Why you constantly want to eat and how to deal with it

You cannot analyze the feeling of hunger only by what and when you eat. In our body, there are many processes and conditions that affect appetite in one way or another: a small jump in hormones – and you already look at your diet in a completely different way. There are a number of simple reasons that, by eliminating them, you will have a significant impact on your hunger.

Do you want to drink

Very often, instead of eating something, it is enough to drink a glass of water. In our brain, the signals that indicate hunger and thirst are confused, so test yourself first with life-giving moisture, and if it doesn’t help, have a snack. In addition, an uncontrolled amount of food will no longer fit into a stomach filled with water, which means you most likely will not overeat.

Are you sleepy


Unfortunately, lack of sleep will affect your hunger, and if you do not have the opportunity to get enough sleep, then there is practically no way to completely control your appetite. A tired body tries to survive at least by increasing the energy it draws from food – hence the passion for light carbohydrates. Eliminate the causes of insomnia and lengthen your sleep for the prescribed 7 – 8 hours a day.

You eat a lot of fast carbs

Another insidious feature of sweets is that they are rarely alone. If these are small candies, then a zhmenka, if one bagel, then the second one is pulled up after it. If this is one piece of cake, then for some reason it is very large. If your body needs nourishment, then the brain will eagerly force you to eat as much as possible. The way out is to satisfy hunger with fiber, proteins, healthy snacks. And finally start eating right!

You are too nervous

If your stress is constant, if you are tense all the time, taut like a string, then your hormonal system resembles a storm of endless signals about hunger and overeating. Stress is fraught not only with weight gain, but also leads to deep depression and constant neuroses, so you should identify the causes and get rid of them. Sports can help relieve mild stress.

You abuse alcohol

Alcohol, no secret, increases appetite. A glass at dinner, in fact, is needed to kindle it, and only secondarily for mood and relaxation. And where the glass is, there is the second, where the appetizer is, there is the main course. Alcoholic drinks dehydrate, and as a bonus, an imaginary feeling of hunger is connected, which is actually thirst. So if you’re thinking about losing weight, say goodbye to alcohol.

You don’t eat enough protein

Protein, firstly, satiates more, and secondly, it takes more strength and energy to digest and assimilate it, which means more calories are spent. See How Protein Diets Work. You do not need to grab them without first examining the cons of such a diet, but you must definitely increase the amount of protein in your diet. And prepare some protein snacks in case of a quick meal.

You eat little fat

A big mistake losing weight is a complete refusal to consume fat. But it is known that unsaturated fats are very useful and, in combination with proteins, significantly reduce appetite. Of course, you need to observe the measure and give preference to products that contain healthy fats omega-3 and omega-6.

You eat chaotically

If you do not adhere to the schedule, you have long time intervals between the main meals, you experience constant hunger, which you have to endure, and then a global feeling of satiety and overeating, which you also endure. The body gets used to it over time and itself pushes you to fulfill the “norm”. Change: three basic techniques as you want, snacks – at will and opportunities.

You eat too fast

Remember the rule of chewing food 33 times? Probably, it should not be so carefully all the same – the luxury of allowing this at our pace of life. But definitely slow absorption of food eliminates overeating. After 20 minutes, a signal will come that the stomach is full, and you have eaten only half a portion. We give it to an enemy or a friend – whoever needs it at the moment.

Do you take meds

Surely you still think that hormones are getting better. Yes, hormones interfere with your body’s own system and put it out of action – often for the good, because it was not in vain that the doctor prescribed the medicine. But this, alas, means that the appetite is growing. It can and should be regulated using all the methods described above. Weight gain will be, but insignificant. And health will get better, which, of course, is more important at the moment.

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