10 best movies about plane crashes

Cinema tries not to deprive any group of viewers: there are worthy melodramas for romantic ladies, more and more funny comedies are invented for groups of friends, and disaster films are created for those who lack emotions in life. It is worth noting that the fact that it was based on real events adds a special peppercorn to the film. Survival is always one of the most interesting topics for a person.

When we look at how a character behaves in critical conditions, we automatically figure out how we would act ourselves, that is, we take his place. But this applies to realistic pictures – some disaster films resemble a fairy tale or science fiction, and here it is very appropriate to say “the filmmakers overdid it.”

How good are the films on our list? Do they evoke emotions, fear, empathy? We have compiled a list of the 10 best plane crash movies for you to answer these questions and just enjoy watching.

10 In white captivity (2012)

10 best movies about plane crashes

“In White Captivity” is a film about survival based on real events. The film clearly shows us that the soldiers are ordinary people, they are not to blame for anything, but simply follow orders. All hostility and interethnic disunity comes from politicians who sit in armchairs and decide who will die and who will live.

One day, a heated conflict breaks out over Norway between two planes – one of them consists of Germans, and the other is British. As a result of the collision, the helicopters are seriously damaged and fall into the Norwegian forest. In the wild, the enemies will have to rally in order to survive … Gradually, difficult conditions and the need for support make friends out of enemies.

9. Pearl Harbor (2001)

10 best movies about plane crashes

This movie is annoying. “Pearl Harbor” is large-scale, spectacular, bright, and, of course, it has an eternal theme – love. Love that can be stronger than any war…

Two American guys Danny and Rafe dreamed of flying and the sky since childhood … The friends’ dream came true in 1941 – they became military pilots. Rafe leaves for service in Europe, leaving his girlfriend Evelyn at the Hawaiian base with Danny. One day, Danny and Evelyn find out that Rafe is dead, and from that moment they begin to get closer. But Wraith returns alive… When the Japanese pilots attack their base, the friends are no longer up to showdown…

8. Crew (2012)

10 best movies about plane crashes

“The Crew” is an excellent picture about a person, honesty, addictions and fears. Denzel Washington did a great job playing pilot Whip.

Whip Whitaker has been a pilot for a long time. One day something strange happens to the plane, but Whip was able to avoid the crash and land the plane. Not a single person was hurt. Everyone already gives Whip the title of a hero, but the more details about the plane crash emerge, the more doubts arise about this …

7. Unbroken (2014)

10 best movies about plane crashes

The military drama of Angelina Jolie is based on real events that happened to the Olympic medalist and athlete Louis Zamperini (1917-2014).

Louis took part in the Olympic Games, which took place in Berlin in 1936. In the final race, he could not win, but was able to ingratiate himself with Hitler. Louis was supposed to take part in the next Olympic Games, but plans had to be changed. World War II has begun, so Zamperini must go to the front. His plane crashed, after which, after 47 days, which he and his colleagues drifted on a raft, he came to the Japanese, where he was tortured and abused.

6. On the edge (1997)

10 best movies about plane crashes

What can you say about this thriller? “On the Edge” is an incomparable picture with wonderful actors – Anthony Hopkins and Alex Baldwin.

Billionaire Charles Morse and his young wife Mickey travel to Alaska for a photo shoot. Robert Green, a photographer, convinced the couple that there are all conditions for perfect shooting. The unexpected happens – the plane collides with birds and falls into the lake … Everyone was saved, except for the pilot. But how to live in the wild for people who are accustomed to comfort and know little about survival? In a forest full of wild animals, you need to somehow survive, in addition, Charles begins to suspect that his wife has an affair with a photographer …

5. Air Marshal (2014)

10 best movies about plane crashes

The hijacking of planes and the work of air marshals is one of the favorite topics of Hollywood filmmakers. Air Marshal is a well-made action movie, with a story-driven action that certainly deserves to be watched at least once.

The former employee of the Federal Service flew by plane many times, but he did not suspect that this flight would be the worst in his life. Bill Marks can’t stand crowds and long trips… Sitting in an airplane seat, a man receives a strange message on a note – if he doesn’t transfer $150 million to the specified account, then every 20 minutes one of the passengers will die. The criminal calculated all the moves and made it so that the special agent himself falls under the charge … Now the US special services are hunting for Bill.

4. Fight (2011)

10 best movies about plane crashes

If you’re a disaster movie buff, you’ll probably enjoy watching Fight. This film has a lot of special things: music, phrases, ending …

John Ottwam lost all meaning in life when his wife died. He works as a driller in Alaska to drown his grief in the snow. However, the pain does not decrease, John thinks about suicide… One day an accident happens to him, in the company of 7 drillers he crashes a plane. Wounded colleagues and himself find themselves in a cold forest, where wolves howl, ready to attack …

3. Six days, seven nights (1998)

10 best movies about plane crashes

The film “Six Days, Seven Nights” is very good, despite the banal plot: a disaster, a desert island, feelings … It’s nice to watch, a good mood is guaranteed.

The plane crashes and crashes on a deserted island. Only two survived – the pilot and the passenger. They are desperately trying to communicate about themselves, but all to no avail – no one hears them. One day, a ship appears, moored on a desert island. The Lost already hoped for salvation, but it turned out that pirates sailed on the ship. Now the pilot and his passenger will have to hide from them …

2. Mountains between us (2017)

10 best movies about plane crashes

One of the main pearls of the film “The Mountains Between Us” was the brilliant duet of Kate Winslet and Idris Elba, who adequately carries the entire film on his shoulders. Both actors were able to completely immerse themselves in their roles – it’s hard not to be imbued with their game. A heartwarming and simple film that deserves to be seen.

Ben and Alex met at the airport. The flight was canceled, but the heroes understand that they cannot wait for the next flight, so they decide to rent a plane. But something goes wrong… The plane crashes, and now these two survivors are forced to find a common language among the snow-capped mountains… When they realize that there is no one to wait for help, they decide to set off on a journey full of dangers.

1. Outcast (2000)

10 best movies about plane crashes

This film can be called a classic of the genre. The plane crashes and the man is left alone on a deserted island. Cast Away is a film about soul-searching. Fate presented the hero with a serious test, but made him stronger, he realized what he really needed in life.

There is not a free moment in Noland’s life, every day is carefully planned. He works as a high-ranking inspector in the international branch, and he only thinks about business. However, one day a plane crash occurs, knocking Chuck Noland out of his usual way of life and out of civilization … He still does not know how much time he will have to spend alone …

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