10 best analogues of Pulmicort
Pulmicort is an effective remedy for the treatment of bronchial asthma and other diseases that are accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the bronchial mucosa. But if the drug is not in the pharmacy, how can it be successfully replaced? Let’s ask the experts

Pulmicort is available as a suspension for inhalation using a nebulizer. The active component of Pulmicort is the hormone budesonide, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces swelling of the bronchi, and facilitates sputum discharge.1. The drug is used to treat people with bronchial asthma, false croup, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)1.

The main advantage of Pulmicort is the inhalation route of administration. Inhalations can be done by people of any age, including the elderly and children over 6 months old.1. The drug is suitable for long-term use and is well tolerated by most patients.

Among the contraindications are hypersensitivity to budesonide and children under 6 months of age.1. Suspension before use is diluted in saline or in solutions of other drugs1.

During treatment, you need to follow simple rules – wash your face and rinse your mouth with water after each inhalation, so as not to provoke skin irritation and candidiasis (fungal infection) of the oral cavity.

Rating of the top 10 inexpensive and effective analogues of Pulmicort according to KP

The original drug Pulmicort is produced by the Swedish company ASTRAZENECA. Analogues of Pulmicort with the same active ingredient, but under other trade names, are presented on the pharmaceutical market. Substitutes for Pulmicort include preparations that contain other active ingredients, but are also used in the form of inhalations and reduce swelling and inflammation of the bronchi.

1. Pulmicort Turbuhaler

Like Pulmicort, this drug is produced by the Swedish company ASTRAZENECA. The difference between drugs lies in the form of release. Pulmicort Turbuhaler is a reusable inhaler containing budesonide in the form of granules.2. When inhaled through the mouthpiece of the inhaler, the desired dose of budesonide enters the lungs2.

One dose of the drug contains 100 or 200 mcg of the active substance2. The package contains 100 doses.

drug from the same manufacturer; convenient form of release – the drug does not need to be dissolved in a liquid before use. The compact inhaler can be used anywhere.
the course of treatment will be more expensive compared to other analogues.

2. Budenite Steri-Neb

The Pulmicort analogue contains the same active ingredient budesonide and is available as a ready-made suspension for inhalation.3. The drug helps to reduce swelling and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa and greatly facilitates shortness of breath.

 The dosage of Budenit Steri-Neb is the same as that of Pulmicort – 0,25 mg / ml and 0,5 mg / ml3. Indications and contraindications for these drugs are also identical.

full analogue of Pulmicort in terms of active substance and dosage; like Pulmicort, it is available as a ready-made suspension.
high price in the segment; not sold in all pharmacies.

3. Budesonite-Native

The Russian analogue of Pulmicort contains the hormone budesonide and is available as a solution for inhalation.4. The dosage of Budesonit-Nativ is the same as that of the original drug – 0,25 mcg / ml and 0,5 mcg / ml4. The drug is used for the treatment and prevention of bronchial asthma, COPD and false croup.4.

Restrictions on use: children under 6 months of age, individual intolerance to budesonide. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women, people with an open form of tuberculosis, acute infections of the respiratory system.

contains an active substance similar to Pulmicort in the same dosage; convenient form of release – a ready-made solution for inhalation.
not always on sale.

4. Pulmibud

Another analogue of Pulmicort with the active ingredient budesonide5. Release form of the drug – suspension for inhalation5. Pulmibud is intended for the treatment and prevention of bronchial asthma, COPD and false croup5. It can be used to treat children older than 6 months, and under medical supervision and at the lowest effective dose in women during pregnancy and lactation.

active substance identical with Pulmicort, release form and dosage;
not sold in all pharmacies.

5. Respinid

Respinide is available as an inhalation solution containing 0,25 µg/ml and 0,5 µg/ml budesonide.6 and is administered using an inhaler-nebulizer. The drug is effectively used for the treatment of bronchial asthma, false croup and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adults and children older than 6 months.6. Contraindications to the use of Respinid are the same as those of Pulmicort.

active substance and dosage are similar to Pulmicort; low price.
not very convenient packaging.

6. Spiriva Respimat

Unlike analogues of Pulmicort based on budesonide, this drug contains tiotropium bromide7. It is a bronchodilator that relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, relieves spasm and shortness of breath, and improves lung function.7.

The drug is prescribed to patients with bronchial asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.7. It has been proven that the drug reduces the number of exacerbations in bronchial asthma and COPD, facilitates the course of the disease and improves the quality of life.7.

