10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didn’t Know About

Almost everyone loves bananas. And it is very nice to know that this fruit is not only tasty, but also very useful for our body. Nutritionists have great respect for the banana and explain its beneficial properties with a truly unique composition. For example, one of the most important trace elements are magnesium and calcium, which oxygenate almost all of our organs. Bananas cleanse our body of toxins, they can improve well-being and cheer up for the whole day. There are several almost magical properties of this fruit that you probably didn’t know about.

10 Strong heart

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

Doctors call banana jokingly “heart friend”. In order for the heart to work better, it is recommended to eat at least 2 medium-sized bananas per day. It is this amount that can saturate the human body with its most important trace element – potassium. This mineral actively helps the work of the heart muscle, regulates blood pressure and is an excellent prevention of stroke. That is why people who eat bananas every day are much less prone to heart disease. In order to notice an improvement, try this banana therapy for at least a week.

9. Source of energy

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

Bananas are ideal as the main snack for every day. These fruits are quite high-calorie in comparison with other fruits and berries, the banana contains 3 important trace elements – sucrose, fructose and glucose, which are responsible for energy value. This combination instantly restores the energy expended earlier and gives a new charge that allows you to withstand up to 2 hours of active work. That is why all professional athletes value bananas so much and eat them not only before each workout, but also after it.

8. Fight against seizures

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

Leg muscles are always in need of minerals, and their deficiency often leads to nighttime leg cramps. Anyone can face this problem at least once in their life. In order to avoid cramps or muscle spasms, you need to eat at least one banana every day. It contains a huge amount of potassium and magnesium, which are excellent protection against discomfort in the calf muscles. Just one banana can more than restore the mineral balance in the body, relieve painful spasms and relax the muscles of the legs.

7. Help with Diabetes

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

People with diabetes often believe that they absolutely should not eat bananas. This is a huge misconception. In fact, for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, doctors not only recommend, but insist that their patients eat bananas. But keep in mind that it is much more useful to eat slightly unripe bananas, in which the peel is not completely yellow, but slightly greenish. The carbohydrates in these fruits are most often converted from starch, while the carbohydrates in ripe bananas are converted to free sugars. Therefore, with diabetes, unripe bananas are an excellent snack option.

6. Healthy stomach

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

Bananas stimulate the proper functioning of the stomach. This is due to the high content of fiber and amino acids. The most important amino acid found in bananas is tryptophan. It is a prophylactic against heartburn. Bananas are often recommended for gastritis. When it enters the stomach, a banana secretes a special mucus that envelops the walls of the stomach and becomes an acidity regulator in this organ. Doctors often recommend eating bananas every day to normalize the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

5. Cancer Prevention

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

Ripe bananas are an excellent defense against cancer. Scientists from Japan have found that a ripened banana has a large amount of alkaline compounds. These substances stimulate the work of immune cells in our body, which are responsible for fighting cancer cells. In order to prevent oncological diseases, it is worth choosing bananas with a blackened peel. The more ripe a banana is, the better prevention of cancer it becomes. It is worth remembering that unripe bananas are practically useless in the fight against oncology.

4. Kidney Disease Prevention

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

The high content of potassium and magnesium in bananas is responsible for the prevention of many kidney diseases. These substances work best in the treatment of urolithiasis. The lack of sufficient amounts of potassium and magnesium provokes an increase in calcium in our body, due to which kidney stones are formed. Accordingly, the more bananas you consume, the less likely it is to develop such a disease. There are even special banana diets that are prescribed for people with similar diseases. For healthy people, even a couple of bananas a day will be a good prevention.

3. Good mood

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

At the time when we eat bananas, we get a powerful dose of energy thanks to the natural sugars in the composition of this fruit. The special fibers in a banana are able to regulate sugar levels and keep your mood elevated. More, in comparison with other fruits and berries, the amount of carbohydrates helps the absorption of tryptophan, which is responsible for the proper functioning of the brain. Vitamin B6 found in bananas converts tryptophan into serotonin, which is known to everyone as the “happiness hormone”. Potassium is responsible for the level of fluid and normalizes the functioning of muscles, which in turn allows a person to constantly feel in good shape and have a blooming appearance.

2. Slim figure

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

Nutritionists have found that the high calorie content of a banana does not interfere with diets at all. With proper use, bananas can be a great helper in the fight for the perfect figure. This fruit perfectly regulates blood sugar levels, which allows you to quickly saturate the body and satisfy the feeling of hunger. Thus, the appetite becomes less and the risk of uncontrolled eating is reduced. People involved in sports, every day before training, consume bananas before and after training.

1. Pure Vessels

10 Benefits of a Banana You Probably Didnt Know About

Banana is one of the best sources of potassium, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. By eating at least 3 bananas a day, you can protect your blood vessels. The lack of potassium in the body leads to the fact that the walls of blood vessels cease to be sufficiently elastic. The lack of elasticity leads to reduced wall tone and an increased risk of various vascular diseases. Bananas not only replenish the required supply of potassium, they also lower cholesterol and become a good prevention of atherosclerosis.

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