10 best analogues of Monural
Monural is the most commonly used drug in the treatment of urinary tract infections. It is popular because of its efficiency and speed. However, there are many analogues of Monural, which are no less effective and are much cheaper.

Monural is considered one of the most effective medicines for cystitis. Monural is a powder for the preparation of a solution that is taken orally. The main active ingredient of Monural is fosfomycin trometamol, a broad-spectrum antibiotic. This antibiotic is very well absorbed in the stomach, does not interact with blood proteins and accumulates exclusively in the urine. This concentration of fosfomycin in the urine makes it 99% bactericidal for almost all microorganisms that cause infectious diseases of the urinary tract. Based on this quality, a circle of indications for Monural is formed:

  • acute and recurrent bacterial cystitis;
  • bacteriuria;
  • bacterial urethritis;
  • postoperative urinary tract infections;
  • prevention of infection during operations and research.

A high concentration of the drug, necessary to suppress infectious agents, remains in the urine for up to 48 hours even after a single dose. The drug is excreted from the body completely in its original form: 90% with urine, 10% with feces. This causes a very small number of contraindications to the appointment of the drug:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • severe renal failure;
  • children up to 5 years;
  • when breastfeeding and pregnancy (as decided by the doctor).

The drug is produced by the Swiss company Zambon Switzerland Ltd. Why is the drug attractive among patients? First of all, high efficiency even with a single dose (repeated use is very rare, for example, for elderly patients and with recurrent infections), as well as a minimum number of contraindications and side effects.

However, you will have to pay a lot for such efficiency. The cost of one dose of the drug will be from 660 to 750 rubles. The disadvantages of the drug can also be attributed to the inconvenience of use. Monural is available in granules, which must be dissolved in ⅓ glass of water before taking and taken two hours before a meal or two hours after a meal.

Are there inexpensive and effective analogues of Monural? With this question, we turned to our expert and made the top 10 drug substitutes.

List of top 10 inexpensive and effective analogues of Monural according to KP

The list includes drugs similar to Monural in composition, pharmacological action and therapeutic effect. The choice was based on feedback from patients and doctors, the availability of drugs and their effectiveness.

For a change, the list includes complete analogues of Monural, as well as group analogues (which contain active substances with a similar mechanism of action) and nosological (with a similar therapeutic effect). Now about each drug in more detail.

1. Уронормин-Ф

Uronormin-F contains the same 3 grams of fosfomycin. The composition of excipients is also identical. Uronormin is a complete analogue of Monural. The Russian manufacturer “Pharmsiandart-Leksredstva OJSC” has expanded the list of contraindications for its drug. Unlike Monural, Uronormin is contraindicated in hemodialysis, severe renal failure, sucrose and isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance and glucose-galactose malabsorption. In addition, taking the drug at a dosage of 3 grams at the age of 12 years is contraindicated. Otherwise, the preparations are almost identical.

Application: dissolve the powder in 50-75 ml of water and drink on an empty stomach one hour before or two to three hours after a meal, preferably at night, with an empty bladder. Taken once.

The cost of the drug is 530-550 rubles per dose.

full analogue of Monural, effective action, cheaper than the original;
a wider list of contraindications, a complex regimen.

2. Ecofomural

Another inexpensive analogue of Monural with the active ingredient is fosfomycin. It differs from the original in the composition of excipients. Contraindications are similar to Monural, the same doses and method of application. It should be noted that the drug contains maltitol and should not be used by people with fructose intolerance. Side effects are possible (as with Monural) from the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, nausea, heartburn) or in the form of allergic manifestations. Taking the drug may be accompanied by dizziness, at this time it is necessary to exclude driving.

The drug is produced by the domestic company AVBA RUS JSC.

Application: dissolve the granules in half a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach two to three hours before or after meals, preferably at night, with an empty bladder. Taken once.

The cost of the drug is 330-350 rubles per dose.

a complete analogue of Monural, much cheaper than Monural;
should not be used by people with fructose intolerance, dizziness is possible, which excludes driving.