Spiriva Respimat is a compact spray inhaler. The recommended dose for adults is 2 inhalations once a day.

The drug should not be used in people with individual hypersensitivity to tiotropium bromide, pregnant and lactating women, children under 6 years of age.

proven effectiveness; the minimum number of contraindications; ease of use – 1 time per day, and the inhaler can be used anywhere.
not suitable for relieving acute bronchospasm; should not be used to treat children under 6 years of age; not used as a first-line drug for the treatment of bronchial asthma.

7. Tiotropium Nativ

The active substance of the drug is tiotropium bromide, which relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, helps relieve spasms and make breathing easier.8. The drug is used for maintenance therapy of patients with COPD, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.8. Release form – capsules with powder, from which a suspension for inhalation is prepared.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to tiotropium bromide, age up to 18 years, 1st trimester of pregnancy.

efficiency; affordable price in the segment; few contraindications.
suitable only for adults; not a very convenient form of release.

8. Flixotide

The drug contains the hormone fluticasone, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.9. Helps reduce symptoms and reduce the frequency of exacerbations in bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases that are accompanied by obstruction (narrowing) of the airways9. Flixotide is available as an aerosol for inhalation and is intended for regular use.9.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 1 year of age, acute bronchospasm.

efficiency; the minimum number of contraindications; convenient form of release – the inhaler can be carried with you.
high price in the segment.

9. Beclomethasone Aeronative

The active component of the drug is the hormone beclomethasone, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and slows down the development of an allergic reaction.10. Beclomethasone Aeronative is used to treat bronchial asthma in adults and children over 4 years of age.10.

The drug is available as a metered dose aerosol for inhalation. One aerosol can contains 200 doses.

Contraindications for use: hypersensitivity to beclomethasone, active and inactive tuberculosis, children under 4 years of age10.

efficiency; low price in the segment; ease of use.
should not be used to treat children under 4 years of age.

10. Beclospear

Another inhalation drug based on the hormone beclomethasone11. It is intended for the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults and children over 4 years of age. Produced in the form of a metered-dose aerosol for inhalation with different content of the active substance – 50, 100 and 250 mcg per dose11. One aerosol can contains 200 doses.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

efficiency; suitable for long-term use; convenient release form; minimum contraindications; low price in the segment.
not suitable for children under 4 years old; not sold in all pharmacies.

How to choose an analogue of Pulmicort

– If Pulmicort is too expensive for the patient or is not available for sale, it makes sense to consider more budgetary analogues with the same active ingredient (Pulmibud, Respinid). The second reason to refuse the medicine is individual intolerance, says pulmonologist Svetlana Bozhko.

When using an identical composition of the drug, the risk of exacerbations of the disease and adverse reactions is reduced. Of course, only a doctor should select an analogue of Pulmicort. If the patient independently buys and uses inhalers with other active substances, this may cause a worsening of the condition.

Reviews of doctors about analogues of Pulmicort

Doctors advise using full analogues of Pulmicort, which contain budesonide in the same dosage and are available in a similar dosage form – in the form of a solution or suspension for inhalation. These drugs include Budenit Steri-Neb, Pulmibud, Budesonide-Nativ.

Powder and aerosol inhalers (Pulmicort Turbuhaler) contain a large amount of excipients that interfere with the absorption of the active ingredient and often cause side effects.

Substitutes for Pulmicort with another active ingredient (betomethasone, tiotropium bromide) act somewhat differently. Therefore, their use is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Popular questions and answers

COPD and asthma are very common diseases that can cause serious complications. Pulmonologist Svetlana Bozhko answers popular questions about Pulmicort analogues.

When can Pulmicort analogues be used?

– Analogues of Pulmicort are used for the treatment and prevention of attacks of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as for false croup, chronic bronchitis and some other diseases of the respiratory system.

What happens if you stop taking Pulmicort and switch to an analogue?

– If the analog was chosen by the attending physician, then in most cases the patient will not notice any changes. Only in rare cases, individual intolerance to a new drug is possible.

The patient should not independently prescribe hormonal drugs. Attempts at self-treatment often end in severe attacks of bronchial asthma and complications from other organs.

Sources of:

  1. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/pulmicort__1801
  2. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_2720.htm
  3. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/budenit_steri-neb__29975
  4. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/benacort__1261
  5. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/pulmibud
  6. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/respinid
  7. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/spiriva_respimat__32065
  8. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/tiotropium-nativ
  9. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/flixotide__898
  10. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/beklometasone-aeronative__40646
  11. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/beclospir__20919

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