10 best ointments for bruises
It’s quite a shame when even a small blow spreads a huge bruise. And if it is not hidden under clothing, then this also causes aesthetic discomfort. Advertising offers a huge selection of a wide variety of ointments that quickly get rid of bruises, but are they really that effective?

What is a bruise? If you answer this question from a medical point of view, a bruise is a subcutaneous hematoma formed as a result of damage to blood vessels and soaking nearby tissues with blood.1.

Bruises are usually caused by bruises, as well as cuts, injections, and sprains. If the bruise is small, it will disappear on its own in a week. However, you can speed up the process and get rid of the hematoma in 3-4 days. Special ointments and gels from bruises will help in this.

Rating of the top 10 fast-acting ointments for bruises according to KP

Today, the pharmacy chain offers a large selection of domestic and imported drugs. They differ not only in the active substance, but also in the mechanism of action. Consider these funds in more detail in the ranking of the most popular ointments for bruises.

1. Heparin ointment

Heparin-based drugs block blood clotting processes, promote the resorption of old blood clots and prevent the formation of new ones. Heparin ointment copes with bruises in a short time, and also has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment should be applied and rubbed until completely absorbed 2-3 times a day.

At the same time, heparin ointment has quite a few contraindications. Do not apply ointment to open wounds, as this may increase bleeding. In addition, heparin can cause allergic reactions and is not recommended for people with reduced blood clotting. Heparin should not be used simultaneously with external agents – tetracycline antibiotics, antihistamines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

fast action (2-3 days), can be used for other diseases (thrombophlebitis, external hemorrhoids, lymphadenitis, bruises and swelling), low price.
can cause allergies, is poorly absorbed, should not be taken together with antibiotics and antihistamines.
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2. Heparin-Akrikhin

Heparin-Akrikhin is an effective anticoagulant in the form of a gel. The main active ingredient is heparin, carbomer, trometamol, lavender and neroli oils are used as auxiliary. Heparin-Akrikhin, unlike heparin ointment, is well absorbed, copes well with bruises, swelling and soft tissue injuries. The tool has common contraindications with all drugs based on heparin.

fast acting, well absorbed, reasonable price.
has many contraindications, can cause an allergic reaction.
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3. Lyoton 1000

Lioton gel from an Italian manufacturer is also produced on the basis of sodium heparin. In addition, the composition includes lavender and orange blossom oils, so the product has a rather pleasant aroma. The drug effectively fights the formation of blood clots, has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. It can also be used for varicose veins, edema, “tired legs”, during rehabilitation after cosmetic procedures and surgeries.

Contraindications for Lyoton are the same as for Heparin. In this case, the drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women (only after consulting a doctor!), Since it does not penetrate the placenta and breast milk.

very fast acting, can be used by pregnant and lactating women, a large list of indications.
can cause an allergic reaction, the high price of the drug.
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4. Troxevasin

Troxevasin is an imported drug based on troxerutin, which protects and strengthens the walls of veins and blood vessels. The ointment quickly penetrates deep into the skin, providing a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. It helps with bruises and sprains, quickly reduces the appearance of a bruise.

The drug is not recommended for use on damaged skin, as well as for people with hypersensitivity to the components and chronic renal failure. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before using Troxevasin. It is worth refraining from using the drug during breastfeeding.

Fast acting, easy to use.
can sometimes cause allergic skin reactions.
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5. “Badyaga 911”

Badyaga is a powder made from crushed freshwater sponges. Due to the presence of microscopic needles in the structure of the sponge, the product has a local irritating effect on the skin and starts the recovery process.

Chamomile extract and essential oils have been added to Badyagi 911. The gel has a resolving, regenerating and anti-edematous effect on the skin, effectively eliminates bruises. Of the contraindications, only individual intolerance to the components and damage to the skin at the site of application.

high efficiency, completely natural remedy, practically no contraindications and side effects, low price.
may cause itching and redness of the skin upon application.
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6. “Syniak ex-press”

Another drug based on badyagi. The components of the cream have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. If you apply the cream to the damaged area immediately after an injury or impact, you can completely prevent bruising.

 “Ex-press bruise” dilates blood vessels, activates blood supply, relieves pain and has a bactericidal effect. In addition, the drug improves the healing of problematic skin on the body and face and has a slight toning effect. It has no contraindications and side effects (except for individual intolerance). The cream is well absorbed and leaves no residue.

fast action, can prevent bruising when applied in time, has virtually no contraindications and side effects, affordable price.
may cause skin irritation.
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7. “Ambulance for bruises and bruises”

This anti-hematoma agent contains leech extract at its core. The composition of the “Ambulance for bruises and bruises” also includes extracts of medicinal herbs, collagen, badyaga, horse chestnut extract and linseed oil.

The drug restores metabolic processes at the site of injury and prevents the appearance of hematomas. The cream enhances tissue regeneration, restores damaged walls of blood vessels, relieves pain and swelling. It has no side effects, excluding individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

effective drug, has no side effects, completely natural composition.
may cause reddening of the skin, not recommended for people with reduced blood clotting.
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8. Bruise-OFF

The active ingredient of the gel is leech extract, which contains hirudin, which prevents blood clotting. Tissue regeneration is accelerated by the second component of the drug – pentoxifylline. Gel “Bruise OFF” accelerates the resolution of bruises and reduces traces of cosmetic procedures on the face.

