10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky

The works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky are very popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. The books of this writer are remarkable for their existential ideas, rich language and the complexity of human destinies described in them.

Dostoevsky’s works were repeatedly filmed and rethought, and some filmmakers moved the action to the present time, which only contributed to the deepening of the conflict. This article discusses the best adaptations of the books of this great Russian writer.

10 White nights | 1959

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky 1840s, St. Petersburg. A resident of a big city Dreamer is a lonely person who one day meets Nastya.

Young people walk around the city for several nights and tell each other about their lives.

The dreamer falls in love with a new acquaintance with all the tenderness, passion and spontaneity of his nature. Nastenka says that she will become his wife, but then she awakens feelings for her former lover, and the main character again has to suffer from loneliness.

Many viewers note that Lyudmila Marchenko and Oleg Strizhenov perfectly played the heroes of the story: they turned out to be very spiritual and moderately fantastic.

9. Uncle’s dream | 1966

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky An old rich prince arrives in a small provincial town. Marya Aleksandrovna Moskaleva, a local celebrity in secular circles, decides to marry her daughter Zina to him. However, Mozgliakov, a previously rejected admirer of Zinochka, is trying to convince the elderly groom that he only dreamed of the matchmaking.

8. Double | 2013

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky Simon is not noticed at work, and the girl he likes does not even know about this sympathy, because he is afraid to take the first step.

The protagonist is already beginning to think that nothing will change, but one day James suddenly appears from somewhere, who is very similar to him. He is completely different from Simon: the double is ambitious, confident and even more handsome.

As a result, James begins to take Simon’s life for himself. The hero panics, thinks about what to do in this difficult situation, and his beloved begins to guess something.

7. Brothers Karamazov | 1968

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky Fyodor Karamazov is a narcissistic and irresponsible landowner who brought his wives to death and appropriated what belonged to one of them.

The sons of the landowner grow up, change, and he himself is only busy burning life. This film adaptation is considered the closest to the book, in which the writer managed to “split the human soul.”

The main theme of the film is the relationship in the family, which does not care about children, as well as the future, present and past of Russia.

6. Bad joke | 1966

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky Pralinsky, a state councillor, was returning home late one evening from a visit. Quite by chance, he ended up where his subordinate Pseldonimov got married.

Pralinski, wishing to demonstrate his best side, goes to congratulate the bride and groom. However, Pseldonimov, who did not expect the appearance of the chief, gradually goes crazy, thinking about what this visit will turn out to be. The State Councilor, on the other hand, begins to sink to the level of drunken guests, and in the morning he is ashamed of himself.

5. Down House | 2001

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky In the 90s of the last century, Prince Myshkin returned from Switzerland: a programmer who was undergoing treatment in a psychiatric clinic. He returns to Russia in order to collect the inheritance.

On the way, Myshkin makes a new acquaintance, Parfen Rogozhin: a crime boss who loves to chat and yearns for Nastasya Filippovna.

The prince, whose imagination is very rich, falls in love with this unusual girl in absentia.

Social relations in Moscow society are shown here in a comedic form, very grotesque, moreover, almost all the characters do not pay any attention to the boundaries of “their own circle”. This makes it even more comical.

4. Teen | 1983

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky Arkady Dolgoruky is 19 years old. He is the illegitimate child of Andrei Petrovich Versilov, a nobleman.

Arkady was raised by strangers all his life, other children constantly teased him, and the boy grew up very vulnerable and impressionable.

Having become an adult, he moved to St. Petersburg and began working for the old prince as a secretary. As a result, the young man decided that he wanted to get everything and as quickly as possible: he dreams of untold wealth and a high position in society. Arkady wants to achieve his goals through “continuity and perseverance”.

3. Idiot | 1958

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky Prince Myshkin, who was recovering his health in Switzerland, returns to Russia and very quickly finds himself in the very center of the whirlpool of events.

He meets the merchant Rogozhin, who has long had tender feelings for the beautiful Nastasya Filippovna. The girl is to marry Ganya Ivolgin, but she does not want to.

The prince saw Nastasya and immediately fell in love with her. He is sure that he has already come across this suffering face somewhere: perhaps in a dream? The girl is conquered by such qualities of the prince as purity and sincerity.

2. Demons | 1992

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky Nikolai Stavrogin is a favorite of the fair sex, a brilliant nobleman. Peter Verkhovensky involves him in a secret society.

Stavrogin, who is an adherent of the theses “the end justifies the means” and “everything is permitted”, is very quickly approaching the collapse of the personality. The fate of the hero turns out to be extremely tragic.

Dostoevsky tried to convey to readers the idea that in order to save the soul, it is necessary to believe in something great, to be pure, open, and also strive for enlightenment.

1. Crime and punishment | 1969

10 best films based on the works of Dostoevsky Rodion Raskolnikov is a poor student who commits the murder of a bad person and then thinks for a long time about whether he had the right to do this. The young man is torn between despair and hope for the best, unbelief and faith.

Porfiry Petrovich investigates this crime and after a while goes to the student.

Before that, Raskolnikov meets a girl who awakens true love in him, and this feeling becomes his salvation.

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