3. Phosphoral Rompharm

Romanian drug from SC ROMPHARM Company, SRL Differences from Monural again only in the composition of excipients. Indications, contraindications, side effects are similar to Monural. Phosphoral does not have a dosage of two grams, which excludes the possibility of taking the drug to children under the age of 12 years.

Application: dissolve the powder in half a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach two to three hours before or after meals, preferably at night, with an empty bladder. Taken once.

The cost of the drug is 590-600 rubles per dose.

full analogue of Monural, cheaper than Monural;
should not be used by children under 12 years of age.

4. Urofoscin

Urofoscin is a complete analogue of Monural. Produced by the Spanish-Russian joint venture Labiana Pharmaceuticals S.L.U. / Izvarino Pharma LLC”. The drug is identical in indications, side effects and contraindications. The main and auxiliary substances that are part of the drug completely coincide. Urofoscin has the same pharmacological action, but is much cheaper.

Application: dissolve the granules in a third of a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach two to three hours before or after a meal, preferably at night, with an empty bladder. Taken once.

The cost of the drug is 450-460 rubles per dose.

full analogue of Monural, affordable price;
possible side effect of diarrhea.

5. Nolicin

Now let’s move on to group analogs. These are drugs that differ in active and excipients, but act in a similar way and have the same indications as the original. The first representative is Nolicin.  

The main active ingredient is norfloxacin. It is an antimicrobial agent derived from fluoroquinolone. Nolicin has a large spectrum of antibacterial action, which lasts up to 12 hours from the moment of administration. The drug is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract: urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, gonorrhea. 

Противопоказан препарат при дефиците глюкозо-6-фосфатдегидрогеназы, кормлении грудью, беременности, детям до 18 лет и при повышенной чувствительности к норфлоксацину. При приеме препарата могут появляться побочные эффекты в виде расстройства функций пищеварения, головокружения и бессонницы, головной боли. Возможны появления аллергии на препарат.

Application: Nolicin is produced in the form of tablets and taken on an empty stomach one hour before a meal or two hours after a meal, drinking plenty of water. Dosage – 1 tablet per day, for 7-14 days.

The cost of the drug is 230-250 rubles for 10 tablets.

удобство приема, не требуется приготовление раствора, низкая цена;
taken for several days, can not be used by children.

6. Фурагин

Furagin belongs to the antimicrobial agents of the nitrofuran series. These are tablets, the active substance of which is furazidin. In addition to the bactericidal action, the drug inhibits the release of toxins by microorganisms, which improves the general condition of the patient even before the manifestation of the main action.

Scope of the drug: diseases of the urinary tract of an infectious and inflammatory nature (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis), infections of the genital organs in women and prevention of infection during urological operations and diagnostic studies.

Furagin is not prescribed for severe violations of kidney function, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to furazidin and other nitrofurans. The drug is not used by children under 18 years of age. Manufacturers note a number of side effects of Furagin, the main of which are disorders of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness, headache.

Application: the drug is produced in the form of tablets and capsules by the Russian company Usolye-Sibirsky Chemical Pharmaceutical Plant JSC and is taken after meals 1-2 tablets 3 times a day for 7-10 days. It is necessary to drink plenty of water.

The cost of the drug is 85-90 rubles for 10 tablets

reduces general intoxication, effective action, low price;
много побочных эффектов, нельзя применять до 18 лет.

7. Urofuragin

The drug is also from the nitrofuran series with furazidin as an active ingredient. Produced in Poland by Adamed Pharma, JSC. It is prescribed for cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis and as a prophylactic during operations and diagnostic studies on the urinary tract. Contraindications and side effects are similar to the previous drug. The manufacturer does not recommend taking Urofuragin for severe kidney and liver diseases, lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, under the age of 18 years and with individual intolerance.

Drink plenty of water to prevent side effects. While taking the drug, dizziness may occur, so you should refrain from driving during treatment.

Application: after meals, 2-4 tablets 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. It is necessary to drink plenty of water.

The cost of the drug is from 350 to 450 rubles for 50 tablets.

эффективный препарат, доступная цена;
affects the speed of reactions (you can not drive vehicles).

8. Cyston

Cyston opens a group of herbal preparations that have similar indications for use.

