10 best healing ointments for burns
Burns are one of the most common household injuries. He touched a hot frying pan with his hand or knocked over a mug of hot tea on himself – and now a red painful spot spreads on the skin. Improvised means are not enough here, you will need a special healing ointment for burns

A burn is damage to the skin and tissues by high temperatures (thermal burns), chemical, electrical or radiation exposure.1. Thermal burns most often occur on contact with hot liquids or steam, open flames, or incandescent objects. Of the radiation burns, we are well aware of the “sunburn”.

The risk of burns depends on the size of the affected area and the depth of tissue damage. According to the area of ​​damage, local (limited areas) and extensive burns are distinguished. Depending on the depth, burns are divided into 4 degrees.1:

  • I degree – damage to the uppermost layers of the skin. With such a burn, the skin turns red, swells and becomes painful.
  • II degree – in addition to the listed signs, blisters filled with a clear liquid appear on the burned skin.
  • III-IV degree – characterized by the appearance of blisters with bloody contents, charring of the skin and tissues, loss of pain and tactile sensitivity.

III-IV degree burns or extensive burns may be accompanied by burn shock, acute intoxication of the body and dysfunction of organs and systems. Such injuries require immediate hospitalization and qualified medical care.2.

If the burn is minor, immediately apply dry ice to the damaged area or use cold water. Treat the affected area with an ointment, gel, or burn spray. If the burn is severe or affects a large area of ​​skin, see a doctor immediately.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective healing ointments for burns according to KP

To date, pharmaceutical companies offer a large selection of ointments, gels and sprays for burns. Together with our expert, we have compiled a rating of the most popular and effective remedies and learned how to use them correctly.

1. Baneocin

This ointment from an Austrian manufacturer contains two antibiotics: neomycin and yacitracin, therefore it is positioned as a local antibacterial agent. Considering that an infection often accompanies burns, the use of Baneocin will be a good prevention. Also, the drug will help with infected wounds, abrasions and cuts.

The drug is available in the form of ointment and powder. The ointment can be used for children, and after consultation with a doctor – for pregnant women and nursing mothers. The manufacturer notes a rare manifestation of side effects, and then only in the form of an allergy. Of the contraindications: extensive damage to the skin, disorders of the vestibular and cochlear systems, since antibiotics of this class can lead to hearing loss.

Application: apply the ointment in a thin layer on the affected area 2-3 times a day. In this case, the application area should not be more than 1% of the body surface (palm size).

suitable for infected burns, wounds and abrasions, can be used for children, affordable price.
should not be used for extensive burns.
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2. Radevit Active

Domestic ointment Radevit contains vitamins A, E, D2. The ointment has a softening and moisturizing effect, promotes wound healing, relieves itching and inflammation. At the same time, Radevit is useless for infected burns and wounds. Before applying the ointment, you must first cure the infection, and before applying it to cracks or other skin defects, you need to treat them with an antiseptic.

The drug has no contraindications (except for hypervitaminosis A, E, D), so it can be used in children, pregnant and lactating women (on small areas of the skin).

Application: apply the ointment to the affected areas with a thin layer 2 times a day.

minimum contraindications, can be used by children.
should not be used on infected burns, prolonged use may cause allergic reactions.
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3. Bepanten

Bepanten is an ointment from a German manufacturer. The main active ingredient of the drug is dexpanthenol, which promotes wound healing, stimulates skin regeneration and improves tissue metabolism. Bepanten is used to treat minor wounds, abrasions, light burns, as well as to care for the mammary glands during breastfeeding.

The ointment is safe for babies and is a good remedy for diaper rash. The drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Application: Apply to the damaged area 1-2 times a day.

can be used for infants, pregnant and lactating women.
in rare cases, it can cause allergic reactions in the form of itching or urticaria, high price.
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4. Panthenol

Panthenol is undoubtedly one of the most well-known remedies for the treatment of burns in everyday life. The ointment contains dexpanthenol, which stimulates tissue healing and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is used to treat burns of various origins, scratches, wounds, abrasions, bedsores, dermatitis, boils. Like Bepanthen, Panthenol is safe for infants, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Application: Apply a thin layer on the affected area and gently rub in. It is recommended to use 2-4 times a day.

there are no contraindications except for individual hypersensitivity, can be used for children of any age, affordable price.
Do not apply to weeping wounds, may cause allergic reactions.
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5. Olazol

The combined domestic drug Olazol is produced in the form of an aerosol, which turns into a stable foam.

