Why Smoking causes erectile problems

In our time children are increasingly began to appear “from a test tube”. The cause is not only women’s health – a problem conceiving often caused by diseases which develop at men.

One of the reasons for male infertility – erectile dysfunction – the inability to have a fulfilling sex life.

There is hardly another factor that would affect the men’s self-esteem as much as potency. Its violation leads to depression, nervousness, destruction of families and even suicide among men. So, four out of five men consider erectile dysfunction a serious problem.

Dysfunction or impotence?

Failures in the sexual sphere in men, usually called impotence. However, this term is used by specialists only to those men who are not able to commit the sexual act.

Such cases are rare, but recurring problems with erections are much more common. In such cases the doctors say about erectile dysfunction.

Disappointing statistics

According to experts, lower potency, or erectile dysfunction, affects more than 40 percent of men older than 40 years. And two of the three men have ever experienced the problems with erection.

Experts suggest few decades, erectile dysfunction among men around the world will take the nature of a pandemic. Already erectile dysfunction observed in more than 150 million men worldwide.

Meanwhile, almost half of the respondents do not know what causes erectile dysfunction. Moreover, men do not suspect that cause acute problems often becomes a way of life accustomed to the stronger sex.

Why Smoking causes erectile problems

All the problems are in my head…

In some cases, erectile dysfunction is caused due to fatigue, stress, chronic lack of sleep and problems at work. Such dysfunction is called psychogenic.

One of the main risk factors of erection problems doctors believe depression. It increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by 90 percent.

To restore potency for man it is enough to handle sleep and wakefulness, to make time for rest and relaxation and to establish a full-fledged physical activity. It increases levels of the male sex hormone testosterone.

… and cigarettes

There is the so-called organic erectile dysfunction. It arises as a consequence of the untreated disease on time and unhealthy lifestyles. Mainly, Smoking.

Chronic poisoning of the body products of combustion of tobacco and the effects of nicotine lead to decreased production of testosterone, which controls the ability of men to commit sexual intercourse.

In addition, almost 80 percent of cases of erectile dysfunction occur as a complication of vascular disease. Smoking causes vascular spasms that impede blood flow to the penis and reduce the strength of erection. In some cases, completely disrupt the function of the male body.

In addition, tobacco abuse provokes the development of atherosclerotic processes is the formation of plaques and clots in blood vessels, inhibiting blood flow throughout the body.

Blockage of coronary arteries leads to heart attack. A similar process in the arteries of the penis to erectile dysfunction.

According to statistics for Smoking men the potency problems occur three times more often than for non-smokers. And 87 percent of men with severe erectile dysfunction are smokers.

Why Smoking causes erectile problems

Other reasons

The major factors of development of erectile dysfunction include other consequences of unhealthy lifestyles that lead to vascular problems and reduction in testosterone production:

  • Diabetes increases the risk of erectile dysfunction by 55%
  • Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease by almost 40 percent
  • Obesity – 25%,
  • Hypertension – 15 – 20 percent.

The most important

Erectile dysfunction affects many men over the age of 40 years. The main reason for the development of this unpleasant disease unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits. Mostly Smoking.

Moore about elective disfunction watch in the video below:

How to FIX erectile dysfunction for good! - Doctor Explains!

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