What to do with a hornet bite?

The hornet is a very dangerous large hymenopteran insect of the wasp family. A hornet bite poses a threat to human health and can even be fatal. The severity of the consequences after a bite largely depends on the type of hornet. Some of the species are among the most poisonous representatives of insects known today. Others pose a less pronounced danger to humans and their attack does little harm to the body.

In this case, the bite of the hornets cannot be called particularly painful. Despite their large size (more than 3 cm), they pierce the skin no more than an ordinary bee. You can encounter these wasp representatives anywhere. They live in families in wooden buildings, both residential and commercial, in hollows of trees, in bee hives.

By biting, the hornet can inflict several attacks in a row, while the sting does not remain in the wound. Single bites activate inflammation in the tissues, and multiple bites – the strongest allergic reactions. The venom of an ordinary hornet is not more harmful than that of a bee, but when it enters the skin in large quantities, it causes pathological processes. A substance secreted by poisonous Asian species provokes serious consequences.

[Video] Why hornets are dangerous:

First aid for a hornet bite

  1. After a person collides with this insect and attacks, it is necessary to carefully examine the site of the lesion for the presence of sting particles, which sometimes enter the skin. If they are observed in the wound, then they should be removed using tweezers. In no case, do not squeeze out the sting.

  2. Thoroughly wash the affected area with water and antibacterial or disinfectant soap.

  3. Apply alcohol solution. Apply a generous amount of liquid to a cotton swab and wipe the bite site. This is necessary in order to eliminate the pathogens that are on the sting of the hornet.

  4. Apply cold (ice or some kind of frozen product wrapped in polyethylene).

  5. Seek qualified medical attention. A visit to the doctor is optional if the bite was solitary and there is no particular deterioration in the condition.

A visit to a specialist is necessary if the following factors are present:

  • a sharp weakening of the body;

  • swelling of the affected area and severe pain;

  • the appearance of a pronounced allergic reaction;

  • the victim is a child who is less than 16 years old;

  • the attack was made by several individuals of insects at the same time.

At the moment when several hornets bite, the level of toxin penetrating into the blood increases significantly. Therefore, intoxication becomes more pronounced and qualified treatment will be required.

What to do with a hornet bite?

What to do with a hornet bite?

The list of recommendations that should be followed in the event of an insect attack:

  • remove particles of the sting from the wound if it has broken off and got into the skin;

  • gently squeeze out insect venom;

  • rinse with alcohol or manganese solution;

  • use treatment products that contain an acid that neutralizes harmful substances;

  • take an antihistamine;

  • call a doctor at home or go to a medical institution on your own.

In the hospital, the doctor will determine the severity of the condition and apply the necessary drugs.

[Video] What to do with a wasp or hornet sting. Health School. Gubernia TV:

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  1. ကျွန်တော်က ၂၄ရက်နေ့ညက ပဒူအကိုက်ခံရပါတယ် ဒါပေမ့ဲ ဝမ်းသွားချင် အော့အမ်ချင်မရှိရပါဘူး ဒါပေမ့ဲ အကိုက်ခံထားရတယ်နေရာကတော့ ရောင်လာပါတယ်. အဲဒါန့ဲ ကြွက်သွန်ဖြူအရည်ထုပ်ပြီး လိမ်လိုက်တော့ ၂ရက်လောက်ကြတော့ အရောင်ပြန်ကျသွားပါတယ်. ဖုရောင်ချင်းတော့မရှိပါဘူး နောက်ဖြစ်လာမယ်ဆိုးကျိုးတွေ ဘာတွေရှိမရှိသိချင်းပါတယ့

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