Wall treatment with copper sulfate; how to dilute copper sulfate for wall treatment

Wall treatment with copper sulfate; how to dilute copper sulfate for wall treatment

How to dilute copper sulfate for wall treatment

How the walls are treated with copper sulfate

Before proceeding with the processing of the room, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces.

  • We need to inspect the walls. All places where the presence of a fungal colony will be noticed will need to be thoroughly cleaned. You can use a spatula or fine-grained sandpaper here.
  • Cleaned surfaces with soapy water. In the future, this will provide better adhesion of the copper sulfate granules and the surface.
  • The walls should be completely dry.
  • Then pour the prepared solution of copper sulfate from a spray bottle and thoroughly spray the areas affected by the fungus. You can also apply the product using a regular dishwashing sponge.
  • After 4-6 hours, when the walls are completely dry, the treatment with an aqueous solution of copper sulfate must be carried out again.

In total, you will need to perform several procedures – from 2 to 5. The number depends on how deeply the spores of the fungus have penetrated into the surface of the wall.

If the mold has penetrated deep into the surface, there will be little surface treatment. In this case, it is recommended to knock down the entire layer of contaminated plaster and sanitize the surface with copper sulfate.

Copper sulfate is a poisonous substance, therefore, when processing, it is required to use personal protective equipment – a mask, a dressing gown and rubber gloves. Then the room will need to be left for several days. As a rule, two to three days will be quite enough for the copper sulfate solution to dry out completely. After that, the room will be safe for human health.

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