10 best laundry detergent capsules

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Capsules for washing clothes in automatic or semi-automatic washing machines have made life much easier for housewives. Using such a detergent, you do not need to worry about whether you measured its amount correctly, you do not need to get your hands dirty and be afraid to spill the powder. As a rule, for a standard wash, you only need one tablet with a “magic” gel that will make things perfectly clean and fresh. From this article you will find out which capsules are the most effective, which products of this group are preferred by most Russian women.

How to choose a detergent

To choose capsules that will meet your expectations, pay attention to the following features:

  1. Manufacturing company, its reputation. It is better to buy pills that are produced by large brands or trademarks that specialize in the production of IVF products. In the first case, you can be sure of the quality and effectiveness of detergents, since you have probably repeatedly used the powder or gel of this large company. In the case of products from small, highly specialized companies producing safe household chemicals, you can expect that they will not cause allergies and other side effects.

  2. The smell of detergent. Most tablets contain a highly concentrated gel that has a strong and persistent odor. Usually users are neutral about this, but there are people who are annoyed by strong chemical aromas. If you have a headache from the pronounced smell of washing powder, weakness or asthma attacks, it is better to opt for weak-smelling tablets, hypoallergenic preparations or specialized preparations for children’s things marked 0+.

  3. Composition of the product. This aspect is important, as it directly affects the quality of washing. Most tablets are made up of several “compartments” that contain different components – washing gel, stain remover, color support or conditioner. To clean very dirty things, especially for children, it is recommended to buy capsules with a hypoallergenic stain remover. If things do not require thorough and deep cleaning, you can use the simplest and cheapest detergents.

  4. The number of capsules in the package and the price of the goods. If you are concerned about the cost of one wash, then you need to look not only at the price of a package of detergent, but also at how many capsules it contains. It is enough to divide the cost of the goods by the number of tablets, and you will find out how much one wash will cost. But keep in mind that some manufacturers directly indicate that to remove persistent and old stains, it may be necessary to use not 1, but 2-3 tablets per 1 load of laundry, which also affects the cost of the procedure.

  5. Can it be washed in cold water. If the pads with washing gel can be used at low temperatures, you will not only save on electricity, but also extend the life of things, since cold water harms them much less than hot water.

  6. Also, many users, before buying a new household chemical, get acquainted with online reviews about it. Reviews are really useful to study, as they contain useful and honest (though not always 100% objective) information about the quality and effectiveness of products. Our experts recommend reading reviews of washing capsules, as they are in most cases accompanied by “Before” and “After” photos, thanks to which you can find out what kind of pollution certain pads can (or can’t) cope with.

Rating of laundry capsules

Nomination Place Name Price
Rating of laundry capsules      1 ECO capsules for washing powder, hypoallergenic Nature Clean      810 ₽
     2 BabyLine BIO for baby clothes      780 ₽
     3 Mayeri Sensitive Eco      520 ₽
     4 Ariel PODS 3-в-1 Color      450 ₽
     5 Tide 3в1 PODS      430 ₽
     6 Persil Premium Duo-Caps Color      550 ₽
     7 The washing king Premium DuoCaps Universal      530 ₽
     8 Ariel All-in-1      500 ₽
     9 Losk Color      400 ₽
     10 Dr.Prakti DuoCaps Universal      400 ₽

ECO capsules for washing powder, hypoallergenic Nature Clean

Rating: 4.9

The first position in our ranking is occupied by laundry capsules from Nature Clean. They have a lot of advantages, including hypoallergenicity, non-toxicity, biodegradability, 98% natural composition without chlorine, sulfates and phosphates, anionic surfactants, optical brighteners. There are 24 pillows in the package, enough for the same number of washes. The drug has no smell, which may be important for allergy sufferers and people with a sensitive sense of smell. Clothes after cleaning can be safely dried indoors.

Despite the absence of enzymes in the composition of the preparation (due to which the fabric gradually loses its strength), stains from tea, grass, and blood are washed off perfectly. The action of the product is based on a safe and effective oxygen stain remover.

ECOcapsules quickly dissolve even in cool water, they can be used to wash any linen – colored, white, black, for adults and children’s clothes. Pleases consumers (as indicated in the reviews) and the versatility of using a cleaning agent for any type of fabric – cotton, synthetic, linen, silk and wool.

The packaging of the pillows is very convenient, translucent, you can easily see its contents. The package itself is plastic, takes up minimal space during storage, is equipped with a practical latch strip that prevents the tablets from dampening.



