10 best analogues of Linex
Dysbacteriosis is often accompanied by stool disorder and abdominal pain. Probiotics come to the aid of the intestines, the most popular of which is Linex. We will find out what inexpensive and effective analogues the drug has and how to use them correctly

Did you know that more than 500 types of microorganisms live in our body? If the balance between “bad” and “good” bacteria is disturbed, dysbacteriosis occurs, accompanied by pain and bloating in the abdomen, constipation or diarrhea.1. One of the main methods of treatment is the intake of probiotics – preparations containing live microorganisms (for example, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) that help restore the balance of beneficial microflora1.

The most “promoted” probiotic, without a doubt, is Linex. This preparation contains as many as 3 types of bacteria that form the basis of our intestinal microflora and are responsible for the balance of other microorganisms.2.

The main tasks of beneficial microorganisms:

  • participate in the synthesis of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, K, ascorbic acid;
  • ferment lactose and shift the intestinal pH to the acidic side, slowing down the growth of pathogenic bacteria;
  • increase the immune defense of the body;
  • responsible for the metabolism of bile pigments and acids.

The main indications for the use of Linex are the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis. There are no contraindications for taking the drug, with the exception of hypersensitivity to its components or milk2. The only negative of the drug is its rather high price, so sometimes you have to look for an affordable replacement.

List of top 10 inexpensive and effective analogues of Linex according to KP

Together with our expert, pharmacist Ksenia Veselova, we have compiled the top 10 best Linex analogues. The list of effective analogues includes domestic and imported medicines and dietary supplements.

It should be noted right away that this drug has no exact analogues. All the preparations presented below differ in composition and dosages. At the same time, they have a similar effect and effectively help to cope with gastrointestinal disorders caused by dysbacteriosis.

1. Bifidumbacterin-1000

The drug from the Russian manufacturer Bifidumbacterin-1000 opens our rating. Of all the microorganisms, it contains only bifidobacteria, but in huge quantities – 600 million units, which is 10 times more than Linex and most analogues.

Bifidobacteria are effective against many pathogens, help restore the intestinal microflora, neutralize the harmful effects of antibiotics on the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate the manifestations of dysbacteriosis. In addition, bifidobacteria contribute to the production of B vitamins, the synthesis of vitamin K and better absorption of vitamin D.

Unlike other similar drugs, Bifidumbacterin-1000 is available in the form of tablets, not powders, which must be diluted with water. Tablets are convenient to take at any time, they do not need to be stored in the refrigerator and can be taken with you on a trip or to work.

But the main advantage of the drug is its affordable price. Bifidumbacterin-1000 is 5 times cheaper than Linex, while not inferior to it in efficiency. The drug is safe, so it can be used in children older than 3 years.

effectiveness at an affordable price, available in tablets and easy to use, does not require refrigeration, suitable for adults and children from 3 years.
you need to take 6 tablets a day.
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2. Hilak forte

Hilak forte is an antidiarrheal drug from a German pharmaceutical company. It contains metabolic products of several bacteria: Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus helveticus3.

Hilak forte contributes to the rapid restoration of normal intestinal microflora, and also stimulates the restoration of the intestinal mucosa and strengthens the immune system. The drug is produced in the form of drops, suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women.

The regimen is simple: taken 3 times a day, adults are prescribed 40-60 drops per dose, children – 20-40 drops, infants – 15-30 drops.

Among the contraindications: lactose intolerance and deficiency, individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

minimum contraindications, can be taken by children of any age, a convenient method of administration.
high cost of the course with long-term use.
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3. Bifiform

The Italian drug Bifiform is available in the form of enteric capsules. The drug contains enterococci and bifidobacteria. The latter are famous for their high survival rate and multiply rapidly, which makes it possible to normalize the qualitative and quantitative composition of the intestinal microflora in a short time. Enterococci, which are part of the drug, normalize the work of the large and small intestines, help with fermentation and flatulence.

Bifiform is prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea, intestinal infections, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, dysbiosis. Capsules can be taken by adults and children over 2 years of age. For children from the first days of life, dietary supplement Bifiform Baby is produced in the form of a solution.

