10 best herbs for insomnia

Sleep is a fundamental need of the body, and insomnia is very harmful. Most often, middle-aged women or older people suffer from it. But anyone can face it, you just have to be nervous.

If insomnia has become chronic, you should talk to your doctor about it. In other cases, you can deal with this problem yourself.

To fall asleep, a person must completely relax. Everyone has their own way of relaxing.

For those who love flowers, we want to advise you to purchase indoor plants that promote good sleep. Or give them to your beloved relatives, friends who have problems with sleep. You can use essential oils or tinctures of flowers that have a calming effect.

10 Gardenia

10 best herbs for insomnia There are about 250 plant species, but jasmine gardenia is most often grown in homes. This is a magnificent plant, the bush of which grows up to 50 cm on average. It has shiny dark green leaves and beautiful flowers, double, similar to roses.

Gardenia blooms from July to late October, the flowers are very fragrant. Scientists from Germany, according to The Local magazine, conducted experiments.

Experts from the Ruhr University in Bochum and the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf studied the effect of the smell of gardenia jasmine on animals and humans. And they were able to establish that the aroma of this flower works in the same way as Valium. It calms and relaxes. This flower can replace medicines.

9. English ivy

10 best herbs for insomnia Its second name is common ivy. This unpretentious plant feels good in the twilight. It can become a decoration of any room, because. looks very nice.

Remember that this is a poisonous flower, it is better to place it in places inaccessible to children or pets. And when transplanting and other manipulations with ivy, do not forget to wear gloves.

Scientists have found that this plant purifies the air of formaldehyde, toxins and heavy metals, and also absorbs a lot of carbon dioxide.

If you want to keep the air in your bedroom always fresh and clean, you should decorate it with ivy pots. This plant is especially useful for residents of the lower floors, in houses located near large highways.

8. Chlorophytum Comosum

10 best herbs for insomnia An unpretentious plant, which in Soviet times was grown not only at home, but also in clinics, schools, etc. This is a perennial grass that grows up to 1 m in nature, and no more than 40 cm in the house.

It has long leaves, thin stems, on which rosettes of leaves with roots form. No plant does a better job of cleaning the air in the room, removing carbon monoxide, acetone, formaldehyde and other harmful substances from it.

It must be kept in the kitchen, as well as in rooms where they smoke, because. it also absorbs nicotine. It moisturizes the air, provides a comfortable microclimate in the bedroom, which helps a person fall asleep faster.

7. Jasmin

10 best herbs for insomnia This flower has a charming sweet fragrance. It is unpretentious, with glossy foliage and small flowers. During the flowering period, its aroma intensifies at night, causing some people to experience severe dizziness. Then it should be taken out of the bedroom for a while.

With proper care, jasmine can bloom both in winter and summer. Professor Hanns Hutt from the University of the Ruhr and his colleagues have determined that the scent of jasmine is soothing and relaxing.

Scientists have found that thanks to him, the impact on the body of GABA increased several times. It is an aminobutyric acid that calms the nervous system.

Researchers tested the effect of many fragrances on GABA receptors, but the smell of this flower alone increased the calming effect by 5 times.

This flower can replace sleeping pills, but, unlike them, it does not have side effects.

6. Spathiphyllum

10 best herbs for insomnia It is also called “women’s happiness.” Spathiphyllum can be found not only in apartments, but also in the office. Sleek, beautiful leaves are eye-catching, while white flowers brighten up any room.

It is unpretentious, but still requires regular care. So, it must be constantly watered, because. spathiphyllum loves moisture.

It absorbs excess water, normalizing the climate in the house. Can destroy mold spores. Its leaves absorb harmful substances.

5. sansevieriya

10 best herbs for insomnia The people call it “pike tail” or “mother-in-law’s tongue.” She has powerful roots that can break the pot of a plant. The leaves are long, up to 1 m, green, with stripes or spots. This unpretentious plant will survive in the house of a novice grower.

Why is it worth planting it in the house? Sansevieria releases a lot of oxygen. It cleans the air well, destroying bacteria, neutralizes harmful fumes. Clean air in the bedroom promotes sound sleep.

4. Gerbera

10 best herbs for insomnia This is a herbaceous perennial plant that pleases with large flowers. It can be grown both indoors and outdoors. She will not only delight with her beautiful flowers, similar to multi-colored chamomile, but also purifies the air in the bedroom.

3. Valerian

10 best herbs for insomnia A perennial herbaceous plant was used hundreds of years ago, Hippocrates, Avicenna, Pliny and others wrote about it. It was said that valerian calms the soul and heart. It can be grown in the country.

It takes root well, but it does not begin to bloom immediately, from 2 years. It easily withstands frosts down to -15. Valerian rhizomes are dug up in the fall; plants that are at least 2 years old can be used.

They need to be dried, and then taken for insomnia. It is better to ask your doctor about dosages and terms of treatment.

2. Aloe vera

10 best herbs for insomnia This unpretentious plant has unique properties, helps to cope with many diseases. It has fleshy leaves with a matte finish. Likes bright sun and good lighting. If he does not have enough light, the plant stretches.

It is used to treat and prevent insomnia. There are many recipes, here is one of them. You need to take 1 tsp. aloe juice, mix it with 1 tbsp. honey, pour 1 tbsp. a little warm water. Take this drink 1 hour before bedtime.

1. Lavender

10 best herbs for insomnia A beautiful plant with a delicate aroma is often used in everyday life and industry. Its essential oil is used as a mild sedative. It helps to cope with anxiety and insomnia, relieves nervous tension.

You can take baths with essential oils before going to bed by adding 8 drops to the bathing foam. Or breathe them in before going to bed.

Dried lavender flowers are best stored in bags, placed between linens. The light aroma of this plant will help to calm down and ensure good sleep.

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