We will open the curtain on the world of beauty and tell you about the most effective anti-aging procedures. Sit back comfortably!
As Monica Bellucci said, looking good at 20 is natural, and looking good at 45 is a life position! Modern cosmetology gives women a complete carte blanche in their choice of anti-aging method: from manual massages to Botox injections. Which one is right for you is up to a professional cosmetologist to decide.
1. Botox
His Majesty Botox! All wrinkles that need and can be smoothed out unquestioningly yield to it! Injections of this drug are one of the most popular procedures in cosmetology. Moreover, the introduction of Botox lasts no more than 15–20 minutes, which allows literally at lunchtime to run to your beautician and rejuvenate by 10 years. Botulinum toxin (aka Botox) works like this: the drug is injected into the muscles, and it blocks their movement. That is, it relaxes them and does not allow them to shrink and create those creases and wrinkles that have already settled on the face. The skin is smoothed and looks fresher and younger. The method is atraumatic, carried out without anesthesia, has no rehabilitation period or side effects (if the work was not carried out by a would-be cosmetologist without a license!).
2. Hyaluronic acid filler injections
Another way to avoid the surgeon’s knife in the pursuit of youth and beauty is injections with fillers, which will help to model or correct the contours of the face, level out wrinkles and wrinkles on the skin, slightly change the shape, for example, of the nose, lips, chin, cheekbones, and also fill in the missing volumes and get rid of flabby-looking skin.
Hyaluronic acid is found in our body. It is its molecules that are able to attract and retain moisture, thereby preventing the skin from fading. But with age, this substance becomes less, and beauty injections help to replenish it. Hyaluronic acid injections are safe, the gel is easily accepted by the body and after a while it is completely removed from it. Adverse consequences are possible only in cases where the doctor is not competent enough and administered the drug incorrectly, or if the patient did not inform the beautician about diseases for which beauty injections are prohibited!
3. Peelings
An even and radiant skin color, clean pores, lack of pigmentation and bumps are the key to youthful skin. In order to return a youthful look to your face at an old age, you need to make friends with peels. After 40 years, they need to be done almost a weekly procedure: at home or at a beautician. There are acid peels of different levels of effect: deep, medium and superficial. Each of them has its own indications for use and age restrictions. Peeling is a kind of skin burn, but not unauthorized and accidental, but artificially created and controlled by a beautician. This method provokes the active work of cells on the process of tissue regeneration. From the consequences – a slight reddening of the skin, peeling, but in the future – clean and radiant skin, which has thrown off 5-7 years!
4. Blepharoplasty
Eyes are the mirror of the soul! And the older our soul is, the more tired the look is. This is because over the years the skin sags, tends to go down … Gravity has not been canceled! The elasticity of the skin is lost, including around the eyes. The eyelids float over the eyes, as if covering them physically, which makes it clear that the woman is not young. Blepharoplasty will help open your eyes and “open” your eyes, which in some cases can visually throw off 15 years from your actual age! An eyelid lift is performed by removing excess skin. The doctor makes an inner suture, which is removed in less than a week. Although the operation takes place under local anesthesia, it is nevertheless considered simple and hassle-free.
5. Biorevitalization
This is one of the most popular skin rejuvenation treatments. It is based on the same injections with fillers with hyaluronic acid, but performed using a special technique. A small amount of hyaluron is injected along the entire perimeter of the desired area (face, neck, arms, etc.), thereby creating a framework for the skin and supporting it from the inside, restoring its firmness and elasticity. Plus, the substance is able to attract and retain moisture, which means it starts the process of skin renewal, the production of elastin and collagen. After the procedure, papules remain on the face, but they quickly disappear. Minimal contraindications, amazing quick results, no negative side effects and no rehabilitation period made this procedure a leader among the rest!
