10 Advantages of using paper bags today

10 Advantages of using paper bags today

In a few months, the Royal Decree that prohibits the use of plastic bags comes into force. Learn about paper bags and comply with the new regulations

Time to buy paper bags for your business, why?

Simple, they are cheap, light, resistant and ecological in a way that not only will you give an ecofriendly touch to your business, but you will also not generate more waste to the environment.

In addition, you will help your customers begin to become aware of the benefits of using this type of bags.

This alternative to plastic bags could not have more advantages!

Why use paper bags?

For a long time, even before the plastic bag, the paper bag has accompanied us when it comes to shopping.

For some businesses the use of paper bags is natural. Bakeries, churrerías and pastries are a classic example of the use of this type of bag.

It is also common to see paper bags in some clothing stores and even electronics stores. At this point, no one can last that they are functional, very versatile and responsible with nature after use.

Let’s see what are the main advantages of using paper bags in your business.

  • Low environmental impact. Although it seems implausible, because they are made of paper, these types of bags have a controlled effect. The paper industry is responsible – by various laws – to repopulate the forests they use to make paper.
  • 100% recyclable. In addition to the little impact on their manufacture, paper bags can be recycled, extending the use of the raw material that was used during their manufacture.
  • They are reusable. The three R’s of every conservationist is to reuse, recycle and reduce. By using paper bags in your business you contribute directly to this lifestyle.
  • They brake on CO2. Paper is known to have the ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Therefore, the manufacture of this material – in a controlled and sustained way – can be beneficial for the planet.
  • Guaranteed biodegradability. Paper degrades naturally, leaves no residue in its wake and does not affect the soil.
  • They help you in marketing. The packaging is one of the aspects that you should take care of during the construction of your brand. With a paper bag you can create an exceptional package that breaks with the expectations of your customers, increasing loyalty.
  • They can be customized. Yes, plastic bags can also be customized, but does it outperform printing on paper? You already know the answer. From your logo, type of food or a message for your customers, the paper bags will be unique.
  • Wide variety. Due to the ease of its manufacture, you can find hundreds of different models of paper bags. You will surely find one that fits your needs and the personality of your brand.
  • Paper bags involve less investment for your purchase, therefore, you will need less investment.
  • Above what you might think, paper bags are manufactured according to their use. Some can be very resistant to weight. Explain to your supplier the use that you will give to the bag and -with certainty- he will tell you which one is the best fit.

How to choose the right paper bag

Well, so far we have talked about the highlights of paper bags, the advantages of using them and how much they can contribute to the image of your business.

Now, to support you in the next step, we will leave you some tips when choosing the model that suits your needs.

In the Monouso hospitality store they have a category dedicated only to paper bags in which you can find a wide variety of sizes and models.

It is not surprising that establishments such as bakeries, greengrocers, greengrocers and even clothing stores choose this option. Depending on the product you are going to sell, there is a paper bag that fits perfectly.

From elongated bags to place the bread to bags with handles with which to facilitate the customer’s transport of the items. Paper bags with a transparent window are also in high demand, since the product inside can be seen at all times.

One of its great advantages, which we already discussed in the previous point, is its ease of recycling. A hot topic due to the high number of bags that are thrown away every day in the food industry. If you are concerned about nature, do not hesitate, this is your bag!

Encouraging the use of these types of bags will make your business look greener and your customers will help out with nature. A real win win!

The first thing would be to know the options or types of paper bags that they offer you. The bag is a vehicle for your product, therefore, it must adapt to your brand and its personality, it should never be the other way around.

And you? What paper bag did you bet on?

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