10 best dosimeters

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The ecological situation in Russia is slowly but surely deteriorating. Therefore, a modern person needs to monitor where he is, what he breathes, what he eats and drinks. Among the negative factors that affect people’s health on a daily basis are radiation, high nitrate content, hard water, and electromagnetic fields. You can control the level of pollution with the help of dosimeters. These sophisticated devices have become more accessible to all strata of Russian society in recent years. There is a wide range of domestic and foreign models on the market. The recommendations of our experts will help you choose the right dosimeter for different life situations.

Types of dosimeters. All devices that can determine negative factors for a person can be divided into two groups.

  1. Professional models have high measurement accuracy, wide operating range, strength and durability. All of them must be entered in the state register.

  2. The main advantage of household dosimeters is compactness and affordable price. The average user does not require high accuracy readings. It will be more useful to be able to recognize a wide range of hazardous effects (radiation pollution, nitrates, magnetic fields, water hardness).

Notification methods. In modern dosimeters, two methods are used to notify a person about exceeding the permissible values.

  1. Numerical information is displayed on the display of many devices, which is highlighted in different colors for clarity. However, the numbers do not always give a clear picture to the consumer. Only professionals understand numbers.

  2. For an ordinary person, a sound or vibration signal looks easier. It affects the subconscious, warning of danger. It remains only to remember which harmful factor is being tested.

  3. Options for synchronizing work with external devices. To process the received information, it is often necessary to connect the dosimeter to a computer, tablet or smartphone. Communication occurs through several channels.

  4. The simplest are wireless connections via infrared or Bluetooth.

  5. With a wired connection, the dosimeter must have a USB connector. This connection of the device allows you to update the software on many models.

Dimensions. Many types of research are carried out away from home or laboratory. Therefore, lightness and compactness often become an important selection criterion.

  1. Miniature devices weighing 80-100 g are easily hidden in a handbag or jacket pocket. Some of them can be worn on the arm, with a strap or bracelet.

  2. Professionals have to work with heavier (200-500 g) and overall models. But in their work, the accuracy of measurements and the duration of measurements without recharging are more important.

Our review includes the top 10 dosimeters. You can buy these models in specialized stores in Russia. When distributing places, the editors of the simplerule magazine relied on the opinions of the expert community, taking into account the feedback from domestic users.

Rating of the best dosimeters

Nomination Place Name of product Price
The best professional dosimeters      1 SNIIP AUNIS MKS-01CA1M      25 710 ₽
     2 DRGB-01 ECO-1      32 188 ₽
     3 MKS-05 TERRA-P      25 710 ₽
     4 RADEX MKS-1009      25 600 ₽
The best household multifunctional dosimeters      1 Greentest Eco 5, KIT FB0136      14 989 ₽
     2 Soeks Ecovisor F4      10 900 ₽
     3 SOEKS Ecovisor F3      8500
     4 DO-RA VDR-IRQ1801-w      6015
     5 Hook Elektronik SMG-2      6300 ₽
     6 DKG-RM1603a      27 529 ₽

The best professional dosimeters

Professional dosimeters help monitor the radiological situation in different regions of the country. The main advantages of these devices are considered high accuracy, efficiency of analysis, resistance to atmospheric influences. Professionals most often use the following devices.


Rating: 4.9

An easy-to-use professional dosimeter is the Russian device SNIIP AUNIS MKS-01CA1M. The handheld device updates the measurement results every second, showing the user the current error. Indicators are displayed, there is an option of speech and sound accompaniment. The experts gave the dosimeter-radiometer the palm in our review for its wide functionality. It is able to measure the power of gamma, beta and alpha particles, search for a source of ionizing radiation, assess the radiation situation and control the level of radioactive contamination of objects.

Users are pleased with the ease of use, compactness, fast automatic change of readings and wide measurement range.




Rating: 4.8

The domestic dosimeter DRGB-01 ECO-1 occupied the second position. Experts consider high sensitivity and ease of use to be the strengths of the device. The technical parameters also deserve praise. The dosimeter can work with beta and gamma particles, demonstrating a high measurement speed (20 s). The device is not inferior to the winner in terms of accuracy, the current density error is 20%, and the dose rate error is 15%. Owners of the dosimeter will have to give it for verification once every 1 years. To power the device, the manufacturer chose a battery, it can be charged from a 2 V network. Experts consider only the weight of the device (220 g) to be quite large.

Russian users speak flatteringly about the high speed of analysis, accuracy and reliability of the device. Satisfies them and reasonable price.




Rating: 4.7

The research and production company Doza produces dosimeters-radiometers MKS-05 TERRA-P. They are able to determine the power of gamma radiation, as well as assess the degree of contamination with beta radionuclides. Thanks to the use of a plastic case, the manufacturer managed to reduce the weight of the device to 200 g. The device is powered by two AAA batteries (2×1,5 V). As additional options, the dosimeter has an alarm clock and a clock. The model is inferior to the leaders of the review in terms of measurement accuracy (DE – 25%, DER – 25%), moreover, the device is expensive.

