10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Today, many of the fair sex have to solve such a problem as a large amount of excess fat in the abdomen and waist. The main causes of such body fat are an excess of calories, poor eating habits, and a sedentary lifestyle. To lose weight, you need to start watching what you eat and exercising as often as possible. Consider the physical exercises that are most effective in the fight against excess fat in the waist and abdomen.

10 Press on the rectus abdominis muscles

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

You will need to put something soft on the floor (for example, a towel), sit on it and put your hands behind your head. After that, inhale and raise your torso, and then exhale and lower yourself. At the peak point, you will need to linger for a while. Performing this exercise, you should, as it were, twist in the abs, round your back. Raising the body, you need to exhale loudly. You should not perform the exercise too quickly: you should feel the tension of the abdominal muscles, their active work. You should do several approaches of 10 twists.

9. Mill

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Straighten up, spread your arms to the sides and spread your legs (not very wide). Then you will need to tilt your torso forward and alternately wave your arms down, trying to touch the toes of opposite legs. During these strokes, the limbs should be straightened as much as possible. Remember that when performing such an exercise, you should breathe correctly. Do several sets of 20 rotations. During this exercise, different abdominal muscles work. If you fully tighten the body, the muscles of the buttocks and legs will also work.

8. Rolling on a gym ball

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Turn your back to the sports equipment. Place your feet on it, then put your hands on the floor (not very wide). Legs and back should be straightened. Then you should slightly bend your legs and begin to gently roll on the ball to the right and left. Rolls will need to be repeated several times. To avoid injury to the spine, do not make excessively strong and abrupt movements.

7. Press on the lateral abdominal muscles

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Lay a towel or rug on the floor. Then you will need to lie on his side. One arm should be extended so that it is in front of you: this limb will serve as a support. Put your other hand behind your head, point its elbow towards the ceiling. Raise your legs and body at the same time, wait a bit and lower them down. Straining, you should inhale, relaxing – exhale. Do several sets of 10 reps.

6. Planck

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

This exercise is very popular, it allows you to achieve very good results. Performing the bar daily, you can strengthen not only the press, but also the arms, legs, buttocks, and back. Place your elbows on the floor, straighten your legs and back. Hold out for the maximum amount of time. To begin with, 30 seconds will be enough, then the time can be increased to several minutes.

During the plank, the body may begin to shake, which is completely normal. This is a sign that the muscles of the body are well developed. Do not forget to strain the muscles of the legs and straighten them as much as possible, otherwise the main load will not be on the press, but on the lumbar spine.

5. Twisting on the floor

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

You will need to lie on your back. Then spread your arms out to the sides and place them on the floor. Legs should be bent at the knees. Lift them up and start moving your knees to both sides. If you need to increase the load, place a book or a ball between your knees. You will need to do several approaches of 15 times. To make this exercise more effective, it should be done before a burning sensation occurs in the abdominal muscles.

4. Side lath

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

This bar is more complex than the usual one. There are only two points of support on which you have to balance during this exercise. It is not easy for an unprepared person to stand in a side bar: usually, before that, you have to master a simpler exercise. It allows you to work out the press and get rid of excess fat with much greater intensity.

To get into such a bar, you need to lie on your side and create support with one hand. Then inhale, lift your hips off the floor, lift them up and stay in this position for a while. Then exhale and lower your pelvis. Such an exercise will need to be done at least 20 times (for both sides).

3. Bodyflex

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

You will need to sit down and bend your legs under you, straighten your back. Then inhale, raise your left hand above your head and tilt it to the right. Wait a little, and after that you can take the original position. When doing bodyflex, you should feel how the muscles that are on the sides are being worked out, stretched. When you’re done, switch hands and do it all over again. This exercise will need to be repeated several times. The main advantage of bodyflex is that it allows not only to strengthen the muscles located on the sides, but also to develop the flexibility of the legs and spine.

2. Torso rotations on the disc

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

With the help of the disk, you can train the abdominal muscles very well. Everyone can spin on it, regardless of age and weight. Sit on the disc (you will need to stand next to some furniture or a wall to make it easier to balance). Then you will need to turn the body in different directions: the pace should be medium. In this case, the torso should be directed in one direction, and the feet in the other. During the implementation of turns on the disk, you usually feel how the waist muscles are being worked out.

1. Hoop twist

10 best exercises for slimming the abdomen and sides

Regular torsion of the hoop will allow you to easily and quickly burn calories, with maximum efficiency to eliminate fat deposits on the sides and on the abdomen, cellulite on the thighs. The heavier the hoop, the faster it will be to achieve results. If you have not twisted it before, give it no more than 10 minutes. Having got used to the load, it will be possible to devote more time to torsion of the hoop. If you are going to start such an exercise, you need to wear fairly tight clothes, because many people get bruises on their sides from the hoop.

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