10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program “The Last Hero”

Remember the sensational project “The Last Hero”, released 18 years ago on Channel One? Even now, people recall with nostalgia the very idea of ​​landing people on a paradise island and creating conditions for them “Robinsonian”. The motivation was high, because the winners were waiting for a huge cash prize, fame and popularity.

In the first season, the hype reached its climax thanks to the cool selection of participants, the powerful soundtrack from BI-2 and the diligent presenter Sergei Bodrov Jr. Subsequent seasons also went with a bang. So the question is, why did a successful TV show end up covered up?

In any case, the viewer is interested to know how, after 18 years, the fate of the participants in the show has developed. Someone went, so to speak, into the “underground”, others made a successful business, and still others – a good career on television or in films.

Let’s remember the 10 brightest participants in the famous TV show and find out what kind of activity they have chosen for themselves.

10 Sergei Tereshchenko

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero Initially, the guy got on the project by accident and did not even plan to linger. For 15 days on the island, Sergey managed to lose weight thoroughly – he became so involved in the competitive struggle for the prize.

After the reality show, Tereshchenko was invited to episodic roles, and then she got a big one in the television series “CHOP”. So the “guard Fedya” began to be recognized on the street.

This was followed by a series of injuries, and sports training had to be suspended. Now Sergei is acting in films, happily married, raising two heirs. The man thought about the possibility of returning to the tropical island again with the same composition or even as a leader.

9. Anna Modestova

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero Modestova before the TV show was an ordinary elementary school teacher, but she found the strength and ingenuity to advance far in the program. On the project, she started an affair with Sergei Sakin, and after graduation she even married him and got married in a church. This was followed by the birth of a child and, unfortunately, a divorce.

After an unpleasant event, Anna stopped appearing in public, does not replenish social networks. Not so long ago, she published a photo of Alexei, a common son with Sakin. There is an opinion that the news of the death of her ex-husband shocked Modestova to the core.

8. Sergey Sakin

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero The man came to the island, being a famous writer. On the project, he was remembered as a straightforward and sometimes rude person. After the divorce from Modestova, Sakin’s life went downhill, as a result of which his health suffered.

After some time, Sergei married again and had a daughter, but the family also broke up. Sakin wrote the script for the film, worked as a PR manager for a musical group.

And two years ago, the man suddenly disappeared without a trace. After six months of searching, it became known that the man died at the age of 40.

7. Elena Kravchenko

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero The famous actress spent very little time on the tropical island – the Council kicked her out at the first vote because of her independent and stubborn nature, her desire to fight for justice. Lena did not worry for a long time, as she successfully graduated from the theater school.

In 2003, she got a role in the television series Lady Mayor, then she played in Volkov’s Chasle and Molodezhka. For many years, the hero of the day Kravchenko is happily married and has three children. A woman rarely remembers a failure on a project, because outside it she was able to realize herself as a multifaceted personality.

6. Snezhana Knyazeva

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero The bright and beautiful girl was remembered by many viewers, although not everyone liked her manner of playing the game. But Snezhana sings really well, so after the project she devoted herself entirely to the musical field.

Knyazeva also worked for some time as the editor of the Russian Extreme TV project. Judging by social networks, the woman teaches vocals and has found herself in meditation and other Eastern practices. Snezhana also got married and changed her last name to Krupchanskaya. For her age, the woman is in great shape and looks happy.

5. Inna Gomez

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero One of the project participants who made the most successful career. Bright appearance and a rich modeling past attracted the attention of many producers. As we remember, Gomez almost made it to the finale of The Last Hero, and after filming ended, she received lucrative job offers on television and in films.

Now the filmography of Gomez already has about 20 roles. In 2002, Inna gave birth to a daughter from her first marriage, and then remarried and gave her husband a child. At 48, Gomez looks amazing and does not forget to pamper fans with publications on social networks.

4. Nadezhda Semyonova

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero Semenova, as we remember, got on the project as a dentist. I wonder if her teammates and the audience immediately disliked her for this? Not at all, Nadezhda just learned to skillfully spread gossip and weave intrigues, eliminating dangerous competitors.

The woman did not reach the final of the project, and after completion she again began to remove her teeth. She returned to Balashikha and realized herself professionally as a doctor, which she does not regret at all. Semenova does not maintain contact with other project participants. She remembers the rich past on the island with some nostalgia.

3. Ilya Lyubimenko

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero Many fans of The Last Hero were rooting for this young and ambitious boy. He did not participate in intrigues and alliances, he was simple and sincere. Of course, such skills do not help in the modern world to win the coveted prize. After the final, Lyubimenko published an interesting book about life on the island.

In 2012, he already became the manager of Absolut Bank at the age of 31. He supervises the work of regional branches. At 36, Vanya lives in the capital and has a family, about which, by the way, he does not provide information. Many fans of the TV project are happy for his success.

2. Natalia Ten

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero An unusual Samara participant turned out to be closer to the final than others, although initially few people made “bets” on her. The viewers disliked the girl for her excessive activity and straightforwardness, which offended the other participants in the Last Hero.

After the end of the project, Natasha moved to the capital and decided to conquer the cinema. At 42, the woman found a vocation, and also created a good family – she has been married for 15 years. She also constantly leads social networks and monitors the activity of fans. But Ten practically does not communicate with other participants in the project, maintaining contacts only with Gomez and Modestova.

1. Sergey Odintsov

10 beloved, but forgotten participants in the program The Last Hero A promising and enterprising customs officer from Kursk has reached the end of the first season of the TV show. He was listened to because of his wisdom and ability to creatively get competitors out of the way.

After the victory, the guy competently disposed of material rewards by buying housing in his hometown. Over time, Odintsov left the service and went into politics.

In 2004, he decided to participate in the 5th season of the TV show and again he went quite far. After the project, a criminal story followed, for which Sergei was conditionally sentenced to a year. Now he runs his own business and lives in Nizhny Novgorod.


Not all the stars of The Last Hero remained media personalities. For some, one-time fame was enough, while for others, the project served as a springboard for a new round of career in cinema.

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