10 best films with a twisted plot

Every movie fan knows that the more intricate the plot, the more interesting the film. Movies in which every scene is so intriguing that you can’t tear yourself away from the screen are really worth the time spent … “What will happen next?” Uncertainty is addictive and addictive. After watching interesting films, we think: “How I liked the film! I want to find a similar one. And you will definitely find it, because in front of you is a selection that was prepared especially for you, dear moviegoers.

10 Others

10 best films with a twisted plot

1945 Grace Stewart lives in a huge mansion with her daughters. There is a knock on the door, Grace opens the door: “We have already worked in this house and we will be happy to return here,” the nanny Bertha Mills tells the woman. Also settled in the house: a silent servant Lydia and a gardener, whose name is Edmund Tuttle. At first glance, everything seems normal: servants perform their duties, Grace teaches her daughters on her own, but one day something strange happens – all the servants disappear somewhere, strange sounds appear in the house … What is really happening and why are these people came to the house.

9. 1408

10 best films with a twisted plot

Writer Mike Enslin checks into one of the hotels. The theme of his book is related to the paranormal: he writes about poltergeists, but he himself does not believe in their existence. Mike receives a tempting postcard from a New York hotel called Dolphin: “Do not enter room 1408”, and decides to stay in this room, despite all the warnings about the danger that may await him from the hotel manager. Mike learns that strange things are happening in this issue: people commit suicide or die for unknown reasons. But this did not stop the writer … What will happen to him next? …

8. Trance

10 best films with a twisted plot

Simon is a shareholder, and having entered into an agreement with criminals, he decides to steal the painting “Witches in the Air” directly from the auction … The painting was supposed to bring the conspirators 27 million pounds sterling. He hoped that everything would be easy and simple, but in reality the raid does not work out as planned … During the robbery, Simon receives a strong blow to the head and loses his memory. When he wakes up, he does not remember where the expensive picture went, so the rest of the criminals seek help from a female psychotherapist who knows how to enter into a hypnotic state …

7. Wildness

10 best films with a twisted plot

The action takes place in the state of Florida, in the non-existent village of Blue Bay. Kelly Van Ryan is a seventeen year old student who is in love with her teacher Sam. Not getting what he wants from him, Kelly decides to take revenge, she declares rape. Sam is fired from his job and turns to lawyer Kenneth Bowden for help. The evidence is not enough, and her friend Susie comes to Kelly’s aid, who tells the judge that Sam Lombardo raped her too, but the girl had problems with the law and is reluctant to believe her. All these characters are hiding something…

6. Identification

10 best films with a twisted plot

From the first minutes, this film captivates with its atmosphere. It’s raining outside, and people with different personalities are staying at a small roadside motel. The motel phones don’t work, and famous actress Carolyn comes out to call from the street. After some time, she is found dead … Ginny is scared of what is happening, so she closes herself in the toilet. And when he decides to go out, he discovers his murdered husband Lou. All suspicions are assigned to Mayne, a prisoner who was transported by police officer Rhodes, but they immediately dissipate when he is found dead … After that, everyone is under suspicion.

5. Shutter Island

10 best films with a twisted plot

Mid 1950s, USA. On a closed island there is a hospital for dangerous and mentally unstable criminals. A bailiff named Teddy Daniels and his partner Chuck Oul are sent to this island in order to investigate a mysterious case … The island is guarded everywhere, which eliminates the possibility of escape, but despite this, one serial killer still managed to escape. But something strange is happening on a remote island, and the partners feel it … What is happening?

4. Invisible guest

10 best films with a twisted plot

The movie pulls you in from the very beginning and keeps you going until the very end. Successful businessman Adrian Dory secretly meets with his mistress Laura Vidal. When they are in the car, he tells her that it can’t go on like this anymore, they should part ways. They collide with a car, and a couple of lovers discover a dead person … Adrian and Laura agree to get rid of the corpse and forget about this tragedy. After a while, they meet at the hotel, and when Adrian leaves, Laura is killed … The police break into the room and Adrian is arrested. How was everything really and what is Adrian hiding?

3. Side effect

10 best films with a twisted plot

The young woman Emily Hawkins seems to be happy: she has a handsome husband who takes care of her and wears her in his arms. But the girl’s world collapsed when her husband was imprisoned, accused of murder. After some time, the man is released and the life of this couple seems to be getting better. But Emily is depressed and has suicidal thoughts. She visits psychiatrist Jonathan, who prescribes her a drug to keep her up. But the drug has a side effect – somnambulism … When Emily kills her husband with a knife, Jonathan realizes that he was just a pawn in his patient’s game …

2. vicious games

10 best films with a twisted plot

A girl named India Stoker is asocial, she just lost her father in a car accident. Immediately after the funeral, the brother of the deceased, Uncle Charlie, comes to her and her mother’s house, with whom no one had known before, since he traveled all over Europe. Uncle Charlie is a handsome man who goes out of his way to please his relatives by cooking great dinners and speaking French. The first to melt is the widow – Evelyn, and a little later India. But one day India finds the corpse of their housekeeper in the basement…

1. House

10 best films with a twisted plot

1966, Oregon. Kristen is accused of setting fire to a farmhouse and locked up in the North Bend Asylum. The girl is absolutely sure that she is healthy and never takes the pills that the nurses give her. The situation, at first glance, in a psychiatric hospital is not bad – the staff treats patients well, the girls can spend time on the street or watch TV in the common hall. But at night, each of them is locked in a separate room from which it is impossible to leave. Kristen notices that something strange is happening in the hospital: some kind of sound is heard everywhere, and Dr. Stringer believes that Krista is getting worse … she decides to escape from the hospital at all costs.

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