10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

In horror films about animals, as a rule, a person encounters frightening creatures or angry animals. Despite the relative success of movies like The Shallows or The Fly, the animal horror subgenre is more dead than alive.

Now, films about collisions of people with killer animals are not often made, and there are not so many truly worthy films on this topic. But still they exist!

We present you the 10 best horror films about killer animals based on real events: classics of the genre and new releases of 2019-2020, which have already been released.

10 Wilderness (2014)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

The Canadian film also has a second title “fatal route“. This thriller is highly rated by the audience, largely due to high-quality camera work and a very oppressive atmosphere.

History in the filmWildernessrevolves around a married couple. The couple find themselves far from civilization, hoping to spend an unforgettable weekend. Having rented a house, the couple decides to go for a walk around the neighborhood. Exploring the area, they did not even notice how dark it was …

Returning back, the couple stumbled upon the lair of a cannibal bear and aroused his interest. Now young people will have a hard time running away from a predator… Will they be able to survive?

9. Pet Cemetery (1989)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

Horror movie “Pet cemeterywas based on a 1983 book by Stephen King. The author himself shared that this is the only novel he has written that scared him very much.

A close-knit family, along with their beloved cat Church, moves to a new house located on the edge of a dense forest. In the forest itself there is a cemetery where loving owners bury their dead animals.

The trouble does not bypass the Creed family either – their pet Church falls under the wheels, after which he instantly dies … Louis, the head of the family, decides to bury the cat in an ancient Indian cemetery – according to legend, it is capable of resurrecting the dead. One day, Church, as if nothing had happened, returns to the Creeds. But is it Church?

8. Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

In an extraordinarily beautiful film “Brotherhood of the wolfIt’s a sin not to fall in love, or at least not to experience aesthetic pleasure. The director, actors and everyone who had a hand in the creation of this masterpiece, I want to say: “Thank you so much».

XNUMXth century, France. A certain creature appears in Zhevadan, instilling fear in the locals … The beast preys on women and children. The creature seems elusive: it does not die from bullets, it suddenly disappears – and also appears.

King Louis XV himself orders the scientist Gregor de Fronsac to investigate the brutal murders. The Indian Mani joins Gregor – he once saved the life of Fronsac, and from that moment they are blood brothers. Around this Indian there is the same halo of mystery as around the Beast … Who is this Beast? Will he be able to catch him?

7. Fly (1986)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

Film “Fly”is one of the best works of David Cronenberg. The film was based on a story by the French writer Georges Langelan. I would like to note that the make-up artists did their best (the film won an Oscar for best make-up), and the actors showed an excellent game, especially Jeff Goldblum.

A talented, eccentric and slightly eccentric scientist deals with the issue of teleportation. Seth Brundle began by moving inanimate objects in space, but one day he decided to conduct an experiment with a living being. To do this, he teleported a monkey, but soon wanted to become the object of his experiment himself.

When Seth finds himself in a sterile chamber, a fly accidentally flies into it – it is from this moment that the most interesting begins … What consequences will this accident lead to?

6. Svora (2006)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

After watching the film “Svora» The desire to pet a neighbor’s dog or feed a stray dog ​​from your hand disappears. A dog is an unpredictable creature… A horror film immerses the viewer in what is happening on the screen, you begin to experience events along with the characters.

A cheerful company of teenagers finds themselves on an abandoned island. They decide to have a good time, taking advantage of the privacy. But their plans are ruined because there are dogs on the island, and they are clearly not friendly…

Very soon, friends realize that these dogs are unusual: they are endowed with a supernatural mind and an insatiable hunger, and their bites do something strange to a person … What is wrong with these dogs?

5. Trap (2019)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

Despite the presence of clichés and blunders, “Trap“A rather self-confident thriller that film fans should definitely watch. At first, the tape seems to be tightened, but at some point it begins to resemble a high-speed train … An interesting sight.

From the very beginning of the day, everything went wrong for swimmer Hayley: she lost the swim, got into the epicenter of a Category 5 hurricane, could not get through to her father …

The girl returns to the evacuated area and finds her father unconscious. Trying to get him out of the basement, Haley suddenly finds that she is sharing the territory with a huge alligator… Gradually, the water rises, the reptile is ready to attack at any moment, and there is no one to call for help… Will Haley be able to survive?

4. Fear of Spiders (1990)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

«Fear of spiders“- a unique film of its kind. For all its simplicity, the picture deftly plays with human fears, and it can be called absolutely self-sufficient.

It is worth noting that the camera work is on top – thanks to Mikael Salomon, viewers can admire the stunning landscapes of the jungle and Venezuelan waterfalls.

Every person has fears. Sooner or later, he has to face his horror face to face. Dr. Ross Jennings suffers from arachnophobia, which is an uncontrollable fear of spiders.

Ross moves to a small town to lead a calm, quiet life. But by chance, one spider comes from the South American jungle, whose intentions are clearly not good. How will this story end?

3. Predatory Waters (2007)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals Once you tune in to the movie, you can definitely enjoy watching it. “Predatory waters”- a rather atmospheric film about survival.

Three friends: Adam, Grace and Lee decide that for the best weekend, a picturesque river is perfect, where they can fish and enjoy the silence. Arriving at the place, they hire a guide – he is well versed in the local surroundings.

Stunning weather, amazing places and good fishing – everything indicates that the rest will be exciting. But even a professional guide does not suspect what kind of danger awaits them … What will they have to face?

2. Shallow (2016)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

Survival movie fans will love it!Shallow“. The film grabs you from the very beginning and doesn’t let go until the very end. Some scenes are terrifying…

A surfer goes to a deserted beach to enjoy the time alone and catch a good wave. At first everything was perfect, it seemed that nothing could overshadow the girl’s vacation, but she meets a giant shark that drives her to a sandbank … Will the shark retreat?

1. Jaws (1975)

10 best horror movies about bloodthirsty animals

Steven Spielberg has proven himself to be a talented director. His film “Jawsbecame the best of its genre. In addition, the film has become a classic, grossing over $100 at the box office!

Early in the morning, the chief of the local police, together with an assistant, witnessed a chilling horror … On the shore, they found the remains of a girl. As it turned out, she was attacked by a huge shark that appeared off the coast of Amity Island …

Every day the victims are growing. Fisherman Quint, a veteran of World War II, sets out on a dangerous expedition to kill a man-eating shark… Will he be able to do what he set out to do?

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