Olazol is a combined antimicrobial agent and contains sea buckthorn oil, chloramphenicol, benzocaine and boric acid. Benzocaine has an analgesic effect, sea buckthorn oil softens the skin and improves tissue regeneration, the antibiotic chloramphenicol fights infection, boric acid is a local antiseptic. The drug is suitable for the treatment of infected and poorly healing wounds, burns, ulcers, eczema and dermatitis.

Application: spray over the burn 1-4 times a day.

good analgesic effect, contains an antibiotic
can sometimes provoke allergic reactions.
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6. Methyluracil

Another domestic drug, Methyluracil, accelerates cell regeneration in tissues, has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect. The ointment is prescribed for burns, wounds, ulcers and bedsores.

The use of the drug is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. When applied, a slight burning sensation may be felt, which passes quickly enough. Also, sometimes Methyluracil can cause an allergic reaction.

Application: apply the ointment 1-4 times a day on the wound surface.

affordable drug available.
should not be used by children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
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7. Enamel

Emalan is a gel from a Russian manufacturer, which contains collagen, dimexide, allantoin and emoxipin. Thanks to its components, the gel has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects, reduces swelling, soreness and redness of the skin, prevents the spread of infection, relieves itching and reduces scarring.

Emalan is used for any burns, poorly healing wounds, ulcers, bedsores. The gel quickly heals cuts and abrasions, helps with insect and animal bites, while being well tolerated and has no contraindications.

Application: Apply to the wound in a small amount several times a day.

has no contraindications, a wide range of applications.
requires frequent application, slightly unpleasant odor.
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8. Lioxazine PF-gel

Lioxazine is a biologically active gel produced in Russia. In the instructions for use, the drug is designated as a sterile dressing for first aid and the treatment of burns of I-II degrees. It can also be used for sunburn, for the treatment of wounds, and for treating insect bites. The gel enhances the regenerative processes in the skin, and thanks to lidocaine in the composition, it has a local anesthetic effect.

Of the contraindications, only individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Of the side effects, the manufacturer notes the possibility of allergic reactions.

Application: apply the gel on the wound immediately after the burn, then repeat after 6 hours, then 1 time per day.

efficiency, absence of contraindications except for individual intolerance.
may cause allergic reactions.

9. Stellanin

Stellanin is a healing ointment from a Russian manufacturer. The components included in the composition have a strong regenerating effect. The drug reduces the time of treatment of burns and prevents the formation of scars and scars on the skin. In addition, the ointment has a bactericidal effect and suppresses the infectious process.

Stellanin is an effective remedy for burns of I-II degrees, cuts, scratches, skin cracks, scratches, bedsores and trophic ulcers. The ointment has a slight analgesic effect, but you should not use it for sunburn, as it contains dimexide. It causes blood flow to the site of the lesion and can increase pain.

The ointment, unfortunately, has many contraindications: thyrotoxicosis and thyroid adenoma (there is iodine in the composition), acute renal failure, age up to 18 years, 1st trimester of pregnancy. It should be used with caution in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy, during breastfeeding.

Application: apply ointment to the entire affected area, if necessary, can be covered with a bandage. Use no more than 10 g per day.

prevents the formation of scars, fast healing effect.
paints the skin (as part of iodine), has many contraindications.
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10. Rescuer

Balm “Rescuer” – an ambulance for burns and wounds. It contains melted, olive, turpentine, sea buckthorn oils, calendula extract, tea tree oil, rose and lavender oils, Naftalan oil, vitamins A and E. Carefully selected natural ingredients accelerate the healing of wounds and burns without scarring.

