10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

Rhinitis is an annoying nuisance that can happen to anyone regardless of the season and health status. Increased secretion of mucus is a protective reaction of our body to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms into it. But this does not mean that such a reaction does not need to be fought. A runny nose, as a symptom, can be effectively stopped with the help of drugs common on the pharmaceutical market. Of course, some of them are so useless that it’s easier to anoint with an “asterisk” under your nose or drip aloe juice. However, the industry is developing, and if you dig a little, you can find effective drugs for rhinitis with a minimum of side effects and prolonged action.

Consider what types of drops for nasal congestion are now leading the market and are considered really effective.

10 Hormonal preparations

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

Many are surprised that hormonal components can be related to the nasal mucosa, but this is exactly so. The relevance of their use increases in the case when rhinitis is severe or accompanied by allergies. However, when used uncontrolled, hormones are enemies that weaken the body’s immune response and increase the risk of pathogen reproduction. Among the drugs, we recommend paying attention to Nasonex, Baconase, Nasobe, etc. Many of them can be used by children from 3-6 years old, which proves their relative safety and low risk of side effects.

9. Antimicrobial agents

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

With pathological organisms, special preparations for the common cold, which are well known to everyone, are fighting. Pinosol in the form of ointments, creams, drops and sprays consists mostly of essential oils, which reduce mucus secretion, kill germs and are not addictive. Dr. Thais Nazollin contains eucalyptus oil and xylometazoline – effective remedies for pathogenic microflora. Bactroban perfectly copes with infectious and bacterial rhinitis, reduces the symptoms of purulent discharge from the upper respiratory tract, and effectively destroys staphylococci.

8. Vasoconstrictor drops

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

Sometimes, to reduce the secretion of mucus, it is enough to drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose – the most popular remedies for rhinitis. They effectively reduce the swelling of the mucosa, quickly “piercing” the nose and allowing you to breathe calmly. Basically, these drugs are based on the following active ingredients: naphazoline, phenylerine, xylometazoline, oxymetazoline. Of the drugs with xylometazoline, Farmazolin and Galazolin are the most effective. Known to all, Naphthyzin is based on naphazoline. Of the oxymetazoline group, preference is given to the popular Nazol. The phenylephrine group is allowed to be used even for children of the younger age group (Vibrocil, Nazol Baby, etc.).

7. Silver based

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

Few people have heard that there are special drops for nasal congestion based on silver. The substance allows you to quickly overcome congestive rhinitis, sanitize the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, reduce their inflammation and swelling. Collargol is most effective in the form of a 2% solution for instillation, as well as Protargol. All of them are based on colloidal silver molecules, which perfectly knit mucus and facilitate nasal breathing.

6. Antiviral

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

Often a runny nose occurs against the background of influenza and other viral diseases. As we know, there is no 100% cure for viruses – the body itself must defeat the pathogen and stop the inflammatory process, and such drops only help speed up the effect and reduce swelling and sensitivity of the mucosa. They say that there are already drugs created by genetic engineering using active substances from the blood of a donor. We do not know how much these components are used in drops from the common cold, but you can pay attention to powerful and effective remedies. For example, well removes the symptoms of Grippferon, which is not addictive and does not provoke the emergence of resistant strains. There is evidence that with these drops the healing process is accelerated by 2 times.

5. Moisturizing drops

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

It is a pity that not all modern doctors explain to patients that it is important not only to treat the mucous membrane, but also to moisturize it. Often, a runny nose is the cause of ordinary dryness, which leads to the appearance of microcracks and lesions in which microbes develop. Moisturizers will help restore and regenerate mucous tissue, facilitate nasal breathing and quickly remove accumulated mucus. And yet we recommend using them with therapeutic (healing) drops. Moisturizing options are mainly made from mineral or sea water, enriched with various salts, vitamins and trace elements, which help to activate the movement of cilia inside the nose. Among the effective means are Salin, Aqua Maris, Marimer and others.

4. Herbal drops

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

Such drugs are suitable for lovers of natural treatment with a minimum of side effects. Esters and herbal extracts in the composition allow you to effectively “pierce” the nose and clear the channels of mucus. Peppermint, eucalyptus and cooling menthol in the composition bring the greatest benefits. The latter also acts on cold nasal receptors, making breathing easier and slightly reducing swelling. A popular remedy is Sinupret, which reduces inflammation and thins mucus well.

3. Antibacterial agents

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

All people know that antibiotics (even in the form of nasal drops) cannot be used indiscriminately due to the increased risk of side effects. Basically, the ENT prescribes them for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, sinusitis, various forms of bacterial and infectious rhinitis. If the nose is blocked precisely with sinusitis, then Bioparox, Fuzafungin, and Farmacetin will be the most effective.

2. Drops for allergies and edema

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

In people with respiratory allergies to wool, dust, volatile chemicals, pollen, and other irritants, a runny nose is a typical symptom. For its treatment, agents are used that narrow the vessels well, eliminate severe swelling that blocks the nasal passages. It is important to restore full nasal breathing as soon as possible, for which Vibrocil or Sanori-Analergin are used. The latter demonstrates high efficiency, but is also addictive, so it is often prescribed a course per week.

1. Homeopathic drops

10 best drops for a runny nose and nasal congestion for the whole family

Many patients do not trust homeopathy, and in fact it has already proved its effectiveness by numerous practical experiments. The most popular against rhinitis are Edas-131 and Euphorbium Compositum. Homeopathy is able to weaken the reproduction of pathogens, eliminate redness and swelling of the mucosa, help restore it and strengthen local immunity. Such funds are advised to use in the acute phase of the common cold every 15 minutes during the first two hours.

Remember that when choosing even such a simple drug as nasal drops, it is important to correctly calculate the dosage and study the composition. You may be allergic to some components, so before use, test the product on your finger or lubricate the nostrils. Remember that hormonal, antiviral and antibacterial nasal drops can only be prescribed by the attending otolaryngologist.

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