What you need to know about the steak

The key difference between aged steak from the usual meat – dry aging. Its purpose is to improve concentration and enhance natural taste. The meat is hung in a special chamber where the temperature is maintained at about 3 degrees, humidity at 50-60%, and provides optimum air circulation.

Meat can Mature in this way in a few weeks. During this time, biochemical reactions occur as a result of which the meat will lose moisture almost every day, become softer, and change color.

7 days of aging

What you need to know about the steak

In the meat begins to break down the collagen, the meat’s color remains bright red. The taste of this beef is far from the taste of dry-aged steaks. Due to the bones of the meat keeps the shape. Meat 7-day exposure, not put up for sale.

21 days of aging

What you need to know about the steak

Meat lost about 10% of its weight due to evaporation is changing its shape and size. The color of the meat becomes darker. Part of the proteins of the muscle plasma has lost their solubility. Under the influence of acids, proteins swell, the flesh becomes tender. 21 days is considered the minimum exposure time.

30 days of aging

What you need to know about the steak

To 30-day aging, steak becomes even softer and softer. Meat loses about 15% of its weight and acquires an intense meat flavor. Steak 30-day extract is the most popular.

45 days of aging

What you need to know about the steak

Such long aging is suitable only for meat with high marbling. Lost moisture during the heat treatment will be compensated at the expense of fat. Meat on the 45th day has an even stronger characteristic odor.

90 days of aging

What you need to know about the steak

90-day steak dark and dry, but the differences with the less-aged meat will not be noticeable for the inexperienced. Meat begins to evaporate, the salt across the surface a whitish bloom and crust, which before cooking always cut.

120 days of aging

What you need to know about the steak

The meat starts to acquire a particular flavor. The muscle structure is badly damaged; it is completely covered with a touch of salt. To evaluate this, steak can get only a huge fan of steaks dry-aged.

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