What does eggplant contain?

Eggplants are not as popular and ubiquitous as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, but they are extremely nutritious and healthy for humans. The nutrients in eggplant not only contribute to maintaining good health, but also prevent the development of certain diseases. So, what are its main advantages: An antioxidant compound, nasunin, is found in eggplant skins. According to a 2005 study, the nasunin in eggplant has anti-hygiogenic properties. According to experts, cancer cells have the ability to angiogenesis, thereby providing their own blood supply. Due to this ability of cancer cells, they cause rapid tumor growth. The anti-angiogenic properties of nasunin prevent the occurrence of angiogenesis, thereby preventing tumor growth. Eggplant is rich in chlorogenic acid, known for its antioxidant properties. According to research by the US Department of Agriculture, chlorogenic acid is the dominant antioxidant in eggplant. It reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and kills free radicals that cause cancer. Chlorogenic acid has the properties of antimutagenic protection and prevention of cell mutation into cancer cells. In addition, experts believe that this acid has antiviral properties that help in the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. Eggplants contain many vitamins, but they are especially rich in vitamin C, folic acid, B vitamins, vitamin A. These vitamins have a positive effect on the general condition of the body and increase resistance to various diseases. Also, eggplant contains minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and potassium, which prevent the development of arthritis, osteoporosis and heart disease.

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