1 week of pregnancy after conception
The third week of the obstetric term, also known as the 1st week of pregnancy after conception, is a magical time when the unborn baby is just beginning to take shape. What does his mother feel at this time?

First signs of pregnancy – 1 week

Expectant mothers immediately need to remember that there are two views on the duration of pregnancy: obstetric and embryonic. We are talking about 1 week of pregnancy after conception, that is, about the embryonic period. Doctors usually operate in obstetrics, where the last day of menstruation is taken as the starting point. To get obstetric from the embryonic period, you need to add two weeks. That is, the first week of pregnancy after conception corresponds to the third obstetric week.

At this time, the restructuring of the woman’s body has just begun. Very few people notice the first signs of pregnancy during this period.

1 Week Pregnancy Symptoms - Know Very Early Signs of Pregnancy

“Some women may feel pregnant even in the first week after conception, but these are usually few,” the doctor explains. obstetrician-gynecologist Dina Absalyamova. – I tend to believe that more of a psychological factor plays a role here, although the pregnancy hormone – human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) can also have an influence. It is produced by a fertilized egg.

Sensitive women may notice that their mood and taste preferences are changing. Among the signs of pregnancy in the first week, some even note toxicosis, but usually it appears after a couple of weeks.

Photo of the stomach

1 week of pregnancy after conception

In the first week of pregnancy (from conception), the figure remains the same. The fetus is still too small for the belly to become visible. The zygote, formed by the egg and sperm, divides quickly, but not enough: into 2 cells, 4, 8, and so on up to 32 cells. Accordingly, a photo of the abdomen at 1 week of pregnancy is not indicative.

The fetus in the first week of pregnancy is called an embryo, it actually becomes a fetus only in the sixth week.

While the embryo is in a small sac with liquid and is not fed from the mother, but from the yolk sac. The size of the future baby at this time is approximately 0,1–0,2 mm. Given how small it is, no one can guess the interesting position of a woman from a photo of the abdomen at 1 week of pregnancy.

How to check pregnancy at 1 week

It is almost impossible to check pregnancy at 1 week. Changes in the body are too small for tests or an ultrasound machine to detect them. To get convincing evidence that you are in a position, you need to wait at least the 7th, and preferably the 10th day of pregnancy, when especially sensitive tests can already show the coveted two strips.


A test in the first week of pregnancy will either give nothing or show a dubious result. Too little time has passed since conception for changes to become noticeable.

“If you pass a regular pharmacy test in the first week of pregnancy, where you need to urinate on a strip, it will certainly show a negative result – the period is too short,” explains gynecologist Dina Absalyamova. – The same problem will be with the analysis for hCG. Fluctuations in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin are so insignificant that the results will be regarded as doubtful.

It turns out that the expectant mother can only wait until the gestational age exceeds 10 days and the tests become more reliable.


Do not rush to run for ultrasound diagnostics. In the first week of pregnancy, ultrasound is not indicative, even the most modern equipment is not able to visualize the fetus.

As a rule, ultrasound at such an early date is recommended for those women who have symptoms specific to an ectopic pregnancy. It can be dangerous, therefore, to exclude such a diagnosis, a gynecologist may prescribe an ultrasound diagnosis.

Those girls who hope to get the first pictures of their unborn child will have to wait until 2-3 weeks.

What sensations can you experience in 1 week

– During the first week of pregnancy, the mother feels good and rarely notices that something has changed in her body. There are especially sensitive women who, already on the 3rd-4th day of pregnancy, notice that their mood and taste preferences are changing: they suddenly start eating foods that they did not like before, or vice versa, they give up their previous preferences. Some at such an early date even begin toxicosis, but there are very few such women, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Dina Absalyamova.

Most of the sensations that a woman may experience at 1 week of pregnancy are similar to those that usually precede critical days. For example, characteristic pains in the lower abdomen, and about a week before the start of the cycle.

Some girls in position note that their breasts become more sensitive, even painful. In some, the pigmentation of the nipples increases and freckles appear. In general, the signs of pregnancy at 1 week are almost invisible.


Since conception occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle – about 13-14 days in a standard 28-day cycle – a woman may not suspect that she is pregnant. Monthly something still ahead. The first week of pregnancy after conception ends at about 21-25 days, so there is no need to talk about menstruation and delay yet.

When the time comes, and menstruation has not appeared, it will become clear that the woman is expecting a baby.

Stomach ache

1 week of pregnancy after conception

This is a deceptive sign of early pregnancy. Many women experience pain before critical days, so they do not attach importance to discomfort in the middle and second half of the cycle. However, future mothers often note that it was the pain in the lower abdomen that became the first sign of pregnancy for them. They are usually felt 5-7 days before the cycle, that is, at the end of the first week of pregnancy.

