Why sweets are the most harmful snack with the vine

There is a simple rule: for the most complex wine served the most simple snack. Conversely, food delicacies are better with the ordinary (table) wine. This rule is explained by the fact that more simple products should not be shadeв with the ones whose taste is much more complicated.

The products that are well-suited to the wine we include:

  • white bread,
  • hard cheese without additives and spices
  • fruit, sour – served with sweet beverages, sweet fruit to sour wines.

We often make one mistake, giving to the wine the sweets – pies, cakes, candies. Nutritionists believe that sweets and wine is one of the worst combinations.

Why sweets are the most harmful snack with the vine

This is what happens in the body when you eat a piece of cake after a sip of wine. The body first suffers because glucose is his priority, and the splitting of alcohol it will leave for later. As a consequence, the release of insulin in the blood rapid intoxication and severe hangover. And if instead of the cake you ate chocolate, then get ready to hit the pancreas.

And, of course, from the point of view of enjoying the sweet taste of steam+wine is not good, interrupts the sweet taste of the drink and does not like to be around to enjoy it.

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