The balm has a resolving effect and is effective in sprains, bruises and hematomas, has antibacterial and analgesic properties. The balm is used for burns of I-III degree, wounds and other skin lesions, for diaper rash, for protection from frost, sun and chapping. “Rescuer” contains only natural ingredients and has no contraindications.

Application: Apply to the affected area several times a day. If the nature of the damage allows, then the ointment should be rubbed.

wide range of applications, natural ingredients, affordable price.
oily consistency, can stain clothes.
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How to choose a healing ointment for burns

Today, almost every family has a home first aid kit, which must have a first aid for burns. The choice of ointment should be approached in advance, especially if there are children in the family.

To choose the right ointment, carefully read the instructions for use, customer reviews, doctor’s or pharmacist’s recommendations. All drugs have contraindications and side effects. Check them out and make sure the ointment is right for you. The ideal choice would be a universal remedy that you can use not only for burns, but also in other unpleasant situations – cuts, scratches and other skin damage.

The drug you choose should combine healing, antibacterial and analgesic effects, as well as be safe, convenient to use and effective. If you are purchasing a product containing an antibiotic, you should consult your doctor.

Reviews of doctors about healing ointments for burns

According to doctors, the use of ointments is effective in the complex treatment of burns. At the same time, it is possible to use such a drug on its own only if the burn is minor, superficial. In this case, almost any over-the-counter remedy from the nearest pharmacy will work for you. However, there are times when you need to see a doctor immediately.3:

  • a child or an elderly person suffered from a burn;
  • the burn has a large affected area;
  • the burn is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • in the wound surface there are pieces of clothing, dirt and foreign objects;
  • impurities of blood or pus are visible in the burn blisters;
  • the general condition of the burned person worsened (vomiting, fever or shock appeared).

Do not forget that only a doctor can provide qualified assistance and help to avoid complications.

Popular questions and answers

Burns are one of the most common household injuries. There are hundreds of questions about this topic on the Internet. We asked our expert – pharmacist Ksenia Veselova answer the most popular ones.

How to speed up wound healing after a burn?

– There are several ways to help speed up the healing process of the skin at the site of the burn. The degree of skin regeneration directly depends on the timeliness of first aid and the correctness of further treatment. Minor burns of I and II degrees, as a rule, pass without a trace, leaving no scars behind. More serious burns require timely medical attention.

First of all, immediately after receiving a burn, place the affected surface under cold water for 20 minutes (you can not use ice). This will relieve the pain and stop the spread of the skin lesion. Then dry the burn area and apply ointment. If you have a second or third degree burn, seek medical attention.

Drink plenty of water during treatment (at least 8 glasses a day). Include more fish, soybeans, walnuts, and flaxseeds in your diet. Sleep more, wear loose clothing that does not touch the affected area. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling a burn.

What can not smear burns?

– It is not recommended to smear the burn site with fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, yogurt), fat, oil, vinegar. You can not use brilliant green and iodine. Remember the golden rule of first aid for burns: “eliminate, cool, cover.” Then take a pain reliever and see a doctor.

Is it possible to wash a wound after a burn?

– Immediately after the burn, soak the wound in cold water for 15-20 minutes. It is better if it is running water, for example, from a tap. Then cover the affected area with a dry, clean cloth. If there are pieces of clothing, tissue or other foreign bodies stuck to the burn site, do not try to wash them off or remove them yourself – only a doctor should do this.


  1. Clinical recommendations “Thermal and chemical burns. Sun burns. Burns of the respiratory tract “(approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia) https://legalacts.ru/doc/klinicheskie-rekomendatsii-ozhogi-termicheskie-i-khimicheskie-ozhogi-solnechnye-ozhogi/
  2. Burns: a guide for physicians. / B.S. Vikhriev, V.M. Burmistrov, V.M. Pinchuk. Leningrad, 1981. https://djvu.online/file/s40Al3A4s55N6
  3. Optimization of treatment of patients with thermal burns II-III degree. Rybakov A.A., Ershov A.V., Dolgikh V.T. General resuscitation, 2009. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/optimizatsiya-lecheniya-bolnyh-s-termicheskimi-ozhogami-ii-iii-stepeni

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