10 basic keys to learn to eat well

10 basic keys to learn to eat well

Healthy nutrition and quality of life are more united every day and not everything is gastronomy …

Today, we are lucky to find a wide variety of foods available to us in the market, although sometimes it is not easy to maintain a healthy diet, due to our lifestyle or ignorance about nutrition and diet.

Therefore, here we leave you with ten simple keys to keep good Feeding Habits. Take note!

1- You have to eat fruits and vegetables daily

The basis of any good eating habit and a diet healthy is always the continuous consumption of fruits and vegetables. What is recommended by professionals is to eat at least 5 servings of these a day, since, in this way, the levels of vitamins, minerals and fiber necessary for the body are maintained and that only this type of food can provide; keeping away the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancers and tumors.2

2- Establish meal times

To keep the metabolism in line with the lifestyle we lead, it is best to set continuous feeding times and in small amounts throughout the day. In addition, this will help the body to stop generating unnecessary fat stores.

3- Chew slowly

Chewing slowly and for a prolonged amount of time helps to improve the absorption of nutrients in the digestion process, in addition to causing a greater sensation of satiety. So even the amount of food that is eaten in general can be reduced by making better use of the portions that are consumed.

4- Eat whole grains

Substitute processed and refined flours and cereals, so common in these times and that are so harmful to the body, especially if they are consumed regularly, with their integral counterparts, which provide more fiber and nutrients to the body; It is the right thing to do if you want to maintain an ideal weight and a stable metabolism.

5- Eat quality proteins

The amount of protein that should be ingested invariably depends on the physical constitution of each person, along with the amount of physical activities they perform. In general, it is best to have small amounts of protein at meals throughout the day. Opting for protein of plant origin is the appropriate counterpart to the consumption of red meat and processed meat, which alter the acid levels of the body, along with the levels of triglycerides in the blood. In addition, it has been proven that the constant consumption of these foods increases the risk of contracting cancer.

6- healthy fats

Fat contains antioxidants and is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. However, in most of the products we find on the market today, trans and partially hydrogenated fats are a constant that is not the best option for a healthy diet. The best way to consume this food is through oils such as olive.

7- Salt intake

The consumption of salt, if it is maintained around 5 g or a teaspoon per day, is good for an optimal functioning of the cardiovascular system. However, in excess it is harmful to the body. Therefore, regulating the consumption of salt, especially that it comes from processed and packaged products, will help to keep away the problems associated with excessive salt intake.

8- Sugar in food

As in the previous case, the consumption of this product in its refined and processed version is harmful in the long term for the body, and is related to kidney problems. This includes its presence in pre-made foods and in beverages such as soft drinks and carbonated liquids. The best thing is to look for its most natural aspect, this being the best way to consume it, always in moderate portions.

9- Drinks to accompany

As explained in the previous point, the consumption of beverages such as soft drinks and soft drinks, in addition to containing harmful sugars, have excessive levels of calories. In general, the consumption of any beverage other than water should be considered exceptional. Well, water is the healthiest drink for the body and should be ingested regularly in any case.

10- Fresh food and not precooked

Frozen or instant-cooked foods contain excess flavorings, preservatives, and chemicals that are harmful to the body. Whenever you can, try to prepare the dishes you eat yourself, whether they are sweet or savory.

Now that you have all these keys in mind, what are you waiting for to learn to eat well? Get started now!

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