Week 21 of pregnancy – 23 WA

Baby’s 21st week of pregnancy

Our baby measures approximately 27 centimeters from head to tailbone, and weighs approximately 450 grams.

Baby’s development during week 21 of pregnancy

The fetus is like an elephant calf: its skin is still a little too big for it and it wrinkles! There is not yet enough fat underneath. It is especially the last two months that our baby will grow. His hair and nails continue to grow and he sucks his thumb very often. Our baby is still as active as ever, and we can now feel it often! He also hears sounds, especially the lower ones (like his daddy’s voice). He will even memorize them.

The 21st week of pregnancy on our side

Our belly is very round. The uterine height measured during the antenatal visit is 22 centimeters. The uterus begins to take up a lot of space and to press very noticeably on the other organs. You may feel a little heartburn because the uterus goes up and the diaphragm, between the uterus and the esophagus, closes less well. Unfortunately, they generally tend to be stronger in late pregnancy. If they become too troublesome, it is better for our doctor. He will be able to prescribe a suitable medication for us.

Too much food promotes these acid refluxes. Also, we make smaller but more frequent meals. We avoid acidic, spicy, too fatty foods, carbonated drinks … To be relieved, we do not sleep flat. We stand up slightly with the help of a pillow.

Our memo

If you don’t feel too tired, why not get some physical activity? Being pregnant does not mean that you have to stop exercising. However, some sports are more recommended than others. Swimming, walking, yoga, gentle gymnastics, water aerobics… all we have to do is choose. On the other hand, we forget the combat sports (judo, karate, boxing…), thrill sports (skiing, mountaineering…) and collective (volleyball, basketball…).

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