Retirement is a whole little life. And so, having retired, my wife and I decided to move closer to nature and bought a house in the village. With a plot, a bathhouse and … with jam.
Yes, a cellar full of jam. It’s scary to eat other people’s stocks, but it’s a pity to throw them away. The neighbor says: “Make wine!”. And I decided to try. An attempt is not torture, and I have some experience of home winemaking.
Old stocks of jam
This story was shared by my subscriber George.
What ingredients do you need
I did not immediately use all the sweet stocks, a small trial batch was used. Red currants were on hand. I took jam, sugar, a handful of raisins, put everything in a jar, filled it with water by 2/3.
So, in terms of ingredients:
- jam – 1 liter;
- boiled chilled water – 1 liter;
- raisins – 100 grams;
- sugar – 100 grams.
You will need a simple set of products
I did not take yeast, the smell from them happens. I put everything in a clean jar, closed it with a nylon lid. Raisins do not need to be washed.
Jam with water
I did not particularly worry about the fate of the drink. I’ll stir, add sugar, close. And so several times.
Strained after 10 days, by that time the berries had risen to the top. Wringed them out and threw them away without regret. The liquid was poured into a clean jar, put on a glove (necessarily with a hole) and into a dark place. It seems to have happened in April.
The cooking process
If you paint it step by step for pedantic people, then everything happened as follows:
- I fill the jam with water, add raisins, sugar and under a plastic lid.
- After three days, I mixed it and left it to ferment again. And so 2-3 times.
- After 10 days, I filtered it, threw out the cake, put a glove on the jar and put it in a dark, warm place for ripening.
The wine should stand for about 2 months. The glove will fall off, the liquid will become clear and lighter than the jam was originally.
The famous “hello to Gorbachev”
There is a lot of work in your house, and even more with a garden. They dug, planted, worked from morning till night: either cut old trees, whiten them, or remove last year’s foliage. And the landings have already begun, so every day from morning to evening one place up.
And once, after a hard day’s work, we sit on a bench under a mountain ash. Rest, beauty! We admire the first summer sunset. “Now I would like a glass of wine,” says the wife.
And I forgot that I have an experiment going on. He ran to his secret dark place, took out a jar, and there! Transparent, pleasant dark pink liquid, and the smell!
Here’s what came out of the old jam
With the result that
So, what I have at the output, so to speak, in the bottom line:
- Fresh fruity taste.
- Nice colour.
- Fortress 8-10 degrees.
There are no fresh berries in the garden yet, but I have summer in a jar! Brought it to my wife to try. Upper class!
First trial batch
The taste is berry, fresh, I thought it would have a specific taste of jam. Not! An excellent aperitif.
Then we put all the old jam into action. Treated friends, relatives, neighbors. They were surprised: how did your predecessors not think of making such yummy before. It turned out to be quite easy.
What can be changed in the recipe
Since the main recipe soon became boring, and we wanted to experiment (the raw materials are free!), We began to think about how to improve the product:
- instead of raisins, you can take rice;
- spices, such as cinnamon, can be added to the jam.
And a few more tips for those who want to try wine from jam:
- It is better to take one type of jam without mixing it with others.
- Jam with seeds will not work.
- So that microbes do not get into the mash and do not spoil the fermentation, the dishes must be sterilized.
- It is better to use glassware, not plastic.
- It is better to boil water, but it is impossible to fill it with hot water.
- It is better to take raisins by weight, and not in a package.
- Sugar can and should be added during the fermentation process. The more sugar, the stronger the drink will be.
- A dropped glove is a sign of readiness, but it is better if the wine stands for a few more weeks.
Redcurrant wine
What is the cost of this product
1 liter of fragrant natural wine will cost us 60 rubles, if we do not take into account the cost of old jam:
- 100 gr. raisins – 35 rubles;
- 100 gr. sugar – 3 rubles;
- glove – 20 rubles.
Good in the village, air, river, products from your garden. Environmentally friendly and cheap. Jam wine is a budget option that is very suitable for us pensioners.
Maybe someone is skeptical about food processing, but I’m sure that natural wine is better, even from old jam, than store chemicals. Who agrees with me?