For effective treatment, adults only need to take 2-3 capsules per day for 10-21 days. Children over 2 years old – 1 capsule 2-3 times a day. Among the contraindications, only individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

effective action, can be used for people with lactose intolerance, there is a dietary supplement for children from the first days of life;
relatively high price in the segment.
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4. Acipol

The composition of this drug includes acidophilic lactobacilli and kefir fungi. Acipol is a Russian-made probiotic that regulates the balance of microflora in the intestine. The drug stops the growth of pathogenic bacteria and improves immunity4.

Acipol is used in the treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections and inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. It is also prescribed for the prevention of gastrointestinal disorders with prolonged use of antibiotics.

Acipol can be prescribed to children from 3 months of age, after opening the capsule and dissolving the contents in milk or water. For adults, it is enough to take 1 capsule 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

affordable price, there is a children’s dosage, can be used for children from 3 months.
requires refrigeration.
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5. Maxilac

Maxilak is a whole complex of 9 beneficial bacteria, which includes probiotics bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and prebiotics fructooligosaccharides. BAA is used for intestinal infections and poisoning, functional bowel disorders, manifestations of food allergies, dermatitis and to maintain immunity during the seasons of infectious diseases.

Maxilac has no contraindications, so it can be taken from the age of 3, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Despite the high price, the scheme of application (1 time per day) significantly reduces the total cost of the course of treatment. For young children, there is a dietary supplement Maxilak Baby in granules, which are packaged in sachets.

a wide spectrum of action, a convenient regimen of administration, the possibility of using from the first days of a child’s life.
high price.
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6. Normobact L

Polish dietary supplement Normobact L is a complex of live lactobacilli and prebiotics. A successful combination of “beneficial” bacteria and prebiotics allows the drug to begin to act quickly and effectively.

Normobact L is used for diarrhea, intestinal infections and poisoning, for antibiotic treatment, for food allergies and for the prevention of atopic dermatitis. Normobact will also help support the body when changing climatic zones.5.

The drug has no contraindications except for individual intolerance. It can be applied to children from the age of one month. Produced in the form of a sachet, the contents of which must be dissolved in water, milk or yogurt. It is enough for adults to take 1-2 sachets once a day, for children under 3 years old – 1 sachet per day.

convenient reception scheme.
must be dissolved in liquid before use.
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7. Bactistatin

Bactistatin is a unique drug from a Russian manufacturer. This dietary supplement contains a probiotic (biologically active metabolites of B. subtilis bacteria), a prebiotic and a sorbent. Bactistatin has all the properties of the above drugs, and also absorbs and removes toxins, reduces the manifestations of intoxication, stimulates the growth of normal intestinal microflora. The drug can be used for dermatological and allergic diseases, gastritis and duodenitis, high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Bactistatin is available in the form of capsules. Despite the high cost of the drug, the course of treatment will be slightly cheaper than with Linex. It is enough for adults to take 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day with meals, for children from 6 years old – 1 capsule 2 times a day.

Among the contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding period, children under 6 years of age.

high efficiency, wide range of indications, long shelf life.
quite a lot of contraindications, high cost.
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8. Buck-set

The capsules of this dietary supplement contain 14 types of probiotic bacteria – more than 2 billion live bacteria in one capsule. Back-set is a versatile and effective drug that is resistant to the acidic gastric environment. It does not require refrigeration and has no contraindications.

A balanced composition allows the use of the drug for dysbacteriosis, stool and digestion disorders, poisoning and intestinal infections, dermatitis and allergies. Dietary supplement helps to prevent digestive disorders when taking antibiotics. The back set will be useful when changing the diet, for example, when traveling or visiting children’s camps and schools.

The drug is available in the form of capsules. For children from 0 to 3 years old, the Baby Backset in the form of a sachet is suitable. Adults need to take dietary supplements 2 capsules 1-2 times a day, children from 3 to 12 years old – 1 capsule 1 time a day.

high efficiency, wide range of applications, can be used during pregnancy and lactation, does not require refrigeration.
with a long course of admission, a high price.
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9. Bifistim Forte

Bifistim Forte is also a dietary supplement from a Russian manufacturer. The preparation contains a complex of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as prebiotics for the rapid reproduction of beneficial microflora in the intestine.

