10 best heel spur ointments
Do you feel a burning pain in your heel when you take your first steps in the morning? Perhaps the whole thing is in the heel spur – a small bone “spike”. Let’s figure out with an expert how this nuisance is treated, and what effective ointments for heel spurs exist

Most often, a heel spur appears in middle-aged and elderly people, but sometimes a bone spike can appear in young people. A heel spur usually manifests itself as a burning pain in the heel in the morning and disappears within 15-20 minutes. As the bone spike grows, the pain reminds the person more and more intensely that it is necessary to consult a traumatologist or orthopedist. The fact is that constant microtrauma of the surrounding tissues can cause a serious complication, up to disability.

10 best heel spur ointments

As a first aid, a doctor may recommend an ointment that will quickly reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.

List of top 5 inexpensive and effective heel spur ointments for adults

mportant! Any medications have side effects and contraindications. Our rating is an overview and does not serve as a guide to action.

Diclofenac 5% gel

Diclofenac.  Photo: Synthesis

Diclofenac acts on all tissues in the focus of inflammation, reducing swelling at the site of application. The drug acts locally, helps to reduce pain and inflammation. High dosage of the active substance in the composition.

Indications : inflammation due to sprains, strains and bruises, rheumatic diseases of soft tissues, pain and swelling associated with diseases of the muscles and joints,
muscle pain.

Contraindications : violation of the integrity of the skin, asthma attacks after the use of NSAIDs, III trimester of pregnancy and lactation, age up to 6 years, hypersensitivity to the components.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hormonal anti-inflammatory ointment is often prescribed in the treatment of heel spurs and is used during physical therapy procedures. When exposed to a painful area with ultrasound, the active substance of the ointment penetrates into the bone tissue, relieves inflammation and reduces pain.

Indications : eczema, allergic and contact dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, pruritus, insect bites, seborrhea.

Contraindications : skin wounds and ulcers, bacterial, viral and fungal skin diseases, rosacea, acne vulgaris, perioral dermatitis, skin tumors, age up to 2 years, sensitivity to components.

Dimexide gel

Dimexide gel

The basis of the action of the drug is its ability to penetrate biological membranes and natural skin barriers, quickly reaching the focus of inflammation. Dimexide gel is indicated for relieving acute pain, has a warming effect, gradually reduces inflammation, helps soften salt deposits in tissues.

Indications : complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, deforming osteoarthrosis, arthropathy, sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, treatment of bruises, ligament injuries, traumatic infiltrates, erythema nodosum.

Contraindications : severe liver and kidney damage, angina pectoris,
myocardial infarction, severe atherosclerosis, stroke, glaucoma, cataracts, age up to 12 years, pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity to dimethyl sulfoxide.

Teraflex chondrocream forte

Teraflex chondrocream

This complex preparation for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system contains the anti-inflammatory agent meloxicam and chondroitin sulfate, which restores the cartilaginous tissue of the joints. It is this combination of substances that is indicated for acute joint pain. The drug helps to reduce stiffness and is recommended to increase the range of motion, which is especially important for morning pain and difficulty in movement.

Indications : complex therapy of osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis of the spine, other joint diseases with pain syndrome.

Contraindications : violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application, age up to 12 years, high sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Aertal 1.5% cream

Aertal cream

The drug is intended to reduce pain and inflammation of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints in cases of sprain. Help relieve pain in inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including sports injuries, and also helps to get rid of morning stiffness with a heel spur. In addition, according to the manufacturer, the use of the cream helps to restore cartilage tissue.

Indications : pain due to traumatic injuries and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, inflammation of the tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints in cases of sprain, overstrain and bruises, lumbago, torticollis, periarthritis.

Contraindications : hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, the presence of an infection caused by the Varicella zoster virus, pregnancy, age under 18 years, violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application.

How to choose a heel spur ointment

It is important to remember that topical pain relievers for heel spurs are only an adjunct to the main treatment. At the initial stage of the disease, you can choose the ointment yourself, based on the recommendations of an experienced pharmacist. But it is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor.

When choosing an ointment, the doctor takes into account all the patient’s complaints, the intensity of pain, comorbidities, the condition of the skin around the painful area of ​​​​the foot, as well as the characteristics of the drugs.

The Big Lie About Heel Spurs, Heel Pain, & Plantar Fasciitis.

Reviews of doctors about ointments for heel spurs

Many doctors speak positively about the use of Dimexide and Diclofenac for heel spurs. With a heel spur, the use of drugs 2 times a day for 10 days will help to completely get rid of painful symptoms.

Also, experts note the need for an integrated approach in the treatment of heel spurs. Such treatment includes injections of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy with hydrocortisone ointment, a course of shock wave therapy, and the use of Ketoprofen ointment or Menovazin gel.

Popular questions and answers

The most popular questions about heel spurs answered teacher and director of the School of Apparatus Pedicure Anna Obukhova.

How do you know if you have a heel spur?

– Look out for the following symptoms:

• in the initial stage, pain on the plantar surface of the heel is noted while walking, while standing;

• with the growth of the spur, pain is characteristic after rest, after sleep, when getting up;

• pain can occur suddenly or increase gradually, and when pressed, pain is felt along the inner surface of the calcaneal tubercle.

To accurately determine the cause of pain in the heel, it is necessary to undergo an x-ray examination. The picture will be deciphered by the doctor of the X-ray room. With the result, you can contact a surgeon or an orthopedic traumatologist for recommendations and an individual treatment regimen.

 How to quickly cure a heel spur at home?

– The concepts of “fast” and “heel spur” are incompatible. But what really quickly relieves pain is arch supports and special insoles with a hole or recess. Insoles are an excellent prevention of the formation of new bone growths. Orthopedic appliances and/or kinesiology taping can also reduce stress on the feet.At home, you need to regularly perform the course of exercises recommended by the orthopedist, use applicators to improve blood circulation in the foot, and do self-massage of the legs.

What not to do with a heel spur?

– With a heel spur, the following factors should be excluded:

• constant wearing of uncomfortable narrow shoes, shoes with thin flat soles or high heels;

• intense physical activity, many hours of work on the feet;

• irrational nutrition, eating salty and spicy foods, sweet carbonated drinks, regular alcohol consumption;

• excess weight;

• untreated inflammatory and chronic diseases, uncorrected diabetes mellitus

How can blood circulation and metabolism in the feet be improved at home?

– Compresses with ozocerite and paraffin help to increase microcirculation in tissues, increase blood flow and lymph flow. Ozokerite and paraffin can be bought at a pharmacy. The composition must be melted in a water bath.Kuznetsov’s applicator and Lyapko’s applicator are unique developments that combine simplicity and efficiency. The procedures are able to compensate for the lack of active movement, relax muscles, increase blood circulation, and activate metabolic processes in damaged tissues. If in parallel to reduce the load on the legs, then the inflammatory process will stop completely.
  1. https://dimexid.ru/ Официальный сайт производителя лекарственного средства.
  2. https://www.rmj.ru/articles/nevrologiya/Kompleksnyy_podhod_v_terapii_osteoartroza_v_fokuse_Cely_T/ Портал РМЖ. Статья Комплексный подход в терапии остеоартроза. 2014г.

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