10 actresses who lost a lot of weight for the role
Some even went too far.
Most girls, even with an ideal figure, dream of losing even more weight. But not everyone has enough motivation. After all, in fact, limiting yourself to your favorite food and plowing in the gym 7 days a week is not so fun and easy, as the zezhniki claim.
But when career, fame, millions of royalties are at stake and, what the hell is not kidding, an Oscar or a Golden Globe, anyone would, without hesitation, go on the toughest diet. This is what most star beauties do. remembered those who lost weight for the coveted role.
Linda Hamilton
Before filming
Shot from the movie
The actress who played Sarah Connor in The Terminator was perhaps one of the first who had to lose a dozen kilos for a role in the film. Now this situation will not surprise anyone, and before, no one was chasing almost anorexic parameters – just look at the supermodels of the 90s. Be that as it may, Linda lost 10 kilograms and completely got rid of fat. It was replaced by iron muscles.
Uma Thurman
The actress and former model was never fat – it was not for nothing that in her youth she walked the catwalk and showed good promise as a model. But when Quentin Tarantino decided to film Kill Bill, Uma was pregnant. The director postponed the start of filming for the sake of his muse. But he could not wait forever, so Thurman had to sweat.
For a month and a half after giving birth, she lost 11 kilograms and became a reproach to all stellar mothers, who cannot get in shape even in a year. Uma had to train hard every day and go on a specially designed diet for her, based on the philosophy of Zen Buddhism. The actress ate steamed rice, fish and meat, Japanese tofu soup, beans, fresh and boiled vegetables. I also drank special Chinese and Japanese teas to cleanse the body.
Charlize Theron
For one of her stellar films – “Sweet November” – Theron was forced to lose 13 kg pretty quickly. To do this, she completely gave up baking and harmful drinks, every day she wound kilometers on a run and did not eat after 17 hours. As a result, the star began to weigh only 40 kg and was terrified of herself. Charlize admitted that she is freezing all the time, she is uncomfortable in such a body and she feels completely non-sexual.
Ann Hataway
Another actress who lost more than 10 kilos. On such a feat she was forced to go to the role in the movie “Les Miserables”. Almost complete starvation and tough programs of cleansing the body helped.
Natalie Portman
For the role in Black Swan, Portman dropped 15 kg. The actress was on a diet of … one carrot and almond. How it did not break is unclear. At the same time, the star also rehearsed, spending several hours a day at the ballet barn.
Mila Kunis
“Black Swan” has generally become a karmic ribbon for Hollywood beauties. Kunis, like Portman, also had to lose weight for filming. True, she was not planted on carrots, but the diet was limited to only 1200 calories per day. Well, ballet training, too, has not been canceled.
Lily Collins
In the drama “To the Bones”, Lily played an anorexic patient. And she had to look accordingly. Therefore, the girl had to lose weight to a completely emaciated state. She was assisted by doctors and nutritionists. By the way, Collins herself suffered from eating disorders as a teenager and was very afraid that anorexia would return to her. But nothing happened, and after filming, the same doctors helped her painlessly return to normal.
Emily Blunt
But this actress was lucky. She was asked to shed a few pounds for the role of Miranda Priestley’s assistant in The Devil Wears Prada. Producers and directors needed Emily to look painful. After Blunt admitted that she did not mind losing a few pounds. Moreover, according to her, the main thing was to convincingly play a girl who is on eternal diets. And so, “if she really wanted to eat, then no one pulled the donut out of her hands.”
Shailene Woodley
For the movie “In the Power of the Elements” this girl with appetizing forms had to strictly limit herself in food. She said that during filming, her diet was something like this: a small can of canned salmon, steamed broccoli and two egg whites. And this is for the whole day! But in the end, she did a great job of playing the victim of the elements.
Polina Maksimova
Russian stars also endure severe restrictions for the sake of the role. True, less often than their Western counterparts. But, for example, Yulia Vysotskaya a few years ago lost a lot of weight for the film “Paradise”, and also cut her hair almost bald. The presenter and the actress were then almost suspected of a serious illness, but soon it was revealed: it was only for the sake of a new project.
And Polina Maksimova, the star of the series “Deffchonki”, lost 10 kg for her role in the film “Without Me”. At the time of filming, the actress weighed only 46 kg with a height of 1,73 m. In addition, she cut her hair short, learned to play the piano and ride a motorcycle.