10 Best Medicated Dandruff Shampoos for Kids
Dandruff doesn’t just happen to adults. What remedies can be used to get rid of dandruff in a child? Together with an expert, we have compiled a rating of therapeutic shampoos for children

Dandruff can appear in children of different ages for various reasons. For some, it will be caused by the use of low-quality shampoo, and for someone, a dermatological disease or stress. Therefore, you should not ignore this fact and assume that “it will pass with age.” Shampoos that help get rid of dandruff are purely for children – they are designed for the delicate and sensitive skin of young children. But for older children, some adult dandruff shampoos, which are also included in our rating, may also be suitable. But in the selection of an effective and safe remedy for dandruff in a child, the decisive word should be with the dermatologist. (one)

Rating of the top 10 shampoos for dandruff in children

1. Babe Pediatric

Shampoo with natural active ingredients gently cleanses and helps to remove seborrheic crusts and dandruff. Great merit in this belongs to calendula – it inhibits the development of yeast fungi that often cause dandruff, and also softens the skin, removes inflammation, and heals small wounds. It is recommended to apply the shampoo while bathing for a couple of minutes, and then rinse with warm water. 

Advantages and disadvantages

Carefully and effectively removes seborrheic crusts and dandruff. Most of the ingredients are natural. Passed clinical trials. Good foam
Can sting eyes when it comes into contact with mucous membranes

Main characteristics

At what age can you use From 0 to 5 years
Manufacturer countrySpain 
Volumes200 ml
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2. “Friderm” 

Shampoos based on zinc or tar. A line of zinc-based products is suitable for getting rid of pronounced seborrhea, especially for allergy sufferers. Zinc soothes the skin, relieves itching. 

If the cause of dandruff is fungi, a tar-based shampoo is preferable, which simply destroys them. At the same time, the hair is strengthened and grows better. 

The shampoo is therapeutic, used for a course of 2 weeks, and is not suitable for daily use. The optimal frequency of application is 1-2 times a week. Apply to wet hair in a small amount, lather, rinse and reapply for 5 minutes. 

Advantages and disadvantages

Suitable for allergy sufferers. Economic consumption. Quick result
It pinches the skin. High price. Specific smell

Main characteristics

At what age can you use From 7 years and older
Manufacturer countryItaly 
Volumes150 ml

3. “Sulsen”

Shampoo is used to get rid of dandruff when the scalp is also oily. The special formula of the shampoo dissolves sebum, cleanses the hair. Dead cells are exfoliated and removed using polyethylene granules with a peeling effect, without causing irritation of the scalp. The main component of the shampoo – selenium disulfide – heals wounds that are formed during constant scratching from itching, soothes inflammation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Suitable for problem skin. There is no habituation effect. Gets rid of dandruff and prevents it from reappearing
May dry skin and cause allergic reactions

Main characteristics

At what age can you use From 12 years and older
Manufacturer countryOur Country
Volumes150 ml
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4. Fitoval 

Designed to combat dandruff and its cause – a fungal infection. The effect is achieved due to the presence of zinc and white willow extracts in the composition of the shampoo – these substances eliminate irritation, the fungus that causes dandruff, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. There is an improvement in the condition of the hair. But this therapeutic shampoo is not suitable for washing them. It is applied to wet hair, left for 3-5 minutes, washed off, and then washed with regular shampoo. 

It is recommended to apply 2-3 times a week for one and a half to two months. And if the effect appeared after the first applications, it should be left as a means of prevention once a week.

Advantages and disadvantages

The effect is noticeable after two or three applications. Improves the condition of the hair. Does not cause allergies
It foams badly. As a hair cleanser is not suitable

Main characteristics

At what age can you use 6-12 years
Manufacturer countrySlovenia
Volumes200 ml
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5. “Nizoral”

The shampoo is effective against several types of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, its purpose goes beyond the fight against dandruff. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole. It does not allow fungi to spread, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and effectively fights dandruff that has appeared for a variety of reasons from superficial mycoses to multi-colored lichen. 

Helps with seborrhea in adolescents. The effect remains for a long time. To eliminate dandruff, it is enough to use shampoo twice a week for a month.

Advantages and disadvantages

Passed clinical trials. Fast and long lasting effect. Eliminates the causes of dandruff
High price. Small volume. Specific smell

Main characteristics

At what age can you use Since 12 years
Manufacturer countryBelgium
Volumes120 ml
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6. “Sebozol”

It is intended for the treatment of seborrhea and other skin diseases. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole. The shampoo helps with dry skin. Relieves itching, reduces peeling. A nice bonus – with regular use, the hair stops falling out.

It is recommended to use once a week for a month and a half, but if there is no effect on the 5th-6th procedure, you should consult a doctor. It is applied with massaging movements, aged for 3-5 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Advantages and disadvantages 

Economic consumption. Quickly removes itching and peeling. Nice smell. Stops hair loss
Short-term effect

Main characteristics

At what age can you use Since 14 years
Manufacturer countryOur Country
Volumes200 ml
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7. “Dermazol”

Shampoo with antifungal and antimicrobial action is used for both dry and oily dandruff. Ketoconazole in the shampoo is the main active force that destroys pathogenic microflora and protects the scalp from its further attacks. 

The course of treatment for dandruff usually lasts 3-6 weeks. Use 1-2 times a week. The shampoo is applied to the moistened scalp for 5 minutes, then washed off with warm water. If a positive result is not noticeable after a month of use, I should consult with a dermatologist about choosing another remedy. 