Cyston is a multi-component drug that contains more than 15 extracts of various plants, which enhance the effect of each other. The drug has antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Cystone is effective in the treatment of urinary tract infections, urolithiasis and gout.

Despite its herbal composition, Cyston has a number of contraindications: age under 18, acute pain in the bladder and kidneys, as well as pregnancy and lactation. Due to the threat of obstruction, it is not recommended to use the drug in the case when there are stones with a diameter of more than 9 mm in the urinary tract. Like any herbal remedy, Cyston can cause allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

According to the manufacturer – the Indian company “Himalaya Drag Co” – the drug is most effective in combination with antibiotics.

The drug is produced in the form of tablets and is prescribed 2 tablets 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks. At the same time, you should drink at least 2-2,5 liters of water per day. 

The cost of the drug is from 460 to 680 rubles for 100 tablets.

completely herbal preparation, has a wide range of actions;
should not be used by children, pregnant and lactating mothers.
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9. Palin

Palin belongs to the antibacterial drugs of the quinolone group. This uroantiseptic co-produced by Slovenia and Russia contains pipemidic acid, which is well absorbed in the intestines and excreted through the kidneys. Thus, its high concentration in the urine is created.

Most often, Palin is prescribed for pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis and prostatitis. Also, the drug is used to prevent infection during instrumental studies.

Contraindications: diseases of the central nervous system, severe renal dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation, children under 14 years of age.

Usage: One capsule every 12 hours before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days.

доступная цена, эффективное действие.
frequent side effects, rarely available in pharmacies.

10. Fitofron

The list of analogues is completed by a Russian herbal preparation. Produced by the company “NPO PharmVILAR, LLC” in the form of tablets and drops. The composition of the drug, its indications and contraindications completely coincide with Kanefron. Despite the domestic origin, the cost of the drug is not much lower – 550-570 rubles for 60 tablets.

herbal preparation, it is possible to use during pregnancy and lactation, the solution can be used to treat children under 6 years old;
high price.
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How to choose an analogue of Monural

It is not so difficult to choose an analogue of Monural. Many pharmaceutical companies in Russia and abroad produce complete analogues of the drug. The problem occurs with hypersensitivity to fosfomycin trometamol. In this case, you will need a drug with a different active substance.

Reviews of doctors about the analogues of Monural

Monural is included in the clinical guidelines for the treatment of cystitis. The drug really has high efficiency and speed. However, the use of analogues does not reduce the therapeutic effect in any way, especially when it comes to complete analogues. The use of analogues with another active ingredient is advisable in case of intolerance to fosfomycin, but most of these drugs have a wider range of contraindications for use and a longer treatment period. In any case, only a doctor can prescribe a replacement for the drug, who will evaluate all contraindications and possible side effects.

Popular questions and answers

Turning to the internet to ask about a drug change is not so much weird as unsafe. These questions should be directed to your doctor. However, we have selected two of the most popular questions and addressed them to our expert − фармацевту Ксении Веселовой.

When can Monural analogues be used?

– Replacement of a drug in the treatment of a particular pathology is always the decision of the attending physician. I do not advise you to change the drug on your own. All drugs have contraindications and side effects and only a doctor can assess their danger. If we are talking about the complete analogues of Monural, then the price may be the criterion for their choice. Other types of analogues are prescribed for intolerance to the main components of the drug or the absence of the effect of treatment with them. In any case, consult your doctor.

What will happen if you take Monural and switch to an analogue?

– Switching to an analogue of the original drug (especially when it comes to a complete analogue) does not affect the course of the treatment process in any way. Moreover, we are talking about a single dose of the drug. When switching to a group or nosological analogue, one should take into account the sensitivity of microorganisms to a new drug, contraindications and side effects.

Sources of:

  1. A.V. Zaitsev. Cystitis. Modern view on treatment and prevention.
  2. R. Fronstein. Cystitis. Big medical encyclopedia. Ch. ed. N. A. Semashko. – M .: State Publishing House of Biological and Medical Literature (OGIZ RSFSR).
  3. Register of medicines of Russia.

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