Users appreciate the dosimeter for its simplicity and ease of measurement, reliability and compactness. Consumers did not like such qualities as a long measurement time and inefficient backlighting.




Rating: 4.6

For radiometric and dosimetric control at enterprises or environmental studies, a compact RADEX MKS-1009 device has been developed. It can determine gamma and beta radiation, taking into account the background of alpha rays. The experts liked the speed of the research (25 s), as well as the promptness of the warning when the radioactive threshold was exceeded. In addition to digital information, the device has a vibration response and a sound signal. The role of the current source is played by one AA battery (1,5 V), it can withstand continuous operation for 950 hours.

Domestic users liked the speed of counting radiation, compactness and ease of use. Of the shortcomings, there is an incorrect determination of radiation when the battery is discharged, and the rigidity of the keys.



The best household multifunctional dosimeters

The new generation of Russians prefers to lead a healthy lifestyle. Household dosimeters become reliable assistants in this commendable endeavor. Many of them are able to perform several different studies, which is highly appreciated by users. Experts have identified several useful portable models.

Greentest Eco 5, KIT FB0136

Rating: 4.9

The household dosimeter Greentest Eco 5 has wide functionality. In addition to determining the radiation background, the device will help identify products with a high content of nitrates, as well as assess the level of water hardness. For many consumers, the low quality of vegetables and fruits presented in stores came as an unpleasant surprise. Experts note a simple and understandable menu, which makes the device accessible to a wide range of consumers. The tester is powered by a rechargeable battery and comes with an adapter for charging the battery from a household outlet. The model becomes the winner of our review.

In the reviews, consumers praise the dosimeter for its versatility, ease of use, and a clear menu. The only downside is the high cost.



Soeks Ecovisor F4

Rating: 4.8

The dosimeter Soeks Ecovisor F4 has even more functionality. The device is able to detect radiation pollution, determine the concentration of nitrates in products, assess the level of water hardness, and also find the electromagnetic field. The manufacturer chose 2 AAA batteries as a current source. Experts consider the strengths of the device to be a durable rubberized case, a simple interface, and a touch screen. The model has a stylish design and can take measurements at several points at once. When connected to a computer, the device is able to periodically update the firmware.

Consumers like the appearance of the device, wide functionality, ease of operation. The disadvantage of the model is the short wire at the adapter.



SOEKS Ecovisor F3

Rating: 4.8

Three harmful factors for human health can be assessed by the dosimeter SOEKS (Soeks) Ecovisor F3. The device changes the degree of radiation pollution, the concentration of nitrates and the degree of water hardness. Thanks to the composite probe, measurements can be taken simultaneously at several points. This design increases the reliability of the result. The experts praised the manufacturer for expanding the range of fruits and vegetables that the tester can examine. The menu of the device is intuitive, if necessary, you can look at the attached instruction manual.

User opinions differ when it comes to assessing the accuracy of measurements. Some consumers consider the measurements realistic, others refuse to believe them. Some people think it’s overpriced.




Rating: 4.7

Not so long ago, a new development of Russian scientists DO-RA VDR-IRQ1801-w appeared on sale. This is a special indicator that works in tandem with a computer or smartphone. You can download the application to the device both on Google Play and on the App Store. Experts consider the portability of the device (85 g) to be a big plus, which allows you to always have a dosimeter with you. The affordable price will also be an attractive factor for potential buyers.

Since the novelty has not yet managed to find a large number of fans, there are still few reviews from the owners. Users did not like the primitive instruction, which does not provide answers to emerging questions. But the compactness and convenient plug can be added to the asset of the indicator of ionizing radiation.



Hook Elektronik SMG-2

Rating: 4.6

The unique design distinguishes the German Haak Elektronik SMG-2 dosimeter from its competitors. The device is made in the form of a mobile phone, the display of which displays information about the radioactive background. With its task, according to experts, the device copes perfectly. The user quickly receives information about beta, gamma and X-ray radiation. The low price was another factor for including the dosimeter in our review.

The device caused a lot of positive emotions among Russian consumers. They are satisfied with the ease of use, nice appearance, built-in clock and thermometer. There are complaints on the forums about the fragility of the connector, and the dosimeter is also afraid of moisture.




Rating: 4.5

The Russian household dosimeter DKG-RM1603a is designed to measure gamma, X-ray and photon radiation. The device is in demand among workers of nuclear power plants, radiological laboratories, emergency services, customs officers and border guards. The miniature device is made in the form of a wrist watch, by the way, the dosimeter has many functions characteristic of them (time, date, timer). The detector is a Geiger-Muller counter, the margin of error is 15% (for DER and ED). The gadget can be connected to external devices (PC, smartphone, tablet) via infrared.

Users note the survivability of the dosimeter, which is provided by a sealed shock-resistant case. The high price becomes a deterrent when buying.



Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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