Advantages and disadvantages 

Effective for various types of dandruff. Democratic price
Possible allergic reactions

Main characteristics

At what age can you use Since 12 years
Manufacturer countryOur Country
Volumes250 ml

8. «Sebopirox 911»

One of the most budgetary remedies for dandruff. It contains chemicals, so it is recommended to use it for children with caution – there may be skin irritation and an allergy to shampoo ingredients. At the same time, parents note that the remedy is effective in the fight against dandruff, and the result is noticeable after one or two applications. 

Shampoo cleanses the hair and scalp, inhibits the vital activity of fungi that cause dandruff. It is enough to use shampoo 2 times a week for a month, and then for prevention 1-2 times a month.

Advantages and disadvantages 

The effect is quickly noticeable. Affordable price
Non-natural composition

Main characteristics

At what age can you use Since 10 years
Manufacturer countryOur Country
Volumes150 ml
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9. “La Cree”

Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands. Contains a complex of substances with a healing effect. Including panthenol, which soothes and softens the skin, wheat proteins with a moisturizing effect. Jojoba oil and violet extract in the shampoo help relieve irritation and inflammation, improve the natural protective functions of the skin. Rosewood oil inhibits the activity of fungi, which often cause dandruff. For the best effect, it is recommended to use shampoo once every two or three days for a month and a half. Apply to damp hair and rub in with gentle massage movements. 

Advantages and disadvantages 

Doesn’t sting eyes. Improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The likelihood of allergies is minimal
Specific smell. Poor foam

Main characteristics

At what age can you use From birth to 5 years
Manufacturer countryOur Country
Volumes150 ml
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10. Mustela Baby Shampoo

The shampoo contains 99% natural ingredients. It does not contain soap and parabens, but there is an active substance climbazole, which is considered one of the most effective in the fight against all types of dandruff. The shampoo not only eliminates dandruff, but also moisturizes the skin, cares for the hair – it becomes softer, combs better, and stays clean for a long time. Shampoo has proven itself well in solving such a problem as milk crusts on the head of babies. It does not cause tears, and its safety is confirmed by dermatologists. Suitable for daily shampooing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Economic consumption. Quickly removes itching and peeling. Nice smell. Stops hair loss
High price

Main characteristics

At what age can you use From 0 to 5 years
Manufacturer countryFrance         
Volumes150 ml
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How to choose a dandruff shampoo for a child

When choosing a dandruff shampoo, it is important to consider a number of factors.

Age of child

Usually, manufacturers indicate at what age the shampoo is allowed for use. This is significant because a product intended for adolescent children can cause unwanted reactions in babies. And a shampoo that is good for a 5-year-old child will not be effective enough for a 12-year-old due to the fact that the active substances in it are in a concentration intended for the “younger group”. (2)

Shampoo composition

We read carefully! It is better that the shampoo does not contain dyes, fragrances, parabens, sulfates. Especially if the child already had manifestations of allergies. For very young children, the criterion “does not sting their eyes” is especially important. 

It is good if anti-dandruff shampoo contains:

Zinc and ketoconazole Destroy fungi that most often cause dandruff
Glycerol       It softens and moisturizes the scalp
Ichthyol           Promotes the healing of wounds that appear in the process of scratching itchy skin
Natural extracts, oils     Take care of the scalp and hair
Salicylic acid          Softens and dissolves keratinized particles, disinfects the skin, but still its use is undesirable for children under one year old (3)

Expert Commentary

– Dandruff is not just a cosmetic defect. It can be a manifestation of a serious problem when one shampoo is not enough. It’s one thing if dandruff is caused by improper scalp care and poor-quality shampoo, and quite another if it appears against the background of a child’s malnutrition, stress, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc. Teenagers who face a surge in hormonal levels have their own history of dandruff. Therefore, in any case, in order to choose the right remedy for dandruff, so as not to throw money away, it is worth consulting with a dermatologist who can prescribe laboratory tests and tests, explains trichologist Yulia Markova.

Popular questions and answers

Is it necessary to deal with dandruff in a child?

Necessary. If only because dandruff is associated with itching and discomfort. But since it can only be a manifestation of some problem in the body, you must first find out the cause of dandruff, after which you can begin treatment. 

Should I wash my child’s hair with dandruff shampoo for prevention?

For prevention, proper nutrition will bring more benefits. The diet must contain foods containing vitamins A, B, E, fiber. It is better to refuse products that provoke hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands (fast food, fried meat, chips, sweet carbonated drinks, etc.). This is especially true for teenagers. Hygiene and sleep patterns are also important. It is useful to stay in the sun – the fungus is afraid of ultraviolet rays – but you need to know the measure so as not to overdry the skin.

What are the side effects of dandruff shampoos?

Each child may be different. Especially if he has a tendency to allergies. For such children it is necessary to select shampoo especially carefully. 

Is it true that teenage boys get dandruff more often than girls?

During puberty in boys, the male hormones androgens actively provoke the production of sebum. Therefore, boys are especially prone to seborrhea. But androgens are also produced by the female body, so teenage girls are also not immune from the fact that the skin becomes more oily, dandruff and acne appear. 

Sources of

  1. Clinical guidelines for the management of children with seborrheic dermatitis. E.I. Pilgui, N.N. Murashkin. Scientific Center for Children’s Health of the Ministry of Health of Our Country https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/klinicheskie-rekomendatsii-po-vedeniyu-detey-s-seboreynym-dermatitom/viewer
  2. Features of skin care for newborns. O.B. Tamrazova. Peoples’ Friendship University of Our Country, Moscow https://omnidoctor.ru/upload/iblock/325/32537a5a7db022ff0be708df81bf05d5.pdf
  3. Phytocomponents in solving problems of hair and scalp. Evseeva S.B., Oleinikova T.A. Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute. https://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=21774

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