10 best ointments for pink lichen in humans
Peeling multi-colored spots and plaques on the skin, although not dangerous, look completely unattractive. We will learn how to quickly cure pink lichen with the help of ointments, and a dermatologist will give recommendations and answer popular questions

Pityriasis rosea of ​​Gibert is an acute inflammatory skin disease, presumably of an infectious nature.1.

Pink lichen is more common in spring or autumn. First, a red-pink spot with a yellowish-brown scaly center appears on the body, up to 5 cm in diameter, which is called the “maternal plaque”2. A few days later, a rash appears all over the torso, arms and legs. In most cases, the general well-being of the patient does not worsen, but sometimes there may be irritation, itching, a slight increase in temperature.3.

As a rule, pink lichen does not require any treatment. If there are no complications, the disease resolves on its own within a few weeks. If the patient complains of irritation and itching, the doctor may prescribe special ointments that will speed up recovery.

Rating of the top 10 effective and inexpensive ointments for pink lichen according to KP

To reduce itching, the doctor may prescribe glucocorticosteroids and antihistamines. As part of the hormonal preparations used for the external treatment of pink lichen, the following active substances are used: hydrocortisone, alklomethasone, methylprednisolone, mometasone.

Among antihistamines, drugs based on cetirizine, loratadine, chloropyramine or clemastine are used.

Below we will talk about effective and inexpensive ointments for the treatment of pink lichen according to the KP version. And our expert will tell you how to choose a good drug and answer popular questions.

1. Advantan emulsion

The emulsion, unlike other forms, can be applied to almost the entire body. It has a pleasant texture and absorbs quickly. Such a drug can find a place in any home first aid kit, since it can be used even in infants (from 4 months).

Can be used for the whole family, high efficiency.
high price.
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2. Hydrocortisone-AKOS

The manufacturer did not fantasize with the name: the name of the active substance is indicated in large letters on the package. Hydrocortisone is used to treat a wide range of diseases, including pink lichen, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis and others. In addition, the ointment can help with insect bites. The duration of treatment is usually 1-2 weeks, but in any case it is better to consult a doctor.

The drug can be used from 2 years. Children of an earlier age and pregnant women are not recommended to be treated with this ointment. Also contraindications are: hypersensitivity to the components, wounds and ulcers on the skin, bacterial, viral, fungal skin diseases, skin tuberculosis and syphilitic lesions. Do not use the ointment for rosacea, acne vulgaris, perioral dermatitis and skin tumors.

wide range of action, low price in the segment.
a large list of contraindications.
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3. Laticort

An inexpensive hydrocortisone ointment can help with non-infectious skin diseases that are accompanied by severe flaking. It is used not only for the treatment of pink lichen, but also for seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and skin eczema.

Laticort can be used from 6 months, but according to indications. In some cases, it is possible to use only from 12 years. There are many contraindications, all typical for drugs with hydrocortisone – this must be taken into account when buying a remedy. An important point: one package for a course of treatment for an adult is most likely not enough.

clear composition, high efficiency.
a large list of contraindications, oily consistency due to petroleum jelly.
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4. Mometasone-Akrihin

The composition of the drug contains the hormonal substance mometasone, which is used in the treatment of various dermatitis, including pink lichen. Helps against inflammation and itching, relieves peeling.

The list of contraindications is quite wide (as with other similar drugs). In some cases, the ointment is allowed for use in pregnant women, but only after consultation with the attending physician.

Mometasone-Akrikhin should be applied in a thin layer on the affected surfaces. The good thing is that you only need to use it once a day. Available in tubes of 15 and 30 g – you can choose the option that suits you.

low price in the segment, convenient mode of application.
can not be used to treat infants (up to 2 years).

5. Hyoxysone

Another combination drug on our list, which, in addition to hydrocortisone, contains the antibiotic oxytetracycline. Therefore, the ointment can be used if a bacterial infection has joined the dermatosis.

