10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children)

There is no person in the world who does not like to watch movies. Comedies, horrors, melodramas, thrillers – everyone will find a movie to their liking. Movies about abductions are very popular with viewers. Children are usually the victims of abduction, they are easier to deceive, and when captured, they will not be able to provide proper resistance. Yes, and the audience is much more interesting to watch the abduction of a child, and not an adult man.

Why do people love these films so much? Of course, for the opportunity to step back from reality and get a dose of adrenaline. A person forgets about his own problems, he empathizes with the main characters. Often such films are watched in one breath. If you love car chases, shootouts, intricate investigations with elements of fantasy or horror, you will definitely love our selection of kidnapping movies.

10 City of Lost Children | 1995

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) Fantasy film. A mad scientist lives in a castle near the City of Lost Children. His laboratory is also located there, in which he conducts experiments on abducted children. The fact is that a scientist cannot sleep, he needs to turn the dreams of children into his own.

Soon the boy, the brother of Circus, becomes the victim of the kidnapping. One goes in search of his brother, Miet will help him. This girl is only 9 years old, but without her, the Circus will definitely not cope.

The film makes an ambiguous impression. He is not like any other. Critics call it “a delightful spooky tale for grown-ups”. It is worth seeing it only because it is one of a kind, there are no analogues.

9. Whisper | 2006

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) Movie for horror lovers. Max agrees to do the “dirty work” of kidnapping a child who is the son of a rich woman. The kidnapper gathers a team, he offers “cooperation” to his fiancee and two young people. Everything worked out the way they wanted.

The boy David is kidnapped, it remains only to wait for the ransom. But the boy is not at all as simple as it seems. He has extraordinary powers. With the power of his mind, he can make others kill each other. It soon becomes clear who ordered the kidnapping. This is David’s mother. How this unusual story will end, you will find out if you watch the film.

It received rather mixed reviews, but those who are crazy about mystical thrillers will definitely like the picture. The movie doesn’t drag out, it keeps you in suspense. There are no long conversations about anything, events are unpredictable.

8. Goodbye baby, goodbye | 2007

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) Unknown people kidnap a little girl Amanda. The mother does not care about her, the police are also inactive. Then the girl’s aunt turns to private detectives. At first, they do not want to get involved in this case, but events occur that force private detectives to forget about everything and start looking for the girl.

A complex picture with a strong plot. The story is not new, but the ending is amazing. After watching, not the most pleasant impressions will remain, but “Goodbye, Baby” will make you think about some issues, in particular, about the attitude towards children and the truth. The viewer is waiting for a lot of experiences, when viewing this picture it is impossible to remain indifferent.

7. Alarm call | 2013

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) Jordan is a rescue operator. Once she made an irreparable mistake, because of her negligence, a girl died. In six months, Jordan will be able to rehabilitate himself.

A maniac kidnapped a young girl, Casey, but she has a phone. Now Jordan will do everything so that history does not repeat itself this time.

The film is watched in one breath: an exciting plot, tense atmosphere. The viewer will forget about everything, only one thought will remain in his head: “What will happen next?” The film also shows the work of the rescue service, which is really very interesting.

6. Redemption | 1996

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) An amazing story that will amaze the audience with its unpredictability. Neil and Abby have been married for a long time, they have an ideal family. One day their daughter is kidnapped, but the kidnapper does not demand money, he forces the spouses to perform various tasks. Tom, who stole their daughter, comes up with more and more strange assignments. He seems to want to ruin Neil and Abby’s life.

The audience highly appreciated this film for its interesting plot, dynamism of events and unexpected ending. At first it seems rather banal, but rest assured that “Redemption” will not disappoint you.

5. Illusion of flight | 2005

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) Kyle Pratt has lost her husband. She takes his death hard, and during a plane flight from Berlin to New York, her daughter disappears. The woman begins to panic, demands to find the girl, but the missing girl is not on the list of passengers. Everyone thinks that a woman after a tragedy with her husband has lost the remnants of her mind.

An interesting picture. Here the viewer will see what a woman can do for the sake of a child, because maternal love is the strongest and boundless. The viewer is immersed in what is happening with his head, sympathizes with the main character, worries about her. Many note the game of Jodie Foster, she played this role perfectly.

4. Anger | in 2004

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) In Mexico City, the situation is tense, too many people have been disappearing lately. Businessman Samuel Ramos hires a bodyguard for his daughter. They become former CIA agent John Creasy, but even this does not help, the girl is kidnapped. But John is not going to give up, he is ready for anything to return the girl to her parents. Everything is not as simple as it seems.

Tragic film. Its main idea is that even the most desperate person can get hope for salvation. This is not about a girl, but about John, who has lost the meaning of life. A good action movie will amaze the audience with its ending, despite the cruelty it takes for the soul.

3. At the very bottom of the ocean | in 1999

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) Batt Kapadora goes to a reunion with her family. They check into a hotel, but in the confusion they don’t notice someone is kidnapping their son. The boy is only three years old. Parents have been looking for him for a long time, but all attempts are in vain.

The family moves to Chicago, and nine years later, a boy appears on the threshold of their new home, painfully similar to their missing son.

An interesting and insightful film. Suitable for family viewing. He will make viewers think about family relationships, analyze them.

2. Captives | 2014

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) Thanksgiving, two families gather for a celebration that turns into a tragedy. Two little girls go missing. The police can’t find them, they just don’t have any leads.

Keller Dover takes matters into his own hands as he desperately wants his daughter back home.

A gripping psychological thriller. The intensity of events, the experiences of the characters are classics of the genre. The film is heavy enough for perception, after viewing the viewer will definitely visit thoughts about human cruelty and imperfection.

1. Hostage | 2007

10 best films about kidnapping (kidnapping of children) A former CIA agent’s daughter is kidnapped. If he doesn’t find her in 96 hours, he’ll never see her again. Brian embarks on a dangerous journey.

The film has quite high ratings. The plot is simple, one might say banal, but the film looks in one breath.

The viewer will sympathize and experience. Many admit that when watching “emotions go off scale”, and tears pour from their eyes.

This story is not only about kidnapping, but also about the relationship between father and daughter. This topic will interest teenagers and their parents, some viewers may recognize themselves in them.

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