10 actors who masterfully played robots

The work of the actors who managed to play robots in films can really be admired. During filming, they had to wear heavy suits, perform unusual actions and face many other difficulties.

But the films about robots that the viewer has managed to see today speak of the skill of the actors and their successful overcoming of all difficulties during the filming process.

In our article, you can learn about 10 actors who managed to masterfully play robots.

10 Lok Martin – Gort, “The Day the Earth Stood Still” | 1951

10 actors who masterfully played robots The director of the film, which has become one of the most significant in science fiction, was Robert Wise.

The key figure in the film was a robot named Gort. He has a gigantic size and humanoid appearance, destroys military equipment at the landing site of his spaceship, but does not kill people.

It was rather difficult to find an actor for the role of the robot, since the costume was designed for a very tall person. The people who conducted the casting remembered that they saw the highest porter in one of the Chinese theaters.

Lock Martin, who was entrusted to play a robot in the famous motion picture, had a height of 2,31 meters.

9. Anthony Daniels – C-3PO, Star Wars | 1977-…

10 actors who masterfully played robots The British actor played C-3PO in all the Star Wars movies. His film character was created by Anakin Skywalker to assist with etiquette, customs, and translation.

The actor himself in one of the interviews said that the costume of his hero is rather heavy and bulky, it is not easy to fit into it. Every day he has to go to the gym in order not to get fat, stay slim and strong, otherwise the robot suit may not fit.

8. Kenny Baker – R2-D2, Star Wars | 1977-…

10 actors who masterfully played robots R2-D2 in Star Wars is an astromech droid counterpart of C-3PO. Also appeared in all eight films.

The robot performs the function of a spacecraft mechanic, is a specialist in interaction with computer technology.

Actor Kenny Baker had a chance to play a character in the movie, his height was 112 centimeters. In one of the interviews, the actor admitted that the role of the robot did not seem particularly difficult to him, he did not control it, it was also easy for him to put on and take off the suit, unlike the actor who played his colleague C-3PO.

7. Ian Holm – Ash, Alien | 1979

10 actors who masterfully played robots Ian Holm plays the android Ash in the sci-fi film directed by Ridley Scott.

The robot served as a research assistant on the spacecraft. At the beginning of the film, Ash is presented as a calm and logical character, acting in accordance with the rules. But then he starts breaking them.

Of interest to the audience is the scene of the destruction of the robot, here the actor had to try, because during this shooting not an animatronic head was used, but his own head, which Ian put into a hole in the table, in each take the director poured milk into the actor’s mouth, which began to flow out, it was worth him to speak.

6. Hayley Joel Osment – David, “Artificial Intelligence” | 2001

10 actors who masterfully played robots In the sci-fi film by Steven Spielberg, the actor got the role of David. The boy was a robot programmed to love his human owners. The android child is placed in the family.

In one of the interviews, Haley Joel Osment said that it was not an easy task to embody the image of the robot David, the boy, originally created by the android, gradually acquired more and more human features.

5. Robin Williams – NDR-114, Andrew, Bicentennial Man | 1999

10 actors who masterfully played robots The film was directed by Chris Columbus and starred Robin Williams as the android Andrew.

The plot of the film unfolds in times of the most powerful technological process, in which people get into their homes not cats and dogs, but robots.

Andrew’s robot is also purchased for one of the families. He has a good relationship with all family members. The life story of an android is shown for 200 years, during which time he gradually becomes more human both outside and inside.

Like many other roles, Robin Williams managed to embody the role of the robot brilliantly, he made the film natural and not boring.

4. Rutger Hauer – Roy Batty, Blade Runner | 1982

10 actors who masterfully played robots The film was directed by Ridley Scott. The plot was based on the story of a policeman whose activity was to search for and destroy replicant robots created to perform hard and dangerous work.

The role of the leader of the replicants, smart but cruel, went to actor Rutger Hauer, the director chose him without meeting him personally, but seeing him work in other projects.

It was he who seemed to him the real incarnation of the superman. The actor himself in an interview has repeatedly said that he considers this role one of the most significant in his career, she helped change his thinking.

3. Brent Spiner – Data, Star Trek: The Next Generation | 1987-1994

10 actors who masterfully played robots The role of the android Lieutenant Data has become one of the most famous for the actor Brent Spiter.

The robot in the film was created in the 2330s, died in 2379, saving the lives of his crew during one of the battles. The android was made of various types of metal, weighed about 100 kg, and had a breathing apparatus.

The magazines wrote more than once that Brent did not immediately get this role, at first the director of Star Trek wanted to give it to another actor, but later changed his mind and Spiner embodied the image of Data.

2. Peter Weller — Robocop, «Robocop» | 1987

10 actors who masterfully played robots The actor played a robot in two parts of the film “Robot Cop”, the script of the third did not suit him, despite the fact that the films were very popular.

The plot of the film is based on a story about the world of the future and a police robot – a robocop. Outwardly, the robot resembles one of the heroes of the comics of the Marvel universe.

1. Arnold Schwarzenegger – T-800, “Terminator” | 1984

10 actors who masterfully played robots Arnold Schwarzenegger has repeatedly said in interviews that it was quite difficult to embody the image of the T-800 in the Terminator film cycle.

It was a machine, and machines or robots are very different from people. He needed to speak, shoot and perform other actions like a machine.

With the development of the plot of the film, the robot changed, acquired human qualities, the actor had to take this fact into account.

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