Like the previous drug, “Bruise OF” is not recommended for use by people with bleeding disorders and sensitivity to the components of the gel. Avoid getting the gel in the eyes and mucous membranes, as well as in open wounds.

easily absorbed, does not cause allergies.
can not be used for violations of blood clotting, frequent application is required.
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9. Arnigel

Herbal homeopathic preparation based on arnica extract with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Arnica enhances blood circulation and reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, accelerates the process of resorption of hematomas. Also, the ointment effectively eliminates muscle pain caused by increased physical exertion. The drug has no contraindications, can be used in children older than 1 year.

natural preparation, can be used for children, relieves muscle pain.
can not be applied to damaged skin, high price.
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10. Troxerutin

This drug for bruises contains troxerutin, a substance with anti-edema and anti-inflammatory action, which reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels. Due to its properties, Troxerutin does not allow stagnation of blood in the tissues, thereby contributing to the rapid resolution of edema and hematoma. The gel can be used for varicose veins, swelling and pain in the legs, and hemorrhoids.

Troxerutin has practically no contraindications, except that it cannot be used on open wounds and with hypersensitivity to the components. The drug is also not prescribed for lactating women, and for pregnant women – only in exceptional cases.

fast action of the drug, easily absorbed, can be combined with taking other drugs.
an allergic reaction is possible.
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How to choose an ointment for bruises

When choosing an ointment for bruises, you must first read the instructions. All remedies for bruises are divided according to the following properties:

  1. Resolving action – the main mechanism is aimed at reducing tissue swelling and resorption of hematomas. Best of all, ointments with badyaga and troxerutin cope with this.
  2. Anti-inflammatory action – ointments most often contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  3. Cooling effect – with the addition of arnica or menthol. This is a first aid remedy to prevent swelling and bruising.2.

A doctor will help you choose the right drug, who will take into account the degree of damage and health characteristics in order to avoid side effects.

Reviews of doctors about ointments from bruises

Doctors speak positively about the use of ointments for bruises. However, trauma to the skin is not always harmless and passes without a trace for health. In addition, many ointments can increase wound bleeding or cause side effects.

If the swelling and pain do not decrease with self-administration, consult a doctor immediately. Consultation with a specialist will also be required if bruises appear spontaneously, without visible tissue injury.3. Do not self-medicate. All bruise ointments and folk remedies are good only as concomitant treatment.

In addition, there are situations when a visit to a doctor is necessary:

  • a bruised face is a very dangerous condition. Many consequences of facial trauma appear only after the disappearance of edema and hematoma;
  • a bruise with damage to the skin requires immediate disinfection of the wound. Many bruising ointments should not be applied to such wounds;
  • frequent bruising for no apparent reason cannot be cured with ointments and creams. The problem of this condition is deeper and requires a doctor’s consultation.3.

Popular questions and answers

In our time of information technology, everyone is looking for answers to their questions on the Internet. We have selected the most frequently asked questions and asked our expert to answer them. dermatovenereologist Nikita Gribanov.

How long do bruises last?

– If we are talking about a subcutaneous or intradermal hematoma that does not have a serious injury behind it, the bruise will “resolve” on its own within 5-7 days without our intervention. Correctly applying ointments from bruises, you can reduce this period to 2-3 days. If you have first aid on hand, which you will use immediately after an injury, bruising can be prevented in most cases.

How to get rid of a bruise if there is no ointment at hand?

– First aid for injury – a cold compress. Any cold object can be used: a bottle of cold water, ice cubes wrapped in a towel, or frozen food. Cold constricts blood vessels in the injured area. The smaller their lumen, the smaller the hematoma will be. It is necessary to cool the injured area in the first 8-10 hours after the injury. Later, you can purchase the necessary drugs.

If there is no opportunity to purchase an ointment for bruises, use folk remedies. Apply a compress with a solution of vinegar or vodka to the injury site. A gruel made from mashed onions with salt has a good absorbing effect. Cut aloe leaves or raw potatoes can also help reduce the effects of injury.

What to do if the bruise does not go away for a long time?

– If the bruise does not go away for a long time, see a doctor. There can be many reasons for this:

• a very large hematoma that will require longer treatment under medical supervision;

• problems with vascular permeability, which also require additional treatment;

• violation of the processes of blood clotting.

If the bruise on the leg does not go away for a long time, you should not worry. In the veins of the legs, the pressure is much higher and bruises in these places last longer.

Sources of:

  1. Russian Miracle is the first drug for injectable skin discoloration in bruised areas. Fisher E.L. Medico-pharmaceutical journal “Pulse”, 2014
  2. Soft tissue hematoma: a dermatological or cosmetic problem? Tarasenko G.N., Kars J.E., El Mokdad S.V. Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases, 2015. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/gematoma-myagkih-tkaney-dermatologicheskaya-ili-kosmetologicheskaya-problema/viewer
  3. On the possibility of conservative treatment of traumatic epidural hematomas. Kozinsky A.V., Selezneva S.V., Melnichenko A.S., Kalach A.V. Trauma, 2018. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/o-vozmozhnosti-konservativnogo-lecheniya-travmaticheskih-epiduralnyh-gematom

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