Hyoxysone helps to cope with the symptoms of dermatitis, relieve itching from insect bites. Also, the drug has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of superficial burns and frostbite.

Apply the ointment directly to the affected areas of the skin, if necessary, you can apply a bandage on top. And it is better not to neglect this, since the drug is very oily and bright in color – you can easily stain clothes and bedding.

low price in the segment, helps with complications, wide spectrum of action.
should not be used in children under 12 years of age, may stain clothes and linen.

6. Momat

Another ointment with mometasone in the composition, which treats inflammation of the skin and unpleasant symptoms like itching. It is used both in adults and in children from 2 years.

You need to apply the ointment in a thin layer once a day, and for how long – the attending physician will tell you. Before using, study the list of contraindications and discuss it with a specialist. During pregnancy, it is permissible to be treated with this drug, but in small quantities and not for long.

convenient mode of use (1 time per day), wide spectrum of action.
hard to find for sale.

7. Lokoid Krelo

This drug also contains hydrocortisone, but it is presented in a lighter form – emulsions. The medicine is usually used for acute inflammation. It is also convenient to use the emulsion on areas of the skin with abundant hairline.

In the acute phase of the disease, the emulsion is applied up to 3 times a day, later it can be reduced to 2-3 times a week. It is allowed to use the drug even in children from six months, but it is not recommended for young children and pregnant women, since there is not enough data on safety.

Before buying, be sure to study the list of contraindications – it is quite impressive. Including, for example, it is not recommended to use the drug for acne and in the post-vaccination period.

convenient form of application, the volume is larger than that of similar drugs from the segment.
a wide range of contraindications.
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8. Afloderm

The ointment is based on alklomethasone, a substance with anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive and antipruritic action. The drug is recommended for the treatment of chronic and acute dermatoses, inflammatory skin diseases, especially with dryness and flaking. Therefore, this ointment can help in the fight against irritation and itching with pink lichen.

You can use the drug for children from 6 months, as well as pregnant and lactating – but under the supervision of a doctor.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to components, skin tuberculosis and skin manifestations of syphilis, bacterial, fungal and viral infections of the skin, post-vaccination reactions, wounds and ulcers, rosacea, acne vulgaris.

can be used in infants, during pregnancy and lactation, high efficiency.
high cost in the segment.
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9. Naftaderm

The only non-hormonal drug on the list. In the clinical guidelines for the treatment of pink lichen, this remedy is not indicated, but, according to the instructions, it can help. Naftaderm is also used to treat psoriasis, eczema, poorly healing wounds, and so on. It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, disinfectant and healing effect.

The drug is presented in the form of a liquid ointment, which can even be applied to the eyelids and genitals. The list of contraindications is also small: hypersensitivity to components, renal failure, hemorrhagic syndrome and severe anemia.

The instructions do not indicate the age at which the drug can be used, so it is better to consult a doctor with this question. The same goes for pregnant and lactating women.

can be used in the presence of contraindications for hormonal drugs.
specific smell, high cost in the segment.
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10. Pimafucort

This drug can help in case of complications of pink lichen, if a bacterial or fungal infection has joined. In the composition, in addition to hydrocortisone, two more active substances: natamycin (antifungal) and neomycin (antibiotic).

Apply the ointment up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is set by the doctor, but usually the duration does not exceed 14 days. With the help of the remedy, even babies can be treated, but only from a year old – not earlier. It is also allowed to use the ointment in pregnant and lactating women, but not for a long time and in small quantities. In any case, it is necessary, before starting treatment, to study the list of contraindications and consult a doctor.

a wide spectrum of action, helps with dermatoses with complications.
high price in the segment.
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How to choose an ointment from pink lichen for a person

For the treatment of pink lichen, as a rule, glucocorticosteroids are used, as well as antihistamines. Many drugs are available only by prescription, so you will need to discuss with your doctor the need for their use and the choice of the appropriate remedy.