BabyLine BIO for baby clothes

Rating: 4.8

The second place in the ranking was taken by BIOcapsules for washing children’s (and not only) clothes from BabyLine. The package contains a compact and durable, tightly closed plastic container, 12 transparent pads with gel-like contents and a pleasant yellow color. The manufacturer claims that the product has no smell, but it is, weak and unobtrusive, pleasant aroma of caramel.

The composition of the gel in capsules is as close as possible to natural. It does not contain aggressive stain-removing components, there is an “ECO” marking on the packaging. At the same time, the product is quite effective in removing various contaminants, such as baby feces, dirt and dust, food debris, and other stains of organic origin. Reviews about this product are mostly positive, it is used not only by parents of small children, but also by people who simply care about the cleanliness of their things, maintaining the ecological level of the external environment. An additional plus of the product is that it prevents the formation of scale on the walls of the drum of the washing machine. One of the few disadvantages of this cleansing product is its high cost.



Mayeri Sensitive Eco

Rating: 4.7

The third position in the ranking is Mayeri sensitive laungry capsules. In a standard package of 18 capsules, they will provide excellent washing quality for a large number of things. The composition of the detergent does not contain dyes, perfume fragrances, optical brighteners. It gently affects things, does not harm the skin of the hands, does not cause allergic reactions, does not irritate the sensitive sense of smell. The capsules contain a highly effective biodegradable gel that does not harm either humans or the environment.

Mayeri sensitive ECO capsules are available in two types of packaging – in a soft bag (16 pieces) and in a hard plastic box with a tight-fitting lid (18 pieces). The product has a subtle, almost imperceptible aroma; after washing, the laundry smells exclusively of freshness, and not of chemicals. In addition, the composition of the drug helps to maintain the normal condition of the washing machine and water pipes.

After washing with Mayeri sensitive capsules, things look clean and fresh, not washed out. They gain softness, as the gel of the capsules softens even very hard tap water. Despite the high cost of laundry detergent, it receives numerous positive reviews from consumers.



Ariel PODS 3-в-1 Color

Rating: 4.7

The fourth position of our rating is given to laundry capsules from Ariel. Gel in capsules Ariel Pods 3 in 1 “Color” qualitatively cleans clothes, removes various (including persistent) stains, and gives brightness to fabrics. It is the first laundry detergent with three separate components working in sequence. The components are in separate sections separated by instant film. This prevents them from mixing before the washing process begins. Capsules are designed for use in washing machines of any type, they can replace powder, bleach and fabric softener. One tablet is designed for 4-5 kg ​​of laundry.

According to user reviews, Ariel capsules do a good job with stains such as grass, coffee, berries, children’s paints. White things “freshen” after washing, colored things do not shed, black things do not brighten. The capsules are sold in a convenient hard plastic package with a snap-on lid that small children will not be able to open on their own. In a box of 13 tablets with liquid detergent gel, they can replace several kilograms of washing powder.



Tide 3в1 PODS

Rating: 4.6

The next place in our ranking is occupied by capsules for washing clothes from the manufacturer Tide. These liquid detergent tablets provide a triple action of deep cleansing, removing stubborn stains and color protection. They can be used to wash both white and colored items, while they do not leave marks or streaks on clothes.

The capsules are sold in bright orange plastic packaging with a snap-on lid. 12 tablets are enough for 8-12 washes with a load of 4-5 kg. – depending on the degree of soiling of the laundry. One package can replace 1,9 kg. washing powder.

Tide capsules, according to user reviews, wash well. After their application, old stains that the powder could not cope with go away. Even traces of grass, earth, oil, fuel oil disappear after the first wash. A very interesting effect is obtained on white linen. The gel whitens well, the fabric does not turn gray, does not turn yellow, and already grayed out brightens.



Persil Premium Duo-Caps Color

Rating: 4.5

The next participant in the rating is Persil laundry pads, developed on the basis of revolutionary technology. Each tablet contains a safe yet effective stain remover to remove stubborn stains, as well as specialized agents to preserve the brightness of colored laundry. They are practically no different from other tablets with washing gel described earlier.

Tablets are used in automatic and semi-automatic washing machines, they cannot be used during soaking or hand washing, as the gel is very concentrated. It can cause allergies or at least severe redness and skin irritation. The product can be used to clean different types of fabrics – mixed, cotton, synthetic, linen. But not silk and wool.

On colored fabrics, the capsules behave well. Things after washing look beautiful, colors and paints do not change. With white things, everything is also fine – they take on a fresher and newer look, no yellowness or gray tint. The fabric remains soft and pleasant to the touch. There are no streaks from the detergent.

