10 best ointments for stomatitis in the mouth in adults
Painful sores in the mouth, due to which eating and drinking becomes a real torment, usually indicate the development of stomatitis. Ointments for stomatitis will come to the rescue, which will quickly relieve discomfort and promote healing of the mucosa. What to look for when choosing – ask the doctor

Let’s start with the fact that stomatitis is a disease of the oral mucosa, which is accompanied by inflammation, redness, swelling, the formation of erosions, ulcers or blisters.1.

Stomatitis manifests itself independently, and may be a complication or one of the signs of scarlet fever, influenza and chronic diseases of internal organs2. Stomatitis is usually treated in a complex manner, and ointments play an important role in the treatment.

List of top 10 inexpensive and effective ointments for stomatitis in the mouth in adults according to KP

Together with dentist-therapist Irina Yaskova we have compiled a rating of inexpensive and effective ointments for stomatitis for adults and discussed how they should be used. Note that self-treatment can lead to unpredictable results, so you should consult a specialist before buying.

1. Acyclovir

The antiviral drug Acyclovir is used to combat herpetic stomatitis. This is the first specific antiviral drug that has been widely used in the treatment of herpes simplex virus for about 40 years. The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas on the lips 4-6 times a day for 5 days.

Противопоказания: take with caution in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

suitable for pregnant women (as prescribed by a doctor), effective for early manifestation of signs of stomatitis.
poorly penetrates the skin, may cause irritation at the site of application.
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2. Zovirax

The antiviral drug Zovirax is used to treat herpetic stomatitis. The drug reduces the number of rashes, accelerates healing, and prevents the spread of infection to healthy tissues. Zovirax should be applied to the rash every 4 hours, 5 times a day for a week. When applying the ointment, it is better to use rubber gloves to exclude the possibility of infection of other parts of the mucosa.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, not allowed in patients with immunodeficiency.

quick effect, accelerates healing.
high cost, pregnant and lactating women are prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor.
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3. Nystatin ointment

Nystatin ointment is an antifungal drug that kills Candida. With fungal stomatitis, 5% ointment is used. The drug should be applied to the affected mucosa in tiny doses a couple of times a day for 5-7 days.

Противопоказания: not recommended for pregnant women; hypersensitivity to the drug; not recommended for patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver problems and pancreatitis.

affordable price, not addictive.
may cause allergic reactions, overdose should not be allowed, issued by prescription in a pharmacy.

4. Metrogil denta

It is an antimicrobial and antiseptic agent that kills a large number of microorganisms that provoke stomatitis. The gel disinfects, quickly relieves pain, accelerates healing.

Metrogyl denta is applied to the affected (before use, it is recommended to dry it slightly with a napkin) mucosal area, it is used 2 times a day for 7-10 days.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the drug, not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, people with blood diseases, children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

well disinfects and heals wounds.
can cause allergic reactions and headache, relatively high price.
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5. Kamistad

The drug contains lidocaine and chamomile extract, which relieves inflammation and has a calming effect. Lidocaine well anesthetizes the affected mucous membrane of the mouth. Kamistad has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. To achieve the maximum effect, it is enough to use the drug 3 times a day.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the drug; not suitable for pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years old.

well anesthetizes, there are few contraindications.
allergic reactions are possible, high price.
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6. Methyluracil

Antimicrobial ointment Methyluracil improves the regeneration of any tissues, including the oral mucosa, and also effectively relieves inflammation and pain. The drug is most effective for ulcerative and infectious bacterial stomatitis. Methyluracil is used only on prescription, as it can cause allergic reactions. Apply to the affected area 1-4 times a day.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the drug, oncological diseases, pregnant and lactating women – only as directed by a doctor.

relieves inflammation and accelerates healing.
should not be used without the permission of a doctor, is contraindicated for cancer patients, can cause allergic reactions and dizziness.

7. Clotrimazole (candida)

This broad-spectrum antifungal agent is often prescribed by doctors for fungal stomatitis. Clotrimazole is applied 2-3 times a day to dried areas of the mucosa where there is a fungus. The drug is used only as prescribed by a doctor, as it can cause allergic reactions.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the drug, not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

affordable price, effectively fights the fungus and promotes rapid healing.
allergic reactions are possible.
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8. Alpizarin

Antiviral ointment Alpizarin helps in the treatment of herpetic and aphthous stomatitis, effectively fights viruses and enhances local immunity, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

Противопоказания: pregnancy, children under 1 year of age, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. With caution: lactation (breastfeeding).

effectively fights viruses, relieves pain, inflammation and swelling, can be used in children from 1 year old.
may cause a slight burning sensation at the site of application.
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9. Solcoseryl

