Yesenin and Isadora Duncan: love story and facts

Yesenin and Isadora Duncan: love story and facts

😉 Greetings to my dear readers! In the article “Yesenin and Isadora Duncan: a love story and facts” interesting information about the life of this famous couple.

This love story with a gorgeous beginning and a sad end would not have been so attractive if He was not a famous poet, and She was a famous dancer. In addition, the eighteen-year age difference between lovers adds fuel to the fire.

Sergey Yesenin and Isadora Duncan

According to witnesses, on the first day of their acquaintance, they communicated with signs, gestures, smiles. The poet spoke only Russian, the dancer only English. But they seemed to understand each other perfectly. The novel flared up immediately and violently. The lovers were not embarrassed by anything: neither the language barrier, nor the age difference.

Yesenin and Isadora Duncan: love story and facts

There was everything in these relations: passion, jealousy, clarification of the relationship, each in his own language, stormy reconciliation and sweet lulls. In the future, they created an alliance in which it was boring without each other, but together it was hard.

This love seems to have descended from the pages of Dostoevsky’s novel, which interferes with the features of sadism, masochism, and some kind of transcendental sensuality. Sergei was fascinated by Isadora, and probably in love not only with not, but also with her glory, and the ghost of his world fame. He fell in love with her, as a kind of project, as a lever leading from all-Russian glory to world glory.

The dancer often gave her lessons not in the hall, but in the garden or on the seashore. I saw the essence of the dance in merging with nature. Here is what she wrote: “I was inspired by the movement of trees, waves, clouds, the connection that exists between passion and thunderstorm, between a light breeze and tenderness, rain and the thirst for renewal.”

Sergey never stopped admiring his wife a wonderful dancer, asked her to perform in front of his friends, and in fact, was her main fan.

A trip to the hated America, finally put everything in its place. There was irritation, and then open discontent on the part of Sergei. She lost the image of a beautiful lady and became a bargaining chip in the hands of the poet.

Yesenin and Isadora Duncan: love story and facts

Nevertheless, after heated quarrels, Sergei was lying at the feet of his beloved, asking for forgiveness. And she forgave him everything. Tensions ended after returning to Russia. Isadora left the poet’s homeland a month later and they never saw each other. Their official marriage (1922-1924) fell apart.

Age difference

  • she was born on May 27, 1877 in America;
  • he was born on October 3, 1895 in the Russian Empire;
  • the age difference between Yesenin and Duncan was 18 years;
  • when they met, she was 44, he was 26;
  • the poet died at the age of 30, two years later the dancer died, she was 50.

According to the signs of the zodiac, she Gemini, he Scales. These signs in personal life are compatible and there is love. The stars cannot be fooled. If you are interested, there is such a table in the article “Signs of the zodiac and love”.

You can treat this relationship in different ways, where passion and creativity are intertwined. They will arouse interest not only among fans of the dancer’s and poet’s talent. Love as bright as a flash will be attractive to everyone who is open to high, real, albeit short-lived, feelings.

Women in Yesenin’s life

In the life of the poet there were 8 women (about whom it is known), with them he cohabited or was married. It:

  1. Anna Izryadnova – proofreader at the printing house (son Yuri);
  2. Zinaida Reich – actress (daughter Tatiana and son Konstantin);
  3. Ekaterina Eiges – poet;
  4. Galina Benislavskaya – literary secretary;
  5. Sophia Tolstaya granddaughter of the writer Leo Tolstoy;
  6. Isadora Duncan dancer;
  7. Augusta Miklashevskaya actress;
  8. Nadezhda Volpin poet and translator (son Alexander).

Yesenin was not a good father to his four children …

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