Persil tablets can be used at temperatures of 30-60 degrees. They will be effective in water of any hardness. The pads do a good job of removing various stains, but reviews often say that in order to remove very stubborn stains, it may be necessary to use 2 capsules at once for one load of laundry, which is rather uneconomical.

Persil capsules come in a standard colorful plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. They give the linen a strong “marine” smell, which continues to remain on the fabric for quite a long time.



The washing king Premium DuoCaps Universal

Rating: 4.5

The next hero, which experts included in the rating, is Polish-made phosphate-free laundry pads. They are machine washable but not hand washable. Effective in cleaning synthetic and cotton, white, colored, black and dark fabrics. Tablets are almost universal, they cannot be used only for woolen and silk items, as well as for pre-soaking clothes and hand washing.

Detergent tablets are available in a soft ziplock plastic bag. The package contains 30 capsules that can be used at water temperatures from 20 to 60 degrees. The liquid powder washes various dirt well, does not leave streaks and whitish spots, gives clothes a pleasant aroma that lasts for several days.

Der Waschkonig capsules dissolve quickly and without traces even in cool water, do not create a large amount of foam. The detergent is well washed out of the fabric fibers if the washing time exceeds 50-60 minutes. Users like this liquid powder due to its economical use and relatively low cost – 30 capsules cost 800 rubles.



Ariel Laundry Pods All-in-1

Rating: 4.4

Third place from the end in the ranking is occupied by capsules for washing clothes, suitable for owners of sensitive skin. This detergent is often bought to clean children’s things. It can be used to wash diapers and other clothes for newborn babies. The gel is hypoallergenic, does not contain any dyes. The smell is also very delicate and unobtrusive, reminiscent of baby soap. Because of this, the product is chosen not only by people prone to allergic reactions, but also by those who have a sensitive sense of smell, intolerance to strong odors. Due to the delicate formula, the tablets keep clothes soft when in contact with the skin.

Despite the fact that the composition of the gel is not as aggressive as in conventional laundry tablets, it perfectly washes heavy dirt. From sweat stains, from traces of dirt on white socks, there is no trace left after the first use of the drug. Ariel All-in-1 Sensitive tablets can be used not only for white and light clothes, but also for colored ones. For fabrics, the standard restriction is that capsules cannot be used when washing silk and wool. According to user reviews, the tool is popular, not least because of the relatively low cost, as well as the constant availability in all household chemical stores.



Losk Color

Rating: 4.3

The penultimate place in the ranking is occupied by budget capsules for washing clothes from Losk. According to the manufacturer, the tablets are ideal for cleaning colored clothes, bed linen, towels, as well as getting rid of difficult stains. Losk Color are double capsules, that is, this is the latest generation of laundry detergents containing 6 active ingredients. Each of these substances is designed to effectively deal with different types of pollution. The detergent removes stains well, preserves the brightness of the color of fabrics, prevents shedding, refreshes and eliminates unpleasant odors.

LOSK Color is a convenience in everyday life and an excellent result of modern washing. The capsule quickly dissolves even in cool and warm water, activating a unique powerful “Formula of Purity” to cleanse colored fabrics, as well as a stain remover to remove even the most difficult stains. The smell of the liquid powder is pleasant, not very pronounced, floral. It remains on things for 1-2 days after washing, but if you turn on the extra rinse mode, the aroma of the gel will become almost indistinguishable. According to user reviews, after using LOSK Color tablets, things become very soft and pleasant to the touch.



Dr.Prakti DuoCaps Universal

Rating: 4.2

The last place in the ranking is occupied by capsules for washing clothes, which contain not the usual gel, but powder. Reviews about these tablets with detergent are quite contradictory. It is not suitable for some housewives, others consider it an effective and economical drug that facilitates household chores.

The main advantage of this product is that you do not need to mess around with the powder, measure it, get your hands dirty, breathe chemical dust. The powder will not crumble during use, it is already divided into portions, theoretically each capsule is able to wash 4-5 kg. freshly soiled laundry. In addition, the powder in the tablets does not dampen, and if there are not too many clothes to be cleaned, the tablet can be opened and half used, leaving the second for later. The packaging itself with pads is soft, has a fastener that prevents the penetration of moisture. It is convenient to store even if the space in the bathroom or closet is limited.

According to the reviews of most users, Dr.Prakti DuoCaps Universal capsules wash dirt well, refresh things and their color, make fabric soft, remove unpleasant odors, give clothes and bed linen a light pleasant aroma. The product is suitable for white and colored linen, it contains a stain remover. After washing, things can be dried at home, there is no strong suffocating smell of the detergent.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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