In any case, before buying, you need to study contraindications and possible side effects. Pay attention to the composition – it is possible that there is some component to which you are allergic.

An ideal hormonal drug should have a rapid anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect at any stage of the disease. It should be easy to use and safe, which means low blood levels and few side effects.4.

There are drugs on the market with an identical composition, but with a big difference in price – this point is also useful to consider if you do not want to overpay “for the brand”, for example.

“However, it often happens that the original drug works better than analogues and can more effectively cope with the task. Only a doctor who constantly works with these drugs can tell about such subtleties, – notes doctor-dermatologist Aleksandr Chizhov.

Reviews of doctors about ointments from pink lichen

As a rule, when prescribing treatment, physicians are guided by clinical recommendations. According to these recommendations, Gibert’s pink lichen does not need to be treated unless there are complications and annoying symptoms. However, to get rid of itching, the doctor may prescribe hormonal and antihistamines.

Usually, doctors recommend not only external use (ointments, emulsions, creams), but also oral medication – that is, inside. Such complex treatment should help within 10-14 days.

– As you already understood, the treatment of pink lichen is a simple matter. And even if it is needed, it is possible to cope with the help of 1-2 drugs, says dermatologist Alexander Chizhov. “Therefore, you should consult a doctor first of all to establish a diagnosis. Indeed, under the guise of an almost harmless pink lichen, psoriasis, eczema and other diseases that require a completely different approach to treatment can be hidden.

Popular questions and answers

Pityriasis rosea is often difficult to distinguish from other skin problems. Therefore, when rashes appear, people often run to the doctor or the Internet in search of information. Our expert dermatologist Alexander Chizhov will answer the most popular questions.

How to distinguish pink lichen from ringworm?

– Usually, an external examination and anamnesis are sufficient. With ringworm, there are rashes that look like rings with a clear border, covered with yellowish crusts and accompanied by severe itching. An important diagnostic sign is that in places of rashes, the hair breaks off or falls out. Hence the name – “shearing”. If in doubt, a scraping is performed, which, with ringworm, reveals fungal spores.

How to determine that pink lichen is passing?

– As soon as fresh rashes ceased to appear, this means that the disease began to pass.

Is it possible to cauterize pink lichen in humans with iodine?

“It’s better not to—it won’t speed up your recovery in any way.” On the contrary, irritation of the rashes often leads to an increase in their size and number.

Is it possible to cure pink lichen in humans with sulfuric ointment?

– Theoretically, it is possible, since sulfuric ointment has some anti-inflammatory effect. Another question is why do it? After all, there are many much more effective means.

Will traditional medicine help with pink lichen?

– If you look at articles about folk methods for treating pink lichen, you won’t see anything there! Lotions with vinegar, rubbing newspaper ashes into rashes, birch tar with butter, cabbage leaf compresses with kefir … And the only thing I would like to say about this is that treatment with modern drugs is faster, more effective and often cheaper than traditional medicine. In addition, the use of any means that have not passed clinical trials can be hazardous to health.

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  2. Grebenyuk V.N., Kochetkov M.A., Zatorskaya N.F., Basse F.B., Chudakova T.Yu., Bobrov M.A. Pink deprive Gibert in an unusual aspect. Clinical dermatology and venereology. 2020. Volume 19. No. 5. C. 758762 https://www.mediasphera.ru/issues/klinicheskaya-dermatologiya-i-venerologiya/2020/5/1199728492020051758
  3. Pink deprive Zhibera. Clinical guidelines. Russian Society of Dermatovenerologists and Cosmetologists. 2020. https://cnikvi.ru/docs/clinic_recs/klinicheskie-rekomendatsii-2019-2020/files/KR%20Pink%20lichen%202020.docx
  4. Dermatology. Consensus of dermatologists of the CIS countries on dermatitis and eczema. Extra issue // Supplement to Consilium Medicum. 2014. 18 p. https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=42315725

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