged exposure to the sun);
  • hypovitaminous cheilitis (deficiency of vitamins A, C, B, iron deficiency anemia);
  • other types of cheilitis.

As a rule, seizures begin with redness and peeling of the skin at the corners of the mouth. Then swelling and small cracks appear, accompanied by soreness when moving the lips and opening the mouth.3. Most often, cracks bleed and bring a lot of inconvenience.

Treatment of the disease comes down to eliminating the infection, reducing the high humidity of the corners of the lips, healing cracks and erosions.

Top 10 inexpensive and effective ointments from jams in the corners of the lips for adults according to KP

As a rule, the treatment of seizures is carried out in a complex manner. It includes pills, vitamins and topical products. The latter include various effective ointments for seizures in the corners of the lips in adults.

The use of ointments, like tablets, depends on the cause of the disease. Most often used antiseptic and antibacterial agents. They will help to localize the disease and prevent further infection of the wounds.

1. Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky)

The well-known Vishnevsky ointment contains birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. These substances have an antiseptic effect, stimulate local blood circulation, and accelerate tissue healing. The ointment works great for long-term non-healing wounds of the skin and soft tissues.

How to use: Apply a thin layer of ointment to the damaged area. The procedure should be repeated every 6-8 hours.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to drug components

helps reduce inflammation, low price, availability.
low antimicrobial activity, unpleasant odor, stains the skin.
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2. Miramistin

The ointment contains an antiseptic, which has an antimicrobial effect against many microorganisms and at the same time improves the restoration of damaged tissues. The ointment is applied to the affected area several times a day. When applied, dry skin and burning sensation may occur. As a rule, these side effects go away on their own.

Противопоказания: pregnancy and breastfeeding, under 18 years of age, hypersensitivity to the components.

effectiveness against many microorganisms, minimal toxicity, affordable price.
should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, children under 18 years of age.
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3. Metrogil denta

The drug contains metronidazole, which has an antibacterial effect, and chlorhexidine, an effective antiseptic. The ointment is widely used in dentistry, including for the treatment of cheilitis. The drug is applied twice a day with a cotton swab. After applying the ointment, you can not drink or eat food for 30 minutes. When using the drug, adverse reactions may occur in the form of allergies and headaches.

Противопоказания: do not use the ointment for pregnant and lactating women and children under 6 years of age.

high efficiency, very rarely causes side effects.
rather high price, can not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
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4. Tetracycline

If a bacterial infection has joined the cracks in cheilitis, the doctor may prescribe an antimicrobial ointment – for example, tetracycline.

Tetracycline hydrochloride is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is active against many pathogenic organisms that cause inflammation. The ointment is inexpensive and effective, it is practically not absorbed through the skin and has no pronounced side effects. For quick treatment of seizures in the corners of the lips, it is enough to apply the ointment only 2 times a day.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the drug, liver failure, children under 8 years of age, pregnancy and lactation.

high efficiency, reasonable price.
the ointment should be stored in the refrigerator, can not be used by pregnant and lactating women.
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5. Erythromycin

Erythromycin ointment refers to bacteriostatic (suppressing the reproduction of bacteria) drugs. Erythromycin is an antibiotic that is effective against many Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms. The ointment helps with seizures in the corners of the lips, if an infection has got into the wound, it will accelerate healing. Erythromycin is allowed to be used to treat children, pregnant and lactating women.

Противопоказания: history of jaundice, pronounced liver disorders, hypersensitivity to the drug.

high efficiency, minimum contraindications, low price.
often causes an allergic rash.

6. Gentamicin-akos

The composition of the ointment includes the antibiotic gentamicin, which effectively fights many pathogenic microorganisms. When applied to small areas of the skin, it is almost not absorbed, effectively heals infected wounds. The ointment is applied pointwise, in a thin layer up to 3-4 times a day. Side effects are rare and are manifested mainly by itching and skin rash.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment.

high efficiency, practically no contraindications.
May cause skin rash at site of application.

7. Baneocin

Baneocin contains two antibiotics: bacitracin and neomycin. This expands the range of pathogenic bacteria sensitive to the drug. The toxicity of the drug is very low, so it can be used by pregnant and lactating women (after consulting a doctor). For the treatment of seizures in the corners of the lips, the ointment is applied pointwise to the affected areas 2-3 times a day.

Противопоказания: you can not use the ointment in violation of kidney function, extensive skin lesions, hypersensitivity to the drug.

effective against most microorganisms, low toxicity, minimum contraindications.
high price.
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8. Nystatin

Sometimes cheilitis can be caused by a fungal infection of the skin. With this type of disease, there is no crust, and the inflammatory process can become chronic. In this case, ointments with antifungal action are used.