The indications are the same as for most probiotics: treatment of dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, poisoning. The manufacturer separately notes the effectiveness of the drug to improve digestion during pregnancy and in the elderly, as well as with increased emotional and physical stress.

In addition to individual intolerance, Bifistim Forte has no other contraindications. However, the drug is not recommended for children under 14 years of age.

Dietary supplements are produced in the form of capsules, which must be taken 1 piece 1 time per day with meals.

use once a day, does not require refrigeration, can be taken during pregnancy.
not recommended for children under 14 years of age.
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10. Stymbifid

In conclusion, the Russian dietary supplement is the prebiotic Stimbifid. It does not contain live cultures, but only substances necessary for the nutrition and growth of normal intestinal microflora.

Despite its composition, the drug is recognized as one of the most effective means of restoring the intestinal microflora. The indications are the same as for probiotics: dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, allergic conditions, colitis, intestinal disorders.

Stimbifide has no contraindications, however, in the instructions for use, manufacturers indicate the dosage for adults only. Available in the form of tablets and capsules, which must be taken 2 pieces 3 times a day with meals.

the composition is dominated by natural ingredients, low cost.
should not be taken by children.
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How to choose an analogue of Linex

First of all, when choosing an analogue, consult your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to identify the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. If you decide to purchase probiotics for the purpose of prevention, carefully study the full instructions for each remedy, find out if you have any contraindications to taking it.

Please note that a good drug must meet several requirements: effectiveness, versatility, ease of use and storage, safety and quality.

When evaluating the cost of the drug, do not forget that with a low price per pack, the cost of a full course of administration can be quite high. Conversely, many expensive dietary supplements are taken in one capsule or sachet once a day, which significantly reduces the cost of the full course of the drug.

Reviews of doctors about analogues of Linex

The topic of taking probiotics causes a lot of controversy among doctors. Some talk about the excellent effectiveness of these drugs, others see only the placebo effect. The fact is that dysbacteriosis is not a disease and is not even included in the international classification of diseases (ICD). Dysbacteriosis is a set of symptoms that accompany a more serious disease. Without eliminating the cause, no probiotic can change the situation.

Undoubtedly, preparations of live bacteria will help the body recover, but it is naive to consider them a panacea for all ailments. First of all, it is necessary to cope with the underlying disease that causes dysbacteriosis. As for the analogues of Linex, they are all quite effective against its background, but leave the choice of the drug to the doctor.

Popular questions and answers

A large number of manufacturers of probiotics and a wide range of drugs, of course, confuse the uninitiated consumer. We asked our expert to answer pharmacist Ksenia Veselova to the most popular questions regarding Linex analogues.

When can Linex analogues be used?

– Linex analogs are as effective as the original, some work even better. The choice of analogue is relevant in case of intolerance to the components of the drug, a long-term lack of effect from taking the drug, or the presence of contraindications to its use. If you choose the drug yourself, carefully read the instructions. Pay attention to contraindications. But it’s best to see a doctor.

What happens if you stop taking Linex and switch to an analogue?

– You can switch to the Linex analogue at any time, provided that the new drug has the same pharmacological and medicinal properties and does not have contraindications related to you. But do not forget that only your doctor can prescribe and safely stop the drug.

Sources of:

  1. Intestinal microflora: the role in maintaining health and the development of pathology, the possibility of correction. Authors: R.V. Khursa, I.L. Mesnikova, Miksha Ya.S. Minsk: BSMU, 2017. – 36 p. http://rep.bsmu.by/bitstream/handle/BSMU/16843/978-985-567-701-8.Image.Marked.pdf
  2. Linex. Description of the drug and instructions for use. Register of medicines of Russia. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_1929.htm
  3. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Hylak Forte https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/hylak-forte-2
  4. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Acipol. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/acipol__9231
  5. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Normobact L. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/normobact-l

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