What is useful semolina

A lot of controversy revolves around semolina porridge, who is sure that there is nothing useful in it, but someone loves and uses it year after year. We will not convince you of this or the opposite, but simply tell you what is the use of semolina.

– You can’t argue with the fact that semolina is high in calories – therefore, this porridge will help restore strength to people with a weakened body after protracted illnesses and during rehabilitation;

– This porridge is low in fiber, which means that it is safe for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

– With gastritis and ulcers, this porridge will not cause pain and discomfort, because it is digested in the lower intestine;


– Semolina has a cleansing and adsorbing effect in the intestines, energizes and strengthens bones.

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