10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016

The protagonist of the anime “Full-Time Magician” is a young man named Mofan. He is a student of the third grade of a school, but not a simple one, but one where magic is taught.

Once in the mountains, the guy met an unusual old man who gave him an amulet that emitted magical energy. After that, Mofan became interested in magic.

But, unfortunately, in the eyes of his peers, he was a very mediocre young man, moreover, from a poor family.

However, thanks to his father’s acquaintances, he still managed to become a student of the academy where they teach magic, but there Mofan constantly endured ridicule from his classmates because of his meager magical abilities and his dishonest admission to an educational institution.

But the guy did not give up, and with the help of colossal efforts, he managed to awaken a rare gift in himself …

The theme of magic and magic schools is very popular in Japanese animation, so here are 10 more exciting anime similar to Full Time Magician.

10 Soul Eater | 2008

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 Almost every superhero in one way or another has problems defending his territory from a variety of evil characters. And the reason for all this is simply the lack of education. Therefore, the God of Death forced his assistants to study to obtain divine weapons.

He created the Weapons Institute, which is located in the Lost City. Here, all students are divided into two categories: those who have the ability to turn into animate weapons, and their master partners.

The weapon and the master must be trained in pairs, and the one who, according to the results, turns out to be more capable, he becomes the Death Scythe – the special weapon of God …

9. Beelzebub | 2009-2014

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 The Lord of the Underworld is a very busy person, so he absolutely does not have time to raise his heir and youngest son.

According to the laws of the Path of Evil, it is not necessary to take care of your children, they are thrown out of their parental home, and only the strongest of them will be able to stay alive.

The lord of the dark forces decides to send his child to the human world. In this way, he wants to instill in him hatred for the human race, so that he will exterminate all the inhabitants of the Earth without pity when he becomes an adult.

With the courier of Hell – Alendelon, he sends his son to the world of people …

8. The battle-shattered blue sky | 2017

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 For a very long time there was no magic in this strange world. Brute force ruled everyone, because only tough measures could keep power here. And if you are weak, then one destiny awaits you – to submit to the one who is stronger.

The protagonist of the anime, Xiao Yan, was a very capable guy. He possessed a very rare gift, so his abilities were unparalleled.

However, in a few years, he squandered his former influence and power. But the worst thing is that he lost the respect of his own mother. He was destroyed by black magic that flooded these lands …

7. Asterisk City Combat Academy | 2015

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 Many, many years ago, a powerful meteor shower hit the Earth, destroying everything in its path. But soon a new one appeared on the ashes of the old world. And with him other inhabitants of the Earth were born

Technologically advanced academy town Rikka, built inside a huge crater lake, has been turned into a fighting arena. And very soon it became known all over the world under the name “Festa”, or “Star Wars Festival”…

6. Quaiser stigmata! | 2010

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 The action of the anime takes place in the Orthodox gymnasium of St. Michael. At first glance, an ordinary educational institution becomes the scene of a battle between the so-called “faithful” and heretics, who are trying to find a miraculous icon, supposedly allowing them to learn the main secrets of the universe.

Mafuyu Oribe and Tomo Yamanobe are bullied and ridiculed by other students, led by the daughter of the dean of the gymnasium. On both sides of the confrontation there are quaisers – these are mysterious adepts of alchemy, they own a certain natural element and use it in battles.

The fighting wizards manage to maintain their strength only by consuming the drink Somu, similar to breast milk, which strangely appears in the students.

The apostates would have been able to quickly carry out their plan, if not for Sasha Hell, who came from Russia. He, having teamed up with Tomo Yamanobe and Mafuyu Oribe, initiates a sacred campaign aimed at clearing the institution of dark forces.

Considering that Teresa Beria is helping them, then the enemies of the faith can simply surrender without a fight …

5. The Last Seraphim | 2015

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 After the vast majority of the planet’s population was destroyed by a deadly virus, vampires who got out of the shadows enslaved the surviving children.

This is a story about Yui and Mika, two orphans who dreamed of a peaceful life without the power of vampires in the circle of a new family.

But the bright hopes of the guys gradually begin to dissolve in the air, and once the best friends find themselves on opposite sides of the barricades…

4. Rewrite | 2016

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 Kotaro Tennoji was an ordinary high school student, and only one nuance distinguished him from the rest of his peers – the young man had supernatural powers.

In the company of his five classmates, the guy studied the paranormal. However, very soon he and his friends were drawn into the very epicenter of the confrontation between superhumans and demon summoners.

The superhumans were looking for the demon Kagari, who had taken the form of a young girl. But in fact, it was in a certain sense the key to the destruction or, on the contrary, the salvation of human civilization …

3. My Hero Academy | 2016

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 Imagine for a moment that the basic principles of physics no longer work on people and you can turn into a fog or dissolve an object in the air with one touch. And the majority of the world’s population has such opportunities.

Someone uses their abilities exclusively with good intentions, and someone in order to do evil! In a global sense, such changes have led to an unprecedented increase in crime.

However, those who, thanks to their gift, protect this fragile world, stood up to protect ordinary people. These people have a special status in society and the patronage of the authorities. Their profession now calls them “Heroes”…

2. Blue exorcist | 2011

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 For a long time, Okumura Rin was an ordinary person, until he discovered an unprecedented gift in himself. It turned out that he is a half-breed and one of the sons of the Devil, who lives among ordinary people.

The demon lord has his own plans for the heir, but Rin, having in essence a human half, is not going to become a pawn in the hands of Satan and, together with his brother Yukio, decides to enter a special school of demon fighters who call themselves exorcists …

1. Irregular student at the school of magic | 2014

10 anime series similar to Full Time Magician, 2016 Here fantasy is tightly intertwined with the truth of modern realities. Magic has received the status of an official science, so the approach to its comprehension has changed dramatically.

Magic is studied and actively practiced, and the most promising ones are trained in special educational institutions.

Brother and sister Shiba enter such a school. And if Miyuki has some ability for magic, then Tatsuya is a reasonable guy, but not a gifted magician. But this is so far…

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