However, pain can also be caused by other causes, for example, intestinal dysbacteriosis or a violation of its functions. Often, pain in the pelvis provokes the spine. For example, with osteochondrosis, pain can be given just to the area in the lower abdomen. They may also be associated with pelvic adhesions from previous gynecological surgeries or caesarean sections.

Usually pain in the lower abdomen is considered as a possible symptom of an ectopic pregnancy, when a fertilized egg is attached not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube, cervix or on the ovary. However, in the first week of pregnancy, there may not be any discomfort. More often they occur as the embryo grows, by 3-4 weeks.

What to do if you become pregnant

For starters: do not be nervous and make an appointment with a doctor. Whether it is a desired pregnancy or an unplanned one, a trip to the gynecologist is essential. The doctor will register you, give recommendations on the tests that will need to be taken in the near future, prescribe vitamins and write out an action plan for all 9 months.

Sometimes there is no opportunity to go to the gynecologist for an examination, then remember a few simple rules and try to follow them until the next visit to the doctor.

In the first week of pregnancy, do not drink alcohol, avoid antibiotics, avoid hot baths and stress, do not lift weights and try to give up cigarettes and the society of people who smoke. Take care of your health: even catching a cold at such an early date is undesirable.

Try to relax more, walk in the fresh air, strengthen your immune system and do things that give you pleasure.

1 week: what happens in a woman’s body

As already mentioned, there is still no actual pregnancy at this time. All changes that occur in the female body correspond to the normal menstrual cycle. So, 1 week of pregnancy begins with the fact that on the 1st day of menstruation, the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), under the influence of which a follicle begins to develop on the ovary. In the blood of a woman, the concentration of the hormones estrogen and progesterone decreases and the amount of prostaglandin, a substance that causes uterine contractions, increases. Thanks to them, the surface of the uterus becomes loose, the layer of the endometrium exfoliates and comes out with menstrual bleeding.
After the end of menstruation, the hormonal background changes again. At the end of the first week of pregnancy, the growing follicle stimulates the production of estrogen. Under its influence, a new endometrium begins to grow in the uterus. In about ten days, he will be ready to receive a fertilized egg.
What happens in a woman's body
If there is a need to do an ultrasound, it is prescribed at the end of the first week of pregnancy (usually on the 5th or 6th day of the cycle), when menstrual bleeding has already stopped. The doctor will see the growing follicle and will be able to accurately predict the date of ovulation (the release of the egg from the follicle). Sexual intercourse on the eve of ovulation and on this day increases the chances of getting pregnant, so the results of an ultrasound scan will be useful for couples planning a baby.
Another way to calculate your ovulation date is to measure your basal body temperature. On the day of ovulation, it will rise sharply, the difference can be up to half a degree. Further temperature measurement will help determine the date of implantation and the fact of pregnancy.
1 week what happens in a woman's body
Good to know
When planning a pregnancy, pay attention to the following interesting point. Spermatozoa, which are carriers of the “girl” chromosome, are quite tenacious: they can wait for an egg up to 7 days. Spermatozoa-“boys” live not so long – from several hours to 1-2 days. If you want to try to conceive a girl, it’s worth trying somewhere three or more days before ovulation. If a boy, the day of conception should fall directly on the period of ovulation.

Feelings of a woman and signs of pregnancy at 1 obstetric week

In the first weeks of pregnancy before the delay, the expectant mother will not feel anything unusual and new for herself at this stage of pregnancy. All sensations in the early stages will be familiar to her, corresponding to the state during menstruation, because the first week of pregnancy begins on the first day of menstruation.
For each woman, these sensations are individual, but for most, as a rule, the stomach pulls in the first weeks of pregnancy, there is aching pain in the lower back, and the chest becomes painful. Characterized by general malaise and sudden mood swings. If the stomach hurts a lot in the first week of pregnancy, a woman should consult a doctor.
1 week pregnant
Good to know
Often during menstruation, a woman’s lower abdomen hurts so much that she is forced to take painkillers. If a couple is planning a pregnancy in this cycle, it is better for the expectant mother to refuse such pills.
When should you consult a specialist? For example, if during menstruation the stomach hurts so much that a woman loses her ability to work. If the pain is continuously tormenting for more than two days, the discharge has become very profuse and does not stop even on the 5th or 7th day of menstruation.

Signs of pregnancy

If we take into account the obstetric period, then the first signs in 1 week are absent. The woman’s body on the first day just started preparing for ovulation and possible conception. Therefore, of course, the typical symptoms of pregnancy, such as toxicosis, morning sickness, sore breasts and changes in the figure, do not bother the woman at this time. The expectant mother may encounter them starting from about 5 obstetric weeks. But here, too, everything is very individual: in some women, the symptoms of pregnancy are absent for a long time, while in others they appear already on the first day after conception.