Nystatin is an effective antifungal agent. The ointment is not absorbed from the surface of the skin and can be used indefinitely, but in rare cases it can cause skin itching and rashes at the site of application. Apply the ointment to the corners of the lips 2 times a day, slightly capturing a healthy area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin. The drug is inexpensive, always on sale, but dispensed by prescription.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to components. Care should be taken to apply the ointment during pregnancy and in childhood.

high efficiency against fungi, affordable price.
requires long-term use, suitable only for the treatment of fungal infection.

9. Clotrimazole-acryquin

Clotrimazole ointment is active against many types of fungi, is not absorbed through the mucous membranes and skin and has no systemic effect on the body. The ointment accumulates in the thickness of the skin – this is due to its effectiveness. With cheilitis, the ointment should be applied 2-3 times a day, after cleansing and drying the affected area of ​​the skin.

Противопоказания: children’s age up to 2 years, pregnancy. If the ointment needs to be used during lactation, it is better to consult a doctor. With prolonged use, it can cause skin peeling, burning, itching.

more effective than other antifungal agents, odorless, affordable.
side reactions are possible, it will help only with fungal cheilitis.
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10. Acyclovir

Often the cause of cheilitis can be the herpes virus. In this case, an antiviral ointment will help, the most famous of them is Acyclovir.

Acyclovir blocks the reproduction of the virus, accumulating in the affected cells, accelerates healing. To quickly get rid of jams in the corners of the lips, you need to apply the ointment in a thin layer every 4 hours.

Противопоказания: pregnancy, lactation.

high efficiency against the virus, low price;
the drug is effective only at an early stage of the disease, it can cause redness and itching, it is necessary to apply the ointment every 4 hours.
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How to choose an ointment from seizures in the corners of the lips

The choice of an effective ointment from seizures in the corners of the lips in adults is directly related to the cause of their occurrence. Before choosing an ointment, you should be diagnosed by a doctor.

The first step in the treatment of cheilitis is to determine the cause. Depending on the type of pathogen (bacteria, fungi or virus), the appropriate ointment should also be selected.4. When choosing a drug, one should take into account indications, contraindications and side effects. If you want the treatment to be fast and effective, entrust the choice of the drug to the doctor.

Reviews of doctors about ointments from seizures in the corners of the lips

Doctors consider the use of effective ointments from jams in the corners of the lips an integral part of the treatment of cheilitis. It is important to remember that ointments are a local drug. To eliminate the problem – cracks in the corners of the mouth – complex treatment will be required. Cheilitis can develop against the background of various chronic pathologies, for example, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Often the cause of seizures is a deficiency of iron and B vitamins. Any ointments will be useless if the factor that provokes the disease is not eliminated.

Popular questions and answers

Unfortunately, many people take the appearance of seizures lightly, hoping that the problem can be fixed on their own. This can lead to the fact that the inflammatory process becomes chronic, and seizures will return from time to time. The most popular questions regarding the treatment of cheilitis are answered general practitioner Mikhail Lystsov.

Why does the skin in the corners of the lips crack?

– Cracks in the corners of the lips are not a disease in and of themselves. Cheilitis develops when an infection enters them. Cracks can appear in various situations: when wearing braces, improperly selected prostheses, salivation, a lack of vitamins in the body, or when skin elasticity is impaired, for example, during aging. However, if you engage in prevention, such consequences can be avoided.

Is it possible to treat seizures with sea buckthorn oil

– Sea buckthorn oil, like other oils, will help soften the skin at the corners of the lips, but will not be able to eliminate the infection. In addition, the oil is rich in vitamins A and E, and the risk factor is often the lack of B vitamins. Special ointments and creams will be much more effective in this case.

How quickly do the bites in the corners of the lips pass

– With properly prescribed treatment using appropriate ointments, cheilitis will recede in 4-5 days.

Is it possible to use iodine or brilliant green for jams

– When jamming in the corners of the lips, you can use any alcohol-containing drug or furatsilina solution. However, after using such antiseptics, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a special ointment.

Sources of:

  1. Modern possibilities of treatment of cheilitis. O.F. Rabinovich, I.M. Rabinovich, K.V. Umarova, M.A. Denisov. Clinical dentistry. — 2016; 3 (79): 36—38 http://kstom.ru/ks/article/view/0079-08
  2. Clinical manifestations of independent diseases of the lips. Lutskaya I.K. Journal “Medical News”, 2011. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/klinicheskie-proyavleniya-samostoyatelnyh-zabolevaniy-gub/viewer
  3. Pathology of the red border, mucous and skin of the lips: the current state of the issue. Tkach S.S., Yanovsky L.M. Siberian Medical Journal (Irkutsk), 2006
  4. Algorithm for examining patients with diseases of the oral mucosa and the red border of the lips. Chernysheva N.D., Ron G.I., Kostromskaya N.N. Journal “Problems of Dentistry”, 2006

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