6. Plasmolifting
The procedure will scare those who are afraid of blood! It will first have to be passed in order for the doctor to divide it into plasma and erythrocyte mass from the patient’s blood in a special centrifuge. The patient’s plasma is injected under the skin with small injections. The essence of the procedure is the self-rejuvenation of the skin. Plasma makes fibroblasts work and produce collagen and elastin, which are vital for youthful and firm skin. Plasmolifting is loved by cosmetologists all over the world for its effectiveness in the fight for beauty, but it has contraindications and cannot be called an ordinary procedure for a cosmetologist. First you have to consult a doctor!
7. Massage
The hands of a professional master are the best you can give your skin. Firstly, massages will appeal to those who do not want or cannot do injections with fillers and use other injectable types of rejuvenation. Here the tool is only hands! Secondly, this method is no worse than others will help fight lethargy, puffiness and dull skin color, sagging facial contours, double chin, dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. This is achieved by restoring normal blood circulation as well as the flow of lymph to the skin of the face.
There are different types of massage. The main ones are: classic – when you need to get rid of fine wrinkles, increase skin tone, relax muscles; plastic – when you need to get rid of more serious problems, designed for girls 30+, helps to get rid of creases, deep wrinkles, fat deposits, puffiness; lymphatic drainage massage will eliminate dark circles under the eyes, unhealthy complexion, puffiness, sagging skin; buccal massage will improve blood circulation, strengthen the muscular frame of the face, involves manipulating the outer and inner sides of the cheek. The type of massage required for every woman and the number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist!
8. Mesonites
Many women begin to struggle with age-related changes late and manage to acquire a “floating” face oval, skin folds, deep wrinkles and creases. In such advanced cases, sometimes even Botox cannot help. Thread lifting is a salvation for those who realized late! Mesothreads can tighten all layers of the dermis and externally rejuvenate for 10–20 years. The threads themselves are made of hypoallergenic suture material, which dissolves over time. There are different types of threads, and only a doctor can determine what kind of thread a patient needs. The essence of the method is simple: the beautician inserts threads under the skin, attaches them to the bone and tightens the face frame or the necessary parts of it. But, despite the simplicity, the thread lifting procedure is not painless, it also has a rehabilitation period and many contraindications! However, the effect is excellent!
9. Hardware lifting
Another really working anti-age procedure is lifting with the use of special devices. There are many varieties of this beauty service. The most popular of this series are RF-lifting, laser, ultrasound and photorejuvenation. The first advantage of hardware cosmetology is the absence of skin damage. There are no injections, injections, burns and other mechanical injuries to the skin. RF-lifting affects the layers of the epidermis due to radio waves. During laser and ultrasonic lifting, the effect is achieved due to the thermal effect on the prepared skin, on which a special gel is applied. During the photorejuvenation procedure, light waves are used as the main beauty ingredient – pulsed light, which helps the skin return freshness, even skin, and a radiant color. Apparatus lifting will restore the skin to its former elasticity, relieve it from flews, creases, sagging skin, wrinkles and puffiness, age spots and enlarged pores.
10. Mesotherapy
This is one of the most popular procedures in the beautician’s office. It is loved for its real usefulness, because nutrients and vitamins are injected under the skin directly into the right places in micro doses, which saturate it and help fight the signs of aging. The result is not long in coming: the skin immediately becomes lighter, gains a radiant appearance and elasticity. However, papules remain on the face after beauty injections, so it is important to correctly time the procedure. Mesotherapy is prescribed, by the way, not only for rejuvenation, but also for the treatment of acne and traces of it, with dermatitis and acne, if a person has been in places with an unfavorable climate and ecology for a long time.
Cosmetologist, Krasnodar.
– The countdown in a woman’s body does not start when the wrinkles have already settled on the face, and the creases are visible even without facial movements … When the body’s resources are depleted and close to zero, it is important to “bring” the substances she needs to the cells so that the clock will work as we need … Of course, it is impossible to be forever young, and you need to adequately approach the topic of cosmetology, health and beauty, as well as awareness of your age. After all, the main thing is not to harm yourself in the pursuit of youth, but only to allow yourself to look attractive at 40, 50, and 60! Modern cosmetology can really work wonders, the main thing is to understand that after 25 years the body begins to age, and this is the very time when you need to visit the beautician’s office!