1 week: what happens to the fetus, pregnancy diagnostics

At this stage, only the prerequisites for the appearance of the fetus arise, and successful fertilization, which can occur in about two weeks, depends on many factors. Accordingly, ultrasound of the fetus at this time is not done. It should be noted that even in the first days of pregnancy (meaning the embryonic period), there are no reliable ways to confirm successful conception.
With the help of ultrasound in the first weeks of pregnancy on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th day of delay, it is most likely impossible to determine the presence of an embryo. 
The fetus in this study can be seen approximately on the 5th or 7th day of the delay in menstruation. The level of the hCG hormone (chorionic gonadotropin), which is produced in a woman’s body during pregnancy, does not increase in the early stages, so on the first day of the delay, the test may also not show two cherished strips. Positive results can be detected only from 12-14 days after the conception of a child.

Useful tips and tricks

It is very important for future parents to maintain a healthy lifestyle, because an egg and a sperm are already maturing in their body – two cells that form an unborn child.
If one of the spouses is undergoing treatment, taking medications or doing some procedures, be sure to check with your doctor if it is permissible to plan a pregnancy in this menstrual cycle, as this may affect the development of the child. X-rays are also dangerous for the baby.
Useful tips and tricks at 1 week of pregnancy
The expectant mother is advised to avoid unfavorable working conditions and high physical activity. Any stressful situations should also be excluded.
Avoid large crowds of people, carefully follow the rules of hygiene so as not to contract a viral infection.
A varied, balanced diet for the expectant mother should include meat, fish, dairy products, complex carbohydrates, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not abuse foods that can cause allergies (citrus fruits, honey, etc.).
It is better to coordinate the intake of multivitamins for pregnant women with a gynecologist, he will help you choose the drug taking into account the characteristics of health and place of residence (in some regions there is not enough iodine, fluorine or other trace elements in the water, and the doctor will help take these factors into account).

Popular questions and answers

What needs to be changed in your life from the first week of pregnancy?

Finding out about pregnancy at week 1 (3rd obstetric) is almost impossible: the woman still does not feel the changes and does not even realize that the body is preparing to bear the child. The only thing that can raise questions is implantation bleeding: a woman may notice small droplets of blood on her underwear.At the 1st week of pregnancy, fertilization and implantation of the blastocyst (fertilized egg) occurs in the uterine mucosa. The future fetus is small in size: it is almost impossible to see it on ultrasound. Pregnancy tests are also likely to show a negative or questionable result. The level of hCG at this time fluctuates slightly, so it is almost impossible to detect pregnancy at such an early stage by analysis.

At the same time, the body begins to rebuild, so a pregnant woman may feel symptoms that are easily confused with PMS: drowsiness, weakness, slight heaviness and pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Sometimes – a change in taste preferences. Usually this is not given importance.

If a woman planned a pregnancy and hopes for its onset, then it is worth excluding smoking, alcohol, heavy physical exertion and weight lifting. From the very beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to eat right and drink plenty of water, walk more often and breathe fresh air, limit stress, engage in your favorite hobbies and relax more.

What should I do if I accidentally drank alcohol in the first week of pregnancy?

Alcohol has a destructive effect on the development of the fetus: ethanol and other harmful substances interfere with the attachment of the embryo and harm the development of the brain of the unborn child. If a woman drinks alcohol in the early stages (and beyond), this can lead to mental retardation, oligophrenia and hydrocephalus in a child.

If a woman drank “accidentally” and once in a small amount (for example, a glass of wine), most likely, this will not cause significant harm. A more dangerous threat is taking medications at the very beginning of pregnancy. They can harm the development of the fetus. Therefore, a woman should consult a geneticist if she took medication at the beginning of pregnancy.

Is it necessary to use protection in the first week of pregnancy?

It is not necessary to protect yourself in the early stages of pregnancy, because the pregnancy has already begun. The second fertilization is interfered with by hormones that are produced after conception.However, in extremely rare cases, a woman can still become pregnant again. A second conception can also occur if a woman has two eggs at once, and they are fertilized by different spermatozoa with a slight difference in time.

But you need to understand: such cases rarely occur. Therefore, there is no need for contraception after pregnancy. The exception is if a woman continues to have sex with different partners. In this case, she needs to use condoms so that harmful bacteria (causative agents of STDs) do not enter the body. They can cause complications in the development of the fetus.

If STDs are detected during the examination during pregnancy in the PCR analysis, they must be treated after 12 weeks to avoid infection of the fetus.

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