Solcoseryl ointment is an excellent healing agent that stimulates the development of new cells, forms a protective film on the damaged mucosa and helps reduce pain. Before application, it is necessary to treat the oral mucosa with an antiseptic. It is enough to use Prerarat 2-3 times a day.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, children under 1 year of age.

minimum contraindications, accelerates wound healing.
high price, changes in taste sensations are possible, can cause allergic reactions.
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10. Kholisal

The drug can be called a universal remedy against any type of stomatitis. Cholisal is available in the form of a gel, which has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It successfully copes with inflammation, anesthetizes and inhibits the activity of viruses, fungi and bacteria. It is enough to use Holisal 2-3 times a day, and it begins to act within a few minutes after application.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the drug, may cause an allergic reaction.

quickly anesthetizes, sold in any pharmacy.
may cause transient mild burning during application.
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How to choose ointments for stomatitis in the mouth in adults

When choosing an ointment for stomatitis in the mouth in adults, it should be remembered that it should have a complex effect: eliminate the cause of the disease and alleviate the severity of symptoms. Depending on what the cause of stomatitis is – a fungus, a virus or a bacterium, specific drugs are selected.3.

The selection and treatment of these drugs is prescribed by a dentist after a consultation and examination of the patient.

Reviews of doctors about ointments from stomatitis in the mouth in adults

According to most dentists, ointments for stomatitis in the mouth are convenient because they instantly deliver all the necessary substances to the diseased mucosa. Therefore, the effect of the treatment will be quite fast.4. Ointments for stomatitis are also good because they do not enter the bloodstream, therefore, compared to oral medications, they have fewer side effects. Ointments against inflammation of the mucosa usually do not cause discomfort when applied and are inexpensive.

Popular questions and answers

Dentist-therapist Irina Yaskova answers popular questions regarding the treatment of stomatitis.

What, besides ointments, effectively treats stomatitis in the mouth?

– In addition to effective and inexpensive ointments for the treatment of stomatitis, the following drugs are used:

• irrigation of the mucosa or lotion with chlorhexidine, furacilin (for disinfection of the mucosa);

• lozenges “Imudon” (help to cope with viral and bacterial infections);

• gels “AftoFix” and “Gerpenox”;

• drug Parodontax Extra 0,2%;

• rinsing with Hexoral solution (2-3 times a day for 1 minute, for 10-12 days).

The advantage of Hexoral is that, in addition to a strong antiseptic, it also contains components with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects (peppermint oil, anise oil, clove oil, eucalyptus oil).

The choice of drugs depends on the cause of the disease. Painkillers and etiotropic (aimed at the pathogen) agents are usually combined.

What is dangerous stomatitis in the mouth?

– If it is a herpetic form, then it is contagious. Therefore, for the duration of treatment, close and close contact with people, the use of common utensils and personal hygiene products should be avoided.

The fungal (infectious) nature of stomatitis makes the patient a source of the spread of the disease to others.

If the disease is caused by an allergic reaction, gastrointestinal pathology or mechanical damage to the gums, then there is no danger of infecting loved ones.

It is possible to indicate the exact cause of the development of inflammation only after examining the patient and studying the results of the tests. Before visiting the doctor, you should limit contact with loved ones and strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

And another important point is the change in nutrition. It is necessary to exclude spicy, sour and rough foods from the diet so as not to further injure or irritate the mucous membrane.

Is it possible to cure stomatitis with folk remedies?

– Herbal remedies also have some antiseptic properties, a calming effect on the mucous membrane. They help relieve inflammation and swelling from the affected mucosa.

• decoctions based on chamomile, calendula, St. John’s wort, yarrow, (rinsing 3-6 times a day);

• rosehip, sea buckthorn, sunflower oil (to accelerate healing and create a protective film).

With an early visit to the doctor, you can completely cope with the disease within a week. If inflammation is caused by a problem of internal organs, stomatitis is treated longer – depending on the degree of development of the underlying pathology.

Sources of:

  1. Stomatitis. Tilis S.Yu. Journal “Nurse”, 2010. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/stomatity
  2. Aphthous stomatitis. Journal “Medical Sister”, 2015. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/aftoznyy-stomatit
  3. Herpetic stomatitis: clinic, diagnosis, treatment. Lutskaya I.K. Journal “Modern Dentistry”, 2016. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/gerpeticheskiy-stomatit-klinika-diagnostika-lechenie
  4. Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Jaleshev.K.Sh. Bulletin of Surgery of Kazakhstan, 2011. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/hronicheskiy-retsidiviruyuschiy-aftoznyy-stomatit

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