What to eat and what to drink in the bath

Bath – a great place to cleanse both physically and soul, to bring the body in tone. But during water treatments in the bath, you can get damage if you ignore the rules of food and drinking mode.

Before baths

The ideal option is the carbohydrate food for 1.5-2 hours before the baths, for example, pasta durum, buckwheat, easy fruit salad, risotto without butter and meat, boiled potatoes.

The undesirable will be a heavy meal before. Fatty, fried foods, foods with various food additives, fast food, meats of different varieties and types, and other “heavy” products, it is better not to eat before a hike in the bath.

The same applies to meat and fish dishes. Foods with a high content of animal fat, cakes, ice cream, creams – all this junk food in front of the bath may impair health.

Although it is considered a place of recreation but for the body, it is a lot of stress, and eating heavy food before the steam room visit, you do extra work for your body.

What to eat and what to drink in the bath

What to eat and drink in the bath

In the bath, you can’t eat and drink. Indeed, under high temperatures, the body will lose a lot of fluid that should be addressed.

You can drink:

  • Herbal or green tea. If the herbal collection includes rose hips, black currants, dried berries, strawberry leaves, mint, and oregano, this tea will help you find peace, regain emotional balance, and cope with insomnia.
  • Kvass, fruit drinks without sugar. These drinks are perfectly coped with the thirst. However, you must remember that only a warm drink can reduce the body’s burden in the steam room.
  • Mineral water without gas. It is better to choose drinking water, which is potassium and magnesium, because these chemicals are active only then excreted from the human body, and mineral water, quickly making up for their shortage.


  • Black tea, coffee. Steam acts so that the load shifts on the cardiovascular and nervous system, and these drinks will only increase the tension.
  • Carbonated drinks. Carbon dioxide under the action of high temperatures triggers gas exchange processes, which is harmful to the human body.
  • Beer and other alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, champagne, and wine, drunk in the sauna, can completely neutralize the benefits of the bath, so it’s best to limit alcohol use while in the sauna.

What to eat and what to drink in the bath

What to eat after a bath

After the bath, you also don’t need to push yourself through tough food. After half an hour of leaving the steam room, you can eat something light. Usually, at this time on a man is attacked by a terrible famine, but still don’t go for this trick; wait at least 20-30 minutes.

Healthy drinks, salads, fruits, vegetables would be appropriate at this time. The body should be given time to move away from sauna loads. And so you can eat well over 1.